#208708052Wednesday, February 01, 2017 7:33 AM GMT

(You can still join.)
#208715309Wednesday, February 01, 2017 11:18 AM GMT

Can you join in as a South Park character?
#208717013Wednesday, February 01, 2017 12:28 PM GMT

Vosa The abomination that Joan cut moves forward again swinging a backhand towards her The other two move in on Jaun Attacking from both sides, trying to pummel him Ares The heads hiss. Their eyes turn bright red and they smile, "Who said anything about fair little girl? When have the gods ever been fair towards you mortals or anyone else?" The Alpha hwosl and the group attacks as one running forward aiming for weak points, Knees, Hamstrings, Arms, Throats. The ones you stabbed disappear in a cloud of smoke. As the Harpies continue to strike at the lycan a bull roaring(?) can be heard as a minotaur turns a corner and sees the wolfman. It charges forward and swings its axe to chop him in half. Doomsday The grenade once again does nothing as i chase after Commander Eric "Right not getting away that easily." I grab the chain attached to the hammer and spin it around my head three times before throwing it, hitting doomsday square in the back knocking him forward and over. I quickly draw it back. "Cmon biggie that all you got?" Will I look at Lucario, "Readings and scans indicate the Titan of Terror and KRathlork are behind the explosion." Antonio I look over the city and straight towards the white house, "You know Vasquez, that idiot of a president thinks he can play both sides of the game but itll catch up to him eventually." Vasquez "Of course boss, YOu said that about your competitors too and look what happened to them." I shrug, "YOu plan on taking the presidency boss?" Antonio I turn around in my chair and look across the desk at my enforcer, "Of course. This nation needs a man with experience fighting these, crossovers. They pollute the planet and act like gods above us everyday mortals." Vasquez "Wait but i go tpowers boss?" Antonio "Indeed you do, but our german friend made the mutagen that transformed you, plus your from this world." Endemic I appear behind Joan, "Wow that things even uglier than i am."
#208721153Wednesday, February 01, 2017 3:04 PM GMT

(success! I thought you're gonna help me with my piratepad :((((((( pls help.)
#208721861Wednesday, February 01, 2017 3:25 PM GMT

(Hmm. Consul, I take it that you're using the fight in order to introduce Eric?) The Commander That's it. "Avenger 01, fire plasma beams at target. I throw another grenade, and it blows up. A few seconds later, plasma beams blast Doomsday. Gear I keep moving back, firing lasers at the Spheroids. I wasn't looking backwards.
#208723282Wednesday, February 01, 2017 4:12 PM GMT

(Sorta.) Doomsday i shrug off both the blast and the beam, "Your primitive technology cant harm me!" I pick up a collapsed roof and throw it like a discus at Commander. I pick Eric up and smash him into the ground while pummeling him. Eric I hold up my arm where a shield materializes and takes the hits, "Got anything to get him off me mate?" I grunt out while looking at Commander.
#208725302Wednesday, February 01, 2017 5:09 PM GMT

-Henry- Err... Well. Change of tactics. "Take out the leader! That might make them scatter" I say, as I slide under the hound rushing towards me, slashing its underside and using the styler to yank another one towards me, wheeling around, slamming it into a nearby wall with a swing of my tails. "You think that I would have no experience with this, but trust me, I've dealt with the likes of you many times." Blocking another one, "You know, just not so deranged though." -Katherine- "Shut up and fight!" I start making my way to towards the howl, all the while ripping my katana clean through another 5 clustered together and using a Flamethrower attack to burn one of them, and stabbing another one coming up from behind. "Mika would not like to see this. Not even Niko for that matter. These hounds have terrible defense."
#208726102Wednesday, February 01, 2017 5:27 PM GMT

Ares The Alpha morphs, standing up until i stand in his place. I twirl my sword and smile beneath my helmet. "Not the sport i was hunting for but you'll make nice trophies nonetheless." The other surviving hounds morph into Spartans holding shields and swords circling the group.
#208726856Wednesday, February 01, 2017 5:46 PM GMT

-Katherine- "Us? Trophies? Mm, not today. Not ever for that matter." I charge forward in a blur of gold and silver, unholstering my pistol, point the barrel at a soldier forehead and pull the trigger, doing the same for each of the other soldiers and slashing off heads that I didn't shoot at the same time. "You know, just because we're part foxes does not mean you take trophies of us." -Henry- Oh great, my DA is acting up again, the data is really starting to flow in now. "Katherine, I'm pretty sure we won't be able to literally kill the leader anymore. Rout the rest!" Somersaulting over the soldiers that have tried to surround us faster than most can react, I also unholster my pistol and start firing at them in the legs, and stabbing some in the back of the neck. "I hear more fighting elsewhere! We aren't the only ones in here!"
#208729385Wednesday, February 01, 2017 6:40 PM GMT

(@Pony No joke, yes. You can be whatever as long as you don't overpower it, haha! @Sage Give me a sec) @Marc, Sage, Faction, Consul, Henry and Super(?) The Teams: "Well, this should be interesting." Lucario commented at the mention of Krathlork and the Titan of Terror. "Keep your guard up. Knowing them from before, they're probably fighting against each other. That doesn't mean they won't cause collateral damage." Cassandra, Ares, Henry, and Katherine: Lycanroc raised his claw again, moving it towards the blade of the axe where he shoved it out of the way, forcing it back towards the minotaur and sending sparks flying. What's more, Lycanroc seemed to have calculated the best way to deflect it, as the axe's momentum was moving towards where the harpies would be striking. @Gear Gear: You manage to take down two, but you can hear one stepping from behind. That's probably more than two tons of metal about to crush you. But you could easily identify the weak spots of them now that you had destroyed a few. Right in the middle of the faceplate!
#208730128Wednesday, February 01, 2017 6:53 PM GMT

Ares The bullet bounces off me harmlessly, the spartans however disappear in cloud of smoke similar ot the dogs. "Enough of your foolishness." I raise my hand, your weapons covered in a red aura as they stop working or wont move anymore frozen in place, "I shall gut you both and send you to tartarus." I move quickly sending a knee into henrys stomach. The minotaur pulls back on the axe but not quick enough before a harpy gets cut in half, it bellows in rage as it swings overhead and the harpies lash out at the lycans feet. Will I tilt my head for a second, "Probability of full team survival is 23% at best. I do not recommend attacking the Titan and the Insane god."
#208733430Wednesday, February 01, 2017 7:49 PM GMT

(@consel, aiming at the Spartan soldiers, not Ares, and not firing bullets, firing highly concentrated energy in pulse lasers.)
#208734345Wednesday, February 01, 2017 8:03 PM GMT

(Ahh, Still your weapons are frozen.)
#208734483Wednesday, February 01, 2017 8:05 PM GMT

-Henry- (485/500) I take it with no recoil and I hardly feel anything thanks to my styler taking most of the impact. "So you want to play like that eh?" I back up and attempt to imprison his abilities according to mine, making his sword useless without him knowing and his ability to disable our weapons. "Try that sword of yours I dare you." I say, preparing to rush behind him. -Katherine- Well, there goes our weapons. Like that has EVER been a problem. I charge up and send a large Energy Ball straight through the crowd of soldiers mowing most of them down, and getting behind another one, slamming him with my tails into another soldier. "Henry, don't just stand there!"
#208735228Wednesday, February 01, 2017 8:17 PM GMT

[Alright, can someone give me a tl;dr version?]
#208735687Wednesday, February 01, 2017 8:24 PM GMT

(California is currently under attack by Titan of Terror and Krathlork [sorry Roq, can't spell], there's a limo par~ I mean, battle with Lucario and the Teams, and my characters and Cassandra are under attack by Ares.)
#208735738Wednesday, February 01, 2017 8:25 PM GMT

Ares I spin the sword quickly around my hand, "You play against the god of war mortal, your power is no match for mine." The sword shifts into a desert eagle an di open fire, red energy firing from the muzzle. The Spartans focus on the girl their spears glowing red stabbing at her.
#208739432Wednesday, February 01, 2017 9:19 PM GMT

(Fast post before track.) -Origins Richtofen- Holstering his Mk. 3 on the still-moving limo- mind you, this wasn't that strange to him- he only gave Lucario a suspicious look as if he were the main culprit. Regardless, he sighed. "I guess you have un point. But there's too many of them in that city. No way could we all get in without being attacked by an army." -Cassandra- At the mention of the Greek gods, the girl's green eyes flashed angrily. She remembered what Sophitia had cried out just before their swords had clashed. [My gods have forsaken me!] The mere thought made her blood boil with rage, and be consumed with rage she did. Throwing her Digamma Shield with sudden force towards the middle head so she at least would be able to decapitate one of them, Cassie, with renewed invigoration, rushed forwards at an almost inhumane speed, completely forgetting about defense and going for the offensive strike. "This is for my sister, you sack of ####### ### cried out before quickly leaping in the air, slashingn at another head. -Joan- Gasping, she ducked almost instinctively as she raised her Sacred Lily to try a block.
#208752777Wednesday, February 01, 2017 11:46 PM GMT

(Err, Consul? Weren't they holding swords?) -Henry- As soon as he pulled the trigger, I immediately came up right behind him, leaving behind a projected image left over from the burst of speed. The beam passes harmlessly through the illusion. "True, but you know, you're pretty stupid for a god," I said, twisting his wrist hard and taking the gun out of his hand, and jumping back. "Would you like to see what I can do with YOUR gun?" I start infusing it wth my own styler's (which will always work regardless) energy to block out whatever gimmick he uses to counter, and swapping out the clip with my own. "Free magazine too. Neato!" -Katherine- (245/300) I was fast enough to dodge most of them, but one of them grazed me across the side. "You think you're really smart by just disabling OUR weapons, but we have a LOT more weapons to choose from here." I take a sword from off the ground of one of those defeated soldiers and let loose a Dark Pulse, sending most of them sailing into the wall. With most of them off my back, I start stabbing the tip in the throat of the soldiers with precision. "You were better off with the hounds, to be honest."
#208753628Wednesday, February 01, 2017 11:56 PM GMT

Commander "I do. It will probably make him very angry though, so I hope you can back me up." I get up. That ruin hitting me was extremely painful. I start floating in the air, and aim my Psi Amp at the sky. In a few seconds, a meteor floats down, and I send it on top of of Doomsday. R. Gear Weakpoints? Meh. I equip my shield, and start running into the Spheroids. "RUN!HAHAHAHA!!!" (Hey, Henry, if you can see this, need backup?)
#208753895Wednesday, February 01, 2017 11:59 PM GMT

(Mm, if you want. It's pretty much a mini event with Ares right now. Faction, Success, and I are currently in this, but you could join if you like.)
#208754047Thursday, February 02, 2017 12:01 AM GMT

(The Duelist is arriving. Hang in there, Henry and Katherine.)
#208754548Thursday, February 02, 2017 12:07 AM GMT

(If you haven't noticed... The (###/###) is their overall hit points.) -Henry- (495/500) (styler assisted protection, and also being part-Pokémon) -Katherine- (245/250) [corrected] (her HP due to being part-Pokémon)
#208760079Thursday, February 02, 2017 1:04 AM GMT

Ares I wave my hand and the gun disappears and my sword back in my hand, "Very quick for pokemon hybrids. However i tire of our game." I snap my fingers and the spartans disappear. I grow taller and larger and look down at the pair, "You will both die and join my army of defeated warriors." The hydras middle head is stunned bu the others bite and spit at the greek girl Vosa I look up as pieces of concrete tumble down, "Seems those two have started their fight, good. The portal is almost complete and i can summon the vanguard of the army Endemic I zip infront of Joan an dwaggle my ####### #### should see a seamtress you are terrible. Whoever sewed you up should be ashamed." I lay a hand on the giants chest and watch as the skin rapidly decomposes and falls apart leaving a pile of dust. I move over to Jaun and touch the back of both abominations quickly reducing them to piles of dust. "All done."
#208763973Thursday, February 02, 2017 1:48 AM GMT

-Henry- Ehh. Plan failed. Quickly scanning upward, I look over carefully for any weak points, but I guess I'll never find out unless I fight. I flick my hands for show, and rematerialize new weapons for us, warping the ones that have frozen in the air back to my homeworld. "Ahh, and this fox still has even more tricks to show you." I toss a new gun and sword to Katherine, all the while sheathing my rapier and releasing the expander on my own gun and priming it: inserting the clip, opening the bolt and closing it, and releasing the safety. He still doesn't know that we imprisoned his ability to disable or freeze weapons and rendered his weapons useless, which I find overall hilarious. Any god who was smarter would know that something was up. I prepare to dodge and follow up with a full clip of shots. -Katherine- The soldiers on my tail(s) disappear in a puff of smoke, and Henry just warped in a couple of new weapons and threw a pair to me. "Why gee thanks." I catch both of them, sheathing my new katana, and slamming in a mag into the now-transformed rifle and shooting the bolt in one swift hand gesture. "That ability can really come in handy sometimes." I said, getting ready to get behind and counter.