#209592454Sunday, February 12, 2017 4:28 PM GMT

RUBY I then stab my sniper-scythe into ### ######
#209592465Sunday, February 12, 2017 4:29 PM GMT

(Marc, how about you learn to scroll up to check if you lateposted?)
#209593084Sunday, February 12, 2017 4:38 PM GMT

NORA "Hmm... Sure." Although I don't have a swimsuit... RUBY I then stab my sniper-scythe into her stomach.
#209593198Sunday, February 12, 2017 4:40 PM GMT

(The hotel provides a swimsuit.) Zyria She ##### ### ### ######## putting on her swimsuit and leaving her clothes in the room. She puts her jacket on and waits for Nora to ready erself. In the meantime she waits at the lobby.
#209594038Sunday, February 12, 2017 4:52 PM GMT

NORA I went looking for one, and...oh. Found it in the team RW_Y and _NPR room. Guess the hotel provides some the whole time. I switch out my clothes for the swimsuit and went outside of the room to meet Zyria. Ooh yeah. WEISS, YANG, PYRRHA, REN Wait a minute. Did I just see Nora, err, Gavin in a swimsuit? (bluhh too laze to type different responses for wypr, aka wiper)
#209594751Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:02 PM GMT

tear in the multi nuts XDD
#209597298Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:34 PM GMT

Why, yes you did, you just saw Gavin in a swimsuit. What as the world become? Zyria She goes to the beach.
#209597716Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:39 PM GMT

NORA Okay, I don't know why Lil. J, and the rest of the teams were looking at me...weird, but jeez. Are they really like that towards women in swimsuits..? And now I'm lightly blushing because of that thinking. Oh well... That's just something like # thing in anime, I guess. I follow Zyria to the beach.
#209600975Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:16 PM GMT

Caboose While they were fighting Caboose sat down to watch, but near the end a str#y shard went right into his chest, "I'm in pain" As hi##health alarm started to ring in Tucker and Church's suits they ran up to Caboose Tucker He got down on one knee, "Oi, Caboose, can you hear me? It's gonna be alright okay, it'll all be fine." Church He readied his rifle and pointed it at the two girls, "Tucker, look after Caboose, " He stepped a bit forward to them, "What the hell? What happened? " Caboose "My chest hurts, I think I'm hurting" Some blood would dribble from under his helmet Tucker "Don't speak caboose, I'm here, it's gonna be okay, see, we're gonna fix you up okay" He tried to make caboose feel comfortable while resting him on his side, "Uhh church, Caboose was the only one with medical training..." Church He ran back aside caboose, "Hey buddy, listen to me, you don't die until I say okay, that's an order" Caboose "..." He was unable to speak, all that came out was # wheeze. Tucker "He was shot in the lung, what do we do?" Church "....I, dont know."
#209602374Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:32 PM GMT

(When Endemic is ignored)
#209604457Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:55 PM GMT

( I know them feels man)
#209619576Sunday, February 12, 2017 9:12 PM GMT

("Marc, how about you learn to scroll up to check if you lateposted?" it's probably more of a ninjapost happens to the best of us)
#209619862Sunday, February 12, 2017 9:15 PM GMT

(succ, what's 2016 me in a nutshell?)
#209622279Sunday, February 12, 2017 9:40 PM GMT

( /mmCdJq1 )
#209623582Sunday, February 12, 2017 9:52 PM GMT

(so the robot trio was basically stars of arms the nintendo switch game ok not to mention me getting into rwby)
#209636709Monday, February 13, 2017 12:10 AM GMT

(Marc, what i roleplayed is legit happening in front of you
#209638668Monday, February 13, 2017 12:31 AM GMT

Church He'd get up from cabooses body and walk to the two fighting girls, "What the hell? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" He had his gun aimed at the girl with the sythe's head
#209641274Monday, February 13, 2017 12:59 AM GMT

Marina I got stabbed so bad, but I look up at Ruby and say "It seems that I have underestimated you...both." I then push myself to remove the blade from my s##mach. I pick up little chunk of the ledge and ate it, regenerating my w##nds. I turn to Jared and asked "Tell me? Why don't you know what true beauty is?" Jared "Well, I don't even care how beautiful the looks are. What matters is the inside. They say that true beauty is in the yes of the beholder, we have our own perspective when it comes to looking at something that is perfect, according to our mindsets. All of us have different views, sometimes we could agree." Marina "Jared, Ruby, Medina, it seems that I have mistaken all of you. Jared, from what you've said, it seems that you do care about true beauty. Ruby, your skills are at my level, and I think I should respect that. And Medina, you are no cook, your the best cook. I'm...sorry." Jared "So...what now?" Medina "I know!" Many minutes later... Medina "BEACH PARTY!" I yell as a## of us are at the beach (yeah, I'm joining you Roq). I have set up a bu#fet just for the entire group. I hope they'll like my f##d. Jared, Talavera, Mikoto, Geas, Gen, Clyde, and Elza They are hoarding the food...a lot. Jena and Deborah They are currently taking a st#oll, holding each other hands and their fingers intertwined. Marina As I watch the group having fun, I look at Medina and say "What a great idea to set up a dinner party. Since when did you know about this?" Medina "Well, when we are about to go back into our rooms, I saw Zyria in a swim suit, and that sparked an idea." Marina I smile at her, what a bright girl she is.
#209642127Monday, February 13, 2017 1:09 AM GMT

TEAM RW_Y and _NPR Currently eating food with Jared and co. BLAKE Hmm... Maybe I should just compromise between Jared and ## family. Also, this party looks like fun. NORA ...Well, didn't see that coming.
#209642792Monday, February 13, 2017 1:17 AM GMT

Marina I think I should have fun as well, so I decided to eat along with the rest. I then noticed that Medina didn't put that wretched spice on the meals. Just perfect. Jared I think I'm getting full, and while I'm still in my Alolan form, I decided to catch some waves. "Surfs up!" I yell as I use my tail as a surfboard to ride through the waves.
#209642895Monday, February 13, 2017 1:18 AM GMT

-Henry- "I'm a Ranger, not a trainer, if you can see by my styler here." Noticing it was on the WHOLE TIME. "I don't have Pokéballs or anything of the sort so..." -Katherine- "Hey guys up there," Flicking the mic towards my m##th, "We need a fr#gate, and some very strong flashlights." -Niko- (radio) "Got it. Just make sure to send it back. It'll be at you location in about 5 minutes, give it time." -Katherine- "Can't you warp it down here? We have something to accomplish." -Niko- "-sigh-, FINE, but I'm NOT responsible if it warps underground." -inaudible mumbling- -Katherine- "Thank you." Hearing the sound of the warp drive outside, "Come on, I'll teach you how to steer this ride," dragging Zoroark by the arm up the stairs of the basement and out the door. -Henry- "Sorry, my sis is a little physical." I say going up to the waiting frigates, climbing up into the pilot seat, and opening up the passenger module for Zoroark and Katherine to get inside. "No funny business in there, alright?" ... You know, the whole reason why I allow my Pokémon to free-roam is because... What do they get from being inside a PokéBall until they're needed? They should be allowed to have fresh air whenever they want, and do what they want. If they really want to stick with me, they can. Heh... I think a lot like... -Katherine- (FILTER, for some awful reason) "Henry, quit daydreaming, we have places to go."
#209646856Monday, February 13, 2017 2:00 AM GMT

Church He went back to their room, where they found gaige in her swim suit Gaige "What happened to Caboose? " She's see the blood. Church "He was shot, hey i heard you were going to the beach? Please get caboose help. PLEASE" He was on the verge of crying ... Gaige She rushed down to the beach where she found the others, " HELP WE NEED HELP MY FRIEND IS HURT BAD" Shed call out to who she thought she recognised.
#209647793Monday, February 13, 2017 2:10 AM GMT

@Henry The Pokemon: Zoroark was a bit stunned ## Katherine dragged him up, but he quickly regained his composure nonetheless. He looked around at the inside, staring in wonderment. "You've got some impressive amounts of technology in here." He commented offhandedly, getting closer to some of the walls.
#209649316Monday, February 13, 2017 2:26 AM GMT

Jared I heard Gaige yelling, so I went up to her and ask "What? What's going on?"
#209650079Monday, February 13, 2017 2:35 AM GMT

Gaige "Jared thank god your here, Caboose his bleeding" She'd take him back to her room where caboose was laying down only in boxer shorts with blood gushing from his ribs. Church "It's you, the one with the girls on the roof when we asked for help you just walked past"