#208179976Wednesday, January 25, 2017 12:24 PM GMT

Jared I look out from the window and saw a silver car firing something at the peacekeeper. "Who are these guys?!" I ask, freaking out. I ran to the back of the limo and hide inside one of the ammo caches. Jena and Deborah They both hid as well. Devonecia "God damn it, of all people around the world." I say, disgusted as to what's going on. I don't seem to mind the situation at all.
#208181950Wednesday, January 25, 2017 1:26 PM GMT

(I go on just one overnight camping trip, and we've already been botted to hell Fin Ronit Ronit looks around and surveys the area. It's fairly obvious that this rig is old, and the alloys... lackluster. The quality of alloys used shows this world is atleast at a decent technological level. Ronit sighs in defeat as he recollects himself on his earlier portal incident. Forced out by his own brothers into this ramshackle place. Building a portal back alone, without any help and his current resources, could take years. That means he's going to need to get help, but it's clearly obvious help isn't here. He needs a way to land, a boat or a raft. Ronit hope there's one nearby.
#208186792Wednesday, January 25, 2017 3:43 PM GMT

(Someone accept Eric Jus'elin for n the sign up. He is pivotal for future event.)
#208196128Wednesday, January 25, 2017 6:19 PM GMT

Titan of Terror He does his best to ignore the God of Insanity and looks back to Joan and Jaune. "So... Tell me human female, you have powers don't you? And you're somehow connected to the other Gods, right?" He walks up to them, resuming the talk. "Because, you see... I have a score to settle with all of them, including that clown over there." He told the French maiden, pointing to Krathlork when he said 'clown'.
#208215070Wednesday, January 25, 2017 10:50 PM GMT

(filler-ish) -Henry- "Well, did you find out anything?" -Katherine- "Not much. Just your average mystery crossover." I unholster my gun. "Wondering right now if Eric could handle the recoil this thing packs. Then again, the only reason why we can handle this is because we got used to it." -Henry- "What, you liking Eric or something now?" Poking her lightly in the arm, and watching her blush very slowly. "Thinking about him? Eh?" -Katherine- "What the, NO!" This is getting awkward and fast. "Back on topic. We still need to figure out what to do. And..." I stare at one paper airplane flying over from Eric's direction to the departing limo with literally perfect accuracy, and I see a familiar shape, "Well, things cannot get any weirder." (BTW, @success. To quickly reach a moderator, search in groups, "Community Engagement Team". It should list every single OFFICIAL moderator and allow you to check whether they're online.)
#208223949Thursday, January 26, 2017 12:36 AM GMT

(More filler.) Space Needle, Seattle, King County, Washington The Space Needle was an icon to Seattle, it is a tourist spot and an observatory. Today, this tower will serve as the new base for the MSA. In all of its elevators, there is a code that only members should know in order to access their underground base. In that base, numerous construction men are working with the base's creation. Like the one in Upton, this base is away from the public eye. Some of the workers are on a break, eating or busy chatting with themselves. Let us hear one of their conversations. "President wants to work this base for like two days. He doubled our men, our supplies, and our efforts. Does he really need this base so badly?" "I heard that this base will also be rigged with explosives. I think he plans on killing those crossover characters." "Really?! Then our efforts will be useless then!" "Settle down, will ya? I mean, I don't see any explosive around here, so this should be fine." "Yeah, I hope you're right."
#208228180Thursday, January 26, 2017 1:26 AM GMT

RUBY, WEISS, BLAKE, NORA, and PYRRHA "We're okay." (waaaah i got no time for detailed post crap rn)
#208228511Thursday, January 26, 2017 1:30 AM GMT

JAUNE I can't believe it. Krathy's just standing right there, just a mere handful of feet away from us and that the Guy-With-A-Title-That-Sounds-A-Little-Too-#######-Edgy is creeping up on us?! "Krath, do some ######## already!"
#208233915Thursday, January 26, 2017 2:34 AM GMT

Chojuna "Zombie girl, get on the back. Things are gonna get ugly here." I say to the living corpse, and she does so. Elza I get out from the front seat and I sat right next to Jared's older sister. Devonecia Hey, why sitting next me? Her appearance alone has already given me the creeps. I take a quick glance on her, but then I turn away. "Hey, Chojuna, how about speeding up the pace?" I ask him. Chojuna "How can I speed up if this 'thing' is on top of us?!" I say, regarding about the peacekeeper on the top of the limo. I step on the gas, increasing the acceleration, but that was a huge mistake. Elza I did not notice the speed suddenly picked up. It was so sudden that I fling towards the back of Chojuna's seat and hit my head against it, which then flies off my body and lands on Devonecia's lap. "uwa...anabawuwuhawa...(Oh head flew off...)" I say. Devonecia I screamed as I grab the severed head of the zombie girl and threw it to someone else. It landed on Mikoto. Mikoto "AH! GET THIS THING OFF MY LEGS!" I panicked as I toss the severed head to Geas. Geas "Hey! Why me?! Get it off!" I panicked as well as I toss the head to Talavera. Talavera "No! Not me!" I yell as I slap the head before it reaches me. It lands on Ren's lap.
#208235755Thursday, January 26, 2017 2:55 AM GMT

REN WHAT THE ####?! I throw it away from me, and--...oh no, it's heading towards Michael. YANG Yang screamed in a complicated mix of fear and rage, then yelled, while her eyes turned red, "FOR FLYING ###### SAKE, MATT!" before she threw it out of the window, but first, she immediately rolled that nearest window down.
#208237026Thursday, January 26, 2017 3:11 AM GMT

Elza My head! Why did she throw it out? My body quickly reacts. It opens the door and jumps out, then it runs for my head. It picks me up and attaches me back to where it belongs, then ties around with my ribbon. I immediately run back for the limo. Chojuna "Well, that's one of Jared's weird friends. But do you know who's more worst than the zombie girl? Either that robot girl that keeps on creeping Jared or the wannabe Japanese." .... Episode 9 End .... Elza I manage to get on the back of the limo, so I throw myself onto the back, but that is when I face the peacekeeper. Chojuna I look back and saw that the zombie girl has come back. "That fool! She isn't capable of fighting such monster!" I yell.
#208237248Thursday, January 26, 2017 3:15 AM GMT

REN "Hit it more, then!" YANG Hmm... Robot girl... Wait a second, I might've seen her before, r-right? ...Myeh. Looks like I definitely have, I guess. And--oh my ####### god, it's back!
#208237562Thursday, January 26, 2017 3:20 AM GMT

-Cassandra- An angered Greek warrior only glared at the hounds, unfazed whatsoever. She had seen her fair share in things, and this didn't really surprise her. "What, you want me to kill you slow?" She taunted them just before rushing forwards at one of the hounds that attempted to feint, likely taking it off guard as she slid forwards to deliver a hacking blow towards its face. -Origins Richtofen- Edward's mouth twitched slightly. Good. "I hope you didn't leave anything or anyone behind in that place, then..." The German replied. He kept his eyes on the road albeit he noticed the chaos on the limo outside. With a sigh in frustration, he pulled out his Ray Gun Mk. 3 in his left hand, and almost GTA-style leaned out the window to begin firing more "suppressive" rounds rather than aiming to hit the creature and not hit Elza. -Joan of Arc- Something about this figure scared her, but she didn't dare flee. She would never do that. What would happen to her companion if she did? "I shall never run and hide," The French maiden instead replied steadfastly, avoiding the Titan of Terror's question so that he would not be able to learn anything from her. Instead, the female stepped protectively in front of Jaune with her spear held in a defensive diagonal in front, ready to fight instead.
#208238386Thursday, January 26, 2017 3:31 AM GMT

Chojuna At this rate, if the German keeps on firing at e peacekeeper, he might accidentally shoot me. I don't know to the zombie girl though, best if she is a lot more dead. The deader, the better. I take a deep breath as I kept driving, positioning the vehicle for Richtofen to fire better at the monster.
#208249157Thursday, January 26, 2017 6:10 AM GMT

@Marc, Sage, Faction, Consul, Henry, Roq(?) and Super(?) The Teams: This peacekeeper certainly didn't look human. What's more, it actually looked familiar... Whatever the case, it was ridiculously fast. Any bit of ammunition fired at it was blocked by the spike on the back of its paw. It seemed more aggressive in its attacks than anything, considering that instead of full blocking it was actually punching forward to meet the projectiles. Meanwhile, Eric smirked a bit at Katherine before looking off to the side, obviously flustered. He overhead, but he didn't seem too used to these situations. You know, I doubt he even knows how to be roma########all. Cassandra: "Ah, these guys don't know what a true hound is!" The "werewolf," as you could closely describe it, gleefully laughed as he tore a chunk out of the ground and threw it at one of the beasts with stunning speed. The Duo of Destruction: A wind started to blow through the area. It was a bit chilly -- but there was something else about it. It felt... intentional, somehow. @luckee Fin Ronit A rescue boat off the side! It was dirtied and battered, but it still looked to be in some sort of working condition. It was dangling off of two wires, and all you needed to do was pull the release switch!
#208250945Thursday, January 26, 2017 6:39 AM GMT

Elza Seeing how dangerous it is, I take out my sword Bridal Shower and I walk towards it. Eventually I leap towards it and slash.
#208266901Thursday, January 26, 2017 12:57 PM GMT

Ares The sword meets the hound and it bursts into flames disappearing into a cloud of smoke the last hound growls as it backs up before running off into an alley. From my point I watch the hound run off and smirk, "Good. Let the hunt begin" Dr. Freigmund I easily keep up with the vehicles, "Vill svitch to ze Gauss cannon. Let us see if it can stop its molecular structure from being torn apart!" I let out a whoop as the miniguns slide down and are replaced by a cannon with crackling green energy. It fires a beam at the peacekeeper
#208268617Thursday, January 26, 2017 1:38 PM GMT

(Filler.) Devonecia This is getting too boring. I get out my phone and went to my notes. Just a little review of what I wrote in. I have a ton of notes, one of my favorites is the one about Jared. "HOW JARED IS STILL THE WEAKEST OF THE BUNCH" Yeah, that's how the title reads, really. It is a list of reasons why Jared is still weak compared to his former members. Lets see... -Jared can use his energy like Hamon, but does not make beams fire fully. Still weak. -Jared has a stand, but if he activates it, he'll never use his energy. Still weak. -Jared uses his energy, but cannot activate his stand. Still weak. -Jared can learn any type of physical pokemon move. Still weak. -Jared has the potential of gaining a semblance and unlocking his aura. Still weak. -Jared can drink perk-a-colas. Doesn't know how to use Gersch Devices. Still weak. -Jared is an inventor. Has created the Realm Gate and modified his phone. Still weak. -Jared is the first member and leader of the Seven Churches. Represents the Church of Euphrates. Still weak. -Jared has numerous crushes, but not his stalker. Still weak. -Jared has the potential to be either Krathlork's or Titan of Terror's disciple. Still weak. -Jared has fought and beaten a god before when he was a first year. Still weak. -Jared's friends are weird. Still weak. -Jared calls his Greek and German members as 'Mama and Papa'. Still weak. -Jared has been blessed by the peace^lordz with godly protection. Still weak. And with that said, I conclude that Jared is a weak person to be with, despite his numerous achievements. Why? All of these are powerful, why is he still weak? Because, he has yet to discover his 'true' power, something beyond the peace^lordz or the gods.
#208275012Thursday, January 26, 2017 3:59 PM GMT

(Where's Ares's hounds too for that matter...?) -Henry- "Well, only one way to find out who that is..." I say, swapping to the telescopic view in the P*DA, zooming into the figure on top of the limo. "Say Eric?" I yelled without looking at him, "You're not alone are you?" The figure was in shadow, that shape. "Is that Lucario by any chance?" -Katherine- "You know this reminds me of that cringey TV show with the 'Who's that Pokémon?' segment. I still think that show should go into the trash." -Henry- "Oh and there's even more to that. Someone's firing gangster-style out of a jeep window at the figure too, and..." I took off the lens and wiped it clean. Am I seeing things?
#208282963Thursday, January 26, 2017 7:25 PM GMT

(R.I.P The other thread, also, sans would most certainly notice the fcat we've moved to a new thread because of his awareness, he wouldn't know it as that- but something would feel off to him.) [sans] Something changed. Sans felt it. As if there had been a large disturbance and they'd been... moved. Not in the physical sense, but more as if- there was something more at work. He shook his head. Letting existential dread set in was not good, so he decided to focus on finding Papyrus and the... RWBY... yeah, RWBY gang. He scratched his skull. And reached deep into himself. He didn't know where they were... But if he spent a while, he could... hone in on their location per se. He felt a huge drain as he searched out for their tiny SOULs in the sea that was the space time continuum. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. He could tell immediately upon meeting them that their SOULs weren't in the right body, as if they had 'swapped'. It was even more obvious now he focused on it- but it wasn't all too strange, considering he had a PhD in what would be considered to be a theoretical science by everyone else apart from maybe ☝✌💧❄☜☼. Damn, couldn't even think his name without it being translated into that weird sign language He used. He felt himself moving through a shortcut, right next to them. Visible sweat is on his forehead from the sheer amount of power that went into that.
#208288161Thursday, January 26, 2017 9:21 PM GMT

Titan of Terror "Answer my question. It's not a good idea to anger a God, especially a violent one." The fearsome figure bluntly told her, getting even closer even though he was walking at a slow pace. Krathlork "Welp, that's enough." The God of Insanity said as he got into a ferocious battle stance: his chain-like spears sprouting off his back and getting ready to stab, along with his posture being more... Intimidating. He appears infront of the Titan of Terror, blowing a orb of darkness right infront of his face. Titan of Terror He's blown away but that's not enough to stop him, he's pushed back but lands on both feet, keeping the same posture from before before he was blown away, which is pretty impressive if you think about it. "Krathlork, don't make me kill you just yet." He said, but his voice seemed emotionless, almost as if it looks like that he was mocking Krathlork.
#208288756Thursday, January 26, 2017 9:33 PM GMT

(Ares hounds just ran from Cassandra. I dunno what city they're in.) @ Roq and Fac A couple zombies and skeletons shuffle and walk through the rubble behind Joan shifting through the debris while more intact corpses wearing army uniforms stand guard. Vosa I sit channeling power into the portal. The energy flowing from my staff into a crystal placed in the center of the topmost stone of the gate.
#208288839Thursday, January 26, 2017 9:35 PM GMT

(Then where's Cassandra?)
#208291490Thursday, January 26, 2017 10:21 PM GMT

Eric I look around as the light fades and blink rapidly to regain my sight. All around me buildings are in ruin around me as smoke rises in the distance. "I can barely feel him and this doesn't look like his handiwork so this must be something new." As I start walking a primordial roar fills the air with anger and hate. Communicating on the most basic level of its intent. Kill.
#208302439Friday, January 27, 2017 1:07 AM GMT

(Never mind.) -Henry- I glance through the P*DA lens, only to see that the figures weren't there. "Never mind. I thought I saw Mika or Niko." (If you remember Mightyena, they look like what the hounds' description said. Red eyes and black fur. Coincidence?)