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#206482578Friday, January 06, 2017 2:24 AM GMT

Game Rules: - No God Modding {If you want a character to be ages old, you can do that, but doesn't mean you can be invinsible.} - Must Use PTK {If you god mod, instead of kicking or banning you, we will use an "arbitar" to kill your character and he may not be revived.} - You Can Be OP, But Follow These Guidelines. {If you wanna have an OP battle between two OP people go ahead we don't mind, but if you're going agaisnt some random guy on the streets of Tatooine, be fair and go down to around their level.} - Don't ask for VIP, Mod or Admin. {You will be warned, and if you persist banned.} - Don't be, in the best way we can put it on roblox, mean. {Don't come into the game and complain and criticise just for the sake of being annoying. Constructed criticism is appreciated though.} - No trolling. - Be kind to newbies, we all were like them once. - Don't yell AA if I ban someone for being an idiot in chat. {~Bluerecon117}

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