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#206633362Sunday, January 08, 2017 12:25 AM GMT

/This Role play is Alternate Reality, the events are not true but role play historically\ The year is 1885. The civil war has been over for years. The nation is united, except for a small band of brothers. They were located in northern Florida. Only a few of them even supported the Confederates. They had different reasons behind the rebellion they were planning. Each one of the brothers had all been wronged by the law, some of them losing their houses or jobs, or some of them not getting the justice they wanted. Only July 10th, 1885, they started their rebellion. With a large outlaws, ex confederates, bounty hunters. and people seeking vengeance, they started taking over land for their new Utopia. They swept across the state, the inhabitants completely surprised out of the blue. You would be too if a line about a mile wide of men with guns ran through you. By 6 o'clock, July 11th, 1885, they had complete control of the state of Florida. They decided to slow things up, and only 'invade a few acres' of land of the states above them. They moved West, Southeast and Northeast. A fort was to be built in every major city of Florida. The Southern line took over the Keys, and they stopped there. They new better to go to Cuba, which was heavily defended by coastal forts. They kept it on their list, however. The Eastern line went across the south tip of Alabama. They continued through Mississippi, taking the southern half of the De Soto National Forest. Despite their orders (Which was to take 'a few more acres'), they continued Southwest, took control of New Orleans, and 'cut off' their Eastern offensive around modern day Cut Off Louisiana. The Fort was to be located in New Orleans, and is named 'Red Sky', due to color of the sky when their offensive stopped Lastly, the Northern lines went through Georgia, sticking to the coast, swept all the way up to Hilton-Head South Carolina. They met stronger resistance there, and they started to lose men left and right. They dug in, and started to create their makeshift fort. It was 1PM, July 11th, 1885. The Northern Fort was deemed the name Guilt, for the amount of that emotion for pressing too much north and losing men because of it. . The US military didn't bother fighting them, because with the invasion they had posted the border along the way, and sent wagons North into the United states with leaflets, telling the people their reasoning, and telling the military they would not attack anymore if they were to keep their side of the border their way, and not invade their ways of life. A week later, all non supporters had been kicked out of their country, and had their name recorded at the Capital, Orlando, so if they ever came back, they wouldn't ever be seen again. This new country is The People's Land of Dixie It is August 3rd, 1885. Your story is about to begin. Character Sheet Name:(Nicknames allowed) Age: (Obvious) Faction: T P L D (Soldier), T P L D (Civilian), USA (Soldier/Civilian), Other (Approval from me) Race: (No racism by the way guys, use common sense for rules and such, if you're not sure, wait for me to say something about it if it is wrong and against the 'invisible rules') Appearance: (Clothes, Hair, etc.) Purpose: (If you are a T P L D civilian or soldier, why you chose your way) Equipment: (Anything you have) Bio: (Optional) Other: (Optional)

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