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#206661834Sunday, January 08, 2017 5:38 AM GMT

Rules : No abusing Music. Don't abuse `Pitch` You have to leave music On for 5 Minutes, and You have to ask the Person if you can change it, if they say no, Another five minutes, So 10 minutes max. Don't Abuse you're admin. No godmodding. (Under some exceptions.) Fnaf is Allowed *Like all other rps* Respect those Higher ranked then you, And The same rank as you, And those ranked below you. If you want to help me build, Message me In chat and party. No spamming. Destroying Morphs and Buildings that I Worked hard on can lead to a demotion. Owner to Sa, Sa to Admin, Admin to Mod, Mod to Player. Don't interupt iiClarityOrchid's M's, They can be essential. What shelby and rose say, Goes. Under my confirmation. All Mods+ Respect players and their opinions. The players are valued, Don't Kick them, And only Slock with my confirmation.

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