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#206781573Monday, January 09, 2017 6:58 PM GMT

Hi everyone! I wanted to suggest adding Steam* as a another thing you could link to your Roblox account; the same as Twitter, Twitch, etc. that Roblox already has. I was thinking about this because i know that a lot of us "gamers" don't play Roblox non-stop and tend to play other games beyond it. So i was thinking of just adding one simple addition of putting an option to put in your Steam* URL so players can play with each other in other ways than just Roblox. This also slightly concerns the topic of censoring things like : consecutive numbers in Roblox site chat as well as some letters in a row like : "gg" ; making using other things like Discord or Steam impossible. In my opinion this would increase the popularity of Roblox as well because word would spread over Steam* and bring more people's friends as it would seem more convinient. It also would be nice (I understand this probably won't happen) for Roblox to be able to come onto Steam* or atleast have the feature to stream using "Steam Broadcast". I share the same opinion with a lot of my friends as well as some random Roblox players i talked with. All the gamers agreed that they would like to see this happen. I would use this feature probably a lot because i have rescently found many people that actually play the same game i do called CSGO*, which we can't really play together because of this censorship and lack of this "Steam linkage". Which we could really easily add each other as friends on Steam* if there were this URL feature. I would really appreciate if Roblox would add it... or i guess atleast read this post :C... Thank you for your time! - Hazard Gaming Steam* = Valve's gaming platform CSGO* = Counter Strike Global Offense
#206782413Monday, January 09, 2017 7:13 PM GMT

roblox is kind of a quasi competitor to steam but for little kids and little games
#206856481Tuesday, January 10, 2017 5:39 PM GMT

But the little kids dont only play Roblox... Plus the poeple i meet on Roblox are around 11 - 17 inclusive...
#206856513Tuesday, January 10, 2017 5:40 PM GMT

-=-=-=-=-=- Bump -=-=-=-=-=-
#206856599Tuesday, January 10, 2017 5:41 PM GMT

Actually a pretty nice idea. I am not a fiddle.
#210615539Saturday, February 25, 2017 2:05 PM GMT

-=-=-=-=-=-= Bump =-=-=-=-=-=-
#210616168Saturday, February 25, 2017 2:16 PM GMT

Haha, no. Steam is not crossing paths with Roblox. Roses are red, violets are purple. violets are actually purple, the more you know
#210618064Saturday, February 25, 2017 2:46 PM GMT

Nah... Steam is sort of like a competitor to Roblox since they both host games. 'm pretty sure Roblox wants you to play their game, not Steam.

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