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#206861157Tuesday, January 10, 2017 7:02 PM GMT

I had this problem a lot, on Windows, any date. Usually I was worried about how it's not going to let me play roblox, and then spending continuously hours of trying to fix, without resetting my computer because I did not want to lose all the stuff on it, I tried these two things and it works! 1st Technique [Which Had Work] - In the [Windows Store] ROBLOX recently made a [APP] for [ROBLOX] you can download that and it works! [NOTE] You tried that, and it did not work there is another way which is a little more work, but you do not need to know a lot about computers to do so. 2nd Technique [Which Had Work] - So the 1st Technique did not work for you, you are continuing your stress and did not know what to do and does not want to give up. ~ So here's a simple fix, As you know on most computers you can have two accounts or more for users to be on your laptop, If you [CREATE] a [ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNT] on your [LAPTOP] for those who can [SIGN-IN] on your [LOCKSCREEN] which will bring you to a [NEW DESKTOP] but you [CAN SWITCH ACCOUNTS AND STILL HAVE EVERYTHING ON YOUR OLD ONE] then you go to [MICROSOFT EDGE] and [DOWNLOAD ROBLOX] and use it on [M-EDGE] it should work. This is all the things I tried and worked, hopefully it works for you. While your at it join Bear Supreme Core!
#206982638Thursday, January 12, 2017 3:34 AM GMT

#206988781Thursday, January 12, 2017 5:04 AM GMT

Weird, I never had this issue, are you talking about laptops with low power?
#207006697Thursday, January 12, 2017 11:38 AM GMT

Might be that.
#207035115Thursday, January 12, 2017 9:31 PM GMT


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