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#206950630Wednesday, January 11, 2017 8:36 PM GMT

[Highest Commands] Oberstfuhrer - Supreme Leader / Supreme Chancellor / “Kohlenstoff” Reichsfuhrer - Empire Leader / Chairman of Chiefs of Staff / 2iC “Treu" Generalstabs Deutschland (General Staff of Germany) - General-Feldmarschall, Generaloberst, General der Bundeswehr, Generalleutnant, Generalmajor Government Officials - Diplomats, Senators, Representatives, Political Advisors [Field Staff Officers] Oberst - Colonel Major (You know) Hauptmann - Captain Oberleutnant - Head Lieutenant Leutnant - Lieutenant (Storm or Shock troopers and Riflemen) [Non-Commissioned Staff Officers] Stabsfeldwebel - Sergeant Major Oberfeldwebel - Master Sergeant Feldwebel - First Sergeant Unterfeldwebel - Staff Sergeant Unteroffizier - Sergeant Obergefreiter - Corporal [Enlisted Men] Gefreiter - Senior Class Private Oberschütze - Junior Class Private Soldats - Fresh Recruit, Private [Prison] Civilians [Branches of the “One Party”] Marine - Navy Heer - Army (Below are for anyone who has Builders Club to create and if you are an Oberst+) Streitkrafte Basis - Joint Support Service Zentraler Sanitat Dienst - Joint Medical Service Militärpolizei - Military Police Verteidigung Korps - Defense Corps (National Guard) Schutzgruppe der Partei - Protection Group of the Party (Guards of the Leader’s Party) Farbschutz - Color Guard Spezialeinheiten - Special Forces Spezialkräfte Befehl - Special Forces Command Abteilung Intelligenz - Department of Intelligence Zivilschutz Waffen - Civil Protection Arms (Police) Zivilisten Sozialwissenschaftlicher und Medizinischer Dienst - Civilians Social and Medical Service Generals-tab requires leadership skills and a show of discipline and understanding towards members and other individuals as well with a show of decent but high-end role-play skills. Or at least have a good amount of knowledge of role-play. Being a Diplomat or Political Advisor means that you will be assisting me in the foundation of how we will gain trade and safe passage through non-Allied territory. This also means that you have exceptional knowledge in politics to a point where it make sense, unlike me who has no desire to even talk about it when mentioned.
#206954111Wednesday, January 11, 2017 9:28 PM GMT

Areas of Great Interest - Luxembourg - Belgium - Switzerland - Liechtenstein - Austria - Hungary - 2/4 of Poland - Czech - Slovakia - Prussia - Silesia
#206968579Thursday, January 12, 2017 12:34 AM GMT

Streitkraftebasis - Joint Support Service -Reconnaissance Corps -Logistic Command -Territorial Tasks Command Zentraler Sanitatsdienst - Joint Medical Service -1st Medical Combat Corps -Medical Operational Support Command -Medical Regional Support Command -Dentistry -Pharmacy -Veterinary -Human Medicine

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