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#206978109Thursday, January 12, 2017 2:38 AM GMT

I'm not a big fan of the new logo, and a lot of us aren't. I'm not against the IDEA of changing their logo, but I don't like how they pulled it off. I get that they were trying to make it simple, sleek, and professional, but it just...Doesn't work? There are many logos out there that are very simple, yet they're fun, creative, professional, and represent their company. A simple red tilted square with a hole in the middle of it just seems boring to me. It feels like the sort of thing that you would think up of in like, 5 minutes. I think Roblox is going in the right direction, but they aren't executing it correctly, they need to keep on thinking. This also proposes the question, If you were to change the logo to something else, what would it be? What do you think would represent Roblox better than a red square?

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