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#207321040Sunday, January 15, 2017 9:28 PM GMT

1: Listen to Higher ranks 2: Do not roleplay as ranks higher than your current rank, but you may RP as ranks lower than your current rank 3: Only attack people if they are harming another person or yourself or a fellow Rooftop member. 4: If you see an injured person, help them the best you can (This doesn't mean, a Regular runner has stitching equipment.) 5: Do not attack civilians, or any Military force Unless told to by an Ivanov family member only. 6: We help all people besides those who cause harm. 7: Always recruit! 8: Do not get use APTK'd and lorebanned (This is a reason you will not see pryorc in this group) 9:Do not attack a rooftop member, you will be detained and hung. 10: Don't be an a---ole.

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