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#23158994Sunday, March 28, 2010 3:58 AM GMT

The Fox started At Cisco"So This is the One im supposed to Follow.Not As Scary as avataka Said Him out to be."
Top 50 Poster
#23159044Sunday, March 28, 2010 3:59 AM GMT

"Tell me fox. How'd you like your fur ripped out one by one, feeling like a sword being stabbed in to you, for each pluck?" Cisco asks.
Top 50 Poster
#23159087Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:00 AM GMT

"Sounds Like A Great Time."The Fox Said "You cant Do that To Me Anyways.Im A Spirit."the fox Said,Walking Through Cisco.
Top 50 Poster
#23159124Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:00 AM GMT

"Even better." Cisco says. "I can just banish you completely from existance. Or bring you back to life and do what I just said."
Top 50 Poster
#23159306Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:03 AM GMT

"Wrong.Im a Shadow Spirit.No One Can Summon Me Back.Or Banish Me,EXCEPT For My Human Shadow.And Mine Is Avataka."
Top 50 Poster
#23159372Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:05 AM GMT

"And did you know how much I can hurt avataka?" Cisco asks. Nadir looks at brittany. "What just happened?" Brittany hugs him in relief that hes ok. "No really what happened?" Nadir asks.
Top 50 Poster
#23159432Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:06 AM GMT

"Avataka Almost Killed You Boy."Neil Said. "Cant.Hes In the Shadow Realm."The Fox Said.
Top 50 Poster
#23159493Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:07 AM GMT

"How cowardly." Cisco says. "And..then what?" Nadir asks. "Then I saved your life thats what." Brittany asks. "Oh...ok." He says. "Erm..thanks."
Top 50 Poster
#23159561Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:09 AM GMT

"hes In There Looking For the One thing that CAN Kill you. The Blackened Blade of the Shadow god."The Fox Said.
Top 50 Poster
#23159603Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:10 AM GMT

Cisco chuckles. "Well that will be fun." He looks to Nadir. "Have fun with your girlfriend Nadir." He fades into a white mist which fades into the air instantly. "What was that about?" Nadir asks.
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#23159627Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:10 AM GMT

The Fox Turned to Him,and Growled.
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#23159697Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:12 AM GMT

Cisco was gone from the area. Nadir looks around. "Wait..what does he mean girlfriend?" " sure its nothing." Brittany says.
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#23159762Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:13 AM GMT

Neil Laughs"He Must Be Thinking you two are A pair Of aces!" "Make Sure To Invite Me To The Big Day!"Zack said.
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#23159804Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:14 AM GMT

Brittany trips them with a wave of magic. "Shut up you two."
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#23159926Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:17 AM GMT

"Oh Come On!"Zack Said Neil Continued To Laugh
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#23160010Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:18 AM GMT

Nadir stands up. "Hm..why does something taste so good? Did I eat something recently?" Brittany blinked twice and blushed. "Umm yes thats it, you did eat, you just forgot." She glares at zack and neil to not tell him anything.
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#23160084Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:20 AM GMT

"Yeah,You Did eat."Zack and Neil said.They werent Dumb Enough To Go THAT Far...
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#23160120Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:21 AM GMT

"Whatever it is I gotta have it again sometime." Nadir says. (ROFLMAO this is halarious) Brittany turned away from him and facepalmed.
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#23160187Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:23 AM GMT

(Got that Right!XD) "I Doubt You'll Ever Have That Brand of Nug again Nadir."Neil Said.
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#23160237Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:24 AM GMT

"Well I cant exactly remember what it was." Nadir says. "But It was tasty." "Ok enough!" Brittany says.
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#23160295Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:25 AM GMT

"Im Sure Me Ale Taste Almost as Good!"Neil Said Handing nadir a Mug Of Ale.
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#23160334Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:26 AM GMT

Brittany stopped Neil. "No..stop giving kids ale would ya?"
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#23160373Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:27 AM GMT

"But its Delicious!"Neil Said,Holding the mug up To her. "It really is."Zack said
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#23160430Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:28 AM GMT

She sighs. "Fine Ill let him have one. But Im not drinking any." Nadir takes the ale and takes a sip.
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#23160463Sunday, March 28, 2010 4:29 AM GMT

"Hooray!"Neil Said. Zack was already Heading back to the Woods.