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#207823020Saturday, January 21, 2017 5:47 PM GMT

Hello, fellow citizens, I will be writing for my missions as the Senate. Our mission is as Americans are to fight for what is ours. We will not grow to be unheard. We will stand to have a voice together. You may not choose me as your senator, but let me tell you this if you do I will strive to make sure your voices are heard. It is after all called the "UNITED" States of America meaning that we are one. So far we are the "DIVIDED" United states of America so we should stand as one to not just have a selective group of power- hungry people abusing their "Title". We need them replace with people who will talk to the Americans, who will do action and help the Americans. So we need to stand up for the working class. We should act in peace rather in violence. We should love and have hope in one each other. Let us remember that if we are hurting others we are hurting ourselves and if we are loving others we are loving ourselves My second mission is to have more jobs and businesses enter into America again, we need more opportunities for the American Citizens. There are people who want to create jobs and we should give them a chance we should let the new generation of having a chance of achieving the American dream. If we do not allow the citizens to have a chance it will be preventing them from having the best potential in their lives that we have as Americans. So we must listen to each other for new ideas and new dreams that can be achieved. But the work also has to come from us, the American citizens, we can not expect a hand- out on life. We should stay committed to everything we want to do with ourselves. Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. Do not be discouraged by the things you do but gain strength in it! There is obviously more to do, but these are my priorities and America is my priority, I will not be the best Senator or the greatest Senator, and that is not my goal, not to be the power hungry but the power is given to the citizens. The hope for America will not be lost but reaffirmed of their voice I will as the senator will make sure that I will listen to you and to hear your voice and let you have a chance to shine. If I am elected that will not be the ending but the beginning, it's the beginning of change, it's the beginning of unity, it's the beginning of voices being heard and actions being done, it's the beginning of hope, beginning with prosperity, doctrine, and the beginning of the American stand to call. We want to achieve a new and better order of society, in this new and better society there must be neither rich nor poor; all will have to work. Not a handful of rich people, but all the working people must enjoy the fruits of their common labor. We should unite together, we should help each other, understand each other. We should not have bragging rights but helpful rights. We must close this gap of division, we must close this gap from the rich and the poor. From the popular director to the unheard of a working hard person. We must come together as one because that's what we have, each other! Please if you will sign below to let America's dream to be heard!
#207823426Saturday, January 21, 2017 5:51 PM GMT

#207823718Saturday, January 21, 2017 5:55 PM GMT

What do you mean my alt sir?
#207826722Saturday, January 21, 2017 6:29 PM GMT

#207827310Saturday, January 21, 2017 6:36 PM GMT


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