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#207850461Saturday, January 21, 2017 10:45 PM GMT

Horrible teachers, bullies, and more, the principal can't stop this even when he knows it's bad because the SoE doesn't see anything wrong. You and your friends, or enemies, but live with this middle school. RoTown Middle School is going down soon. To enter, you must have your character info in the sheet. Then you can start RPing. The point is you have to deal with horrid stuff. Name: Age: (13-15) Bio: Inventory on first day: Gender: Appearance: Here's mine Name: John Age: 15 Bio: The worst bully in the entire school. He once killed someone and got someone else arrested. He appears to hate his town and wants to move somewhere else because the school has no pressure. Sadly this is the only place with his grades. But he, John Borderblox, will persue his career as a songwriter on issues. He's currently trying to stop his ways but he's tasting blood. Inventory on first day: Sharp rock capable of killing people, was found when he was 7 and expelled from his Elementary. School things. Red Roblox cap, sunglasses, black and blue hoodie with dark sweatpants. Gender: Male, obviously. Appearance (Mostly): Skull T-Shirt, peach jeans with dominus headrows and blue messy hair. Day 1: Everyone is in Mrs. Joag's class, surprisingly enough, the nicest teacher. Mrs. Joag: Hello everyone! I've got word that someone was falsely suspended due to framing. John will be coming back! *John comes in* John: Hey Jordan. Hey Mike. (Mike can be played by anyone) Mike and Jordan: What shall we do today? John: *In whispering* You see Nick? I want you, Jordan, to stab him secretly and break his Razer headphones, his first pair. Jordan: Alright. *Jordan stabs Nick and breaks his Razer headphones* Nick: OMG WHO DID THAT? *Jordan has the rock that's bloody trying to give it to John* Nick: IT'S JORDAN! *Jordan turns around completely hiding it. There's some blood on his hands* Jordan: Uh-Oh! Mrs. Joag: JORDAN! I KNEW IT WAS YOU! GO TO MR. DEREK WALTHER'S OFFICE NOW! Mike: Oh, my lord. Main Characters: John, Nick, and Mike.
#207850516Saturday, January 21, 2017 10:45 PM GMT

Remember, once you apply you can join in. BUT IT MUST BE REALISTICLY horrid.
#207877930Sunday, January 22, 2017 4:05 AM GMT

In Mr. Korkscroo's class, the meanest teacher Teacher: OKAY JOHN WHY ARE YOU HEAR BUT NOT JARED ALTHOUGH HE'S IN! John: I was falsely suspended and uhhh, Jordan's in the Principal's office. Put some blood on my pants. Teacher: ALRIGHT! NOW WE'RE LEARNING SCIENCE BUT BEFORE THIS WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING? Everyone but John: ARCADES John: Shoe Shopping! You know I was referencing Eddsworld. Mike: Yeah their latest episode is trash Nick: Hey Spares was awesome! Mike: It's my respective opinion! John: And it's Nick's too! Nick: Thanks John. Although I really can't trust you... John: Sorry, but you don't wanna see me out of calss Teacher: ALRIGHT THE THINGS YOU LIKE THE MOST HAS AT LEAST SOME SCIENCE OKAY GOODBYE I'LL GIVE YOU ALL Fs! Nick: Including you Everybody: R-R-R-ROBSHOT! (Before roasted it's robshot, something I made up)
#207924529Sunday, January 22, 2017 3:57 PM GMT

1 WEEK LATER IN THE HALLWAY John: NICK WHAT DO YOU WANT? Nick: I-I just want to go to Study Hall. John: YOU WON'T GET THERE! Mike: JOHN, STOP! John: I THOUGHT YOU WERE ON MY SIDE Mike: I am, but Nick agreed with you! You must stop! John: *Grabs the rock* Nick: It was you! Mike: NO! *Takes the rock and stabs John 10 times* Nick: OH MY GOD! Jordan: John, no! Mike: Jordan you're finally back! *Mrs. Joag comes out of classroom* Joag: What's all the racket? *Sees Jordan mourning John* Joag: Mike and Nick! OVER HERE NOW! *After a meeting* Nick: *Goes out of the building and into his parent's car, his parents glad for him to be safe from Mike* Mike: *Goes into van with his parents scolding him* John: J-Jordan... Jordan: YES? John: I'm sorry for getting you suspended......... *dies*
#207925015Sunday, January 22, 2017 4:03 PM GMT

TUESDAY Jordan: I can't believe Mike killed John... Nick: Wait, John died? Jordan: Well he lost his pulse... Nick: So it was John who stabbed me and broke my Razer headphones? Jordan: No, he got me into doing it. I got $100 from him for it. I had to give $50 to my parents to not get a punishment. I plan on buying a game or two. Nick: Alright Mr. Masher, the nicest male teacher: Alright so we have great news. John's pulse came back on! But that's what he texted me. He's coming in. The blood got in his hair so it's going to be red. John: *Comes in* Nick: J-JOHN? Jordan: BUT YOU'RE... DEAD! Mr. Masher: Welcome back! We're learning math today. What is the square root of 64? *Jordan raises hand* Mr. Masher: Jordan? Jordan: 8 Mr. Masher: Good job.
#207925349Sunday, January 22, 2017 4:08 PM GMT

Jordan is now a main character! Mike is only able to be played outside of school. Jordan: Ugh I hate Mr. Mitch. He's the worst. Derek Walther: I heard that, but I agree he's a horrible teacher. I'm soon going to fire him. John: Hey, thanks, he almost suspended me for surviving, thank you for being a great principal. LATER *Mike plays video games* Jordan: *Comes inside* Jordan: Hey mike. *Mike had some red on his hair* Mike: Hey Jordan. If you're wondering why I have no punishment it's because I live by myself. Jordan: Wow you're 13 but your parent's left you? Mike: It's from my skills. Nick: *Comes inside* You got a stain on my jacket. Mike: Oh and, I bought you another pair of Razers. Nick: Really? Mike: Yes *Shows and gives*
#207927488Sunday, January 22, 2017 4:33 PM GMT

Nick: WAIT A SECOND, IF YOU LIVE BY YOURSELF, THEN WHO SCOLDED YOU? Mike: I can't drive yet, duhhh! Nick: *Looks around* UHH GUYS Mike and Jordan: Yeah? Nick: OVER HERE! *They see the red dyed wig and John's wardrobe, but Mike left* John wasn't at school for a full week.
#208402660Saturday, January 28, 2017 2:44 PM GMT

NEXT WEEK AT KLANCER'S CLASS Jordan: As I was saying... *John comes in* John: Hey I'm back. Mr. Klancer: Detention for tardiness. John: You still have great Inglish Mr. Klancer: English John: This is already my favorite class. Mr. Klancer: *Laughs* Thanks, I won't write up a slip. Jordan: So, as I was saying, Futile is pronounced FEWTUL. Mr. Klancer: The truth is, it's fewtul or fewtile Jordan: Oh Nick: *Does an essay* Mr. Klancer: Nick, is that homework. Nick: No, it's my extra credit essay Klancer: Good.

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