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#20804037Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:41 AM GMT

Guests are not good for roblox because they do not have the ability to increase the roblox community, and here is a question for you guest lovers: why do guests install the game but do not make an account? also, guests are bad because you cannot ban them, so they can annoy you all they want.
#20804104Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:42 AM GMT

um they might make an account its just like a 60 minute trial to get the jist of the game
#20804114Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:42 AM GMT

Ip ban. Your suggesting to remove an update. Thats against the rules.
#20804251Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

I am a guest lover and I am offended. @why do guests install the game but do not make an account? because the reason for guests is people trying out roblox! You idiots say "oh he deleted my house!" thats the most repeated bad thing about guests.
#20804269Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

ok, then mind suggesting another roblox promotion tecnique that can fill the shoes of Guests (as little as you think they are, I think their like +0.3% robloxians a year, which figures to be about 12,000 robloxians.), also, it can't be more than $600 (or 325 euros).
#20804272Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

ok, then mind suggesting another roblox promotion tecnique that can fill the shoes of Guests (as little as you think they are, I think their like +0.3% robloxians a year, which figures to be about 12,000 robloxians.), also, it can't be more than $600 (or 325 euros).
#20804330Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:46 AM GMT

It is still bad. that is annoying you, so they can do it as mutch as they want.
#20804418Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:48 AM GMT

The reason they delete is mainly because you were mean to them. Interact with them (not in a mean way).
#20804678Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

man, i knew and i've seen people who have an account but they just log in as guests to annoy the people. Also, if they wanted to test the game they should've created an account, it takes less that 2 mins.
#20804679Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

I try to, almost all guests annoy me by deleting. that is one of the reasons why i barley ever play games anymore.
#20804765Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:54 AM GMT

You don't try. I've never had problems with guests. If they are making you cry by playing with your building, then leave roblox and shut your face.
#20804992Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:59 AM GMT

Why don't you go become a guest because you love them so mutch?!?!?!? SEE WHAT I MEAN?!?!?! WHY DON'T THEY JUST CREATE AN ACCOUNT IN 1 MINUTE AND GET THE NORMAL ABILLITIES OF AN ACCOUNT?!?!?!?
#20805024Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:59 AM GMT

you cant suggest this
#20805151Wednesday, February 10, 2010 3:02 AM GMT

Because some people don't trust giving out information to a site they just found, and WHY SO SERIOUS?!?!? "On S&I nothing is good enough to be a suggestion"-genis1
#20805221Wednesday, February 10, 2010 3:03 AM GMT

Yep it should not be removed. If there was no guest then the person would not get to try ROBLOX on a free-account.
#20805529Wednesday, February 10, 2010 3:10 AM GMT

If your mad about guests deleting your "house" then stop playing noobish places like that and start playing perfectly scripted places where guests can't delete, or behave wrong...
#20806546Wednesday, February 10, 2010 3:35 AM GMT

LADIES! Chill... Relax... ǷώΠɀƩЯϾƱƥƇДʞЄ -- ɲəȇƉ ΐ ʂǡɎ ɱȭƦ϶؟ ƑϴѺŁ!
#20808360Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:27 AM GMT

i think there should be a tutorial for guests like ok now delete that pile of bricks with the delete tool-ding ding ding ding ding- very good *door opens* take this sniper and shoot that target.. etc.
#20808575Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:33 AM GMT

it takes like 10 seconds to make an account guests are pointless make an account to try the game.Even if theres a guest actually trying the game alot of guests are just people messing up games
#20809220Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:51 AM GMT

Yup And also Guest Can be hackers And Breaking all the Rules to think They Rule Roblox
#20809349Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:55 AM GMT

Ok before im labeled in this argument just remebr this! Maybe most guests are Little children who think that if your building here and there spot is dumb then they can remodel what you have, so in turn leading you to belevie that guests are mean and have no gaol in life is to annoy you. When its not... at all but on the other hand It does get annoying when they destroy your stuff or kill you and mock you with there crude silence. So theres a big miscomunication problem here! guests have NO idea you are annoyed by there actions, and Have No way of saying " oops sorry" or " ohh you built that? i though i could make something eles were it is" And they cant read YOUR comments because they are guests... And in turn WE cannot tell them how we feel about what they did or are doing. since we cannot ban them because there guests they can freely injoy roblox with out the worries of somehow gettin an Ip banning for somehting they didnt know was against the rules.. its like us as robloxians are the big brothers or sisters of the guests, and the guests are our little annoying brothers or sisters... and the mods are like our parents,Because they know what decisions to make Basicly in the Roblox world Players, Mods, and guests are all part of one big huge Disfunctional family that has really cool games I rest my case Omni!
#20809418Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:57 AM GMT

WOW.........................................You really need better grammar.
#20809483Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:59 AM GMT

!!! Thats ALL YOU GOT from this!? wow that just proves how much people Judge my grammer then WHAT I AM ACTULLY SAYING! uhh! its things like that that make we want to leave roblox...
#20809699Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5:07 AM GMT

Awesome...speech, Omni. And to the guest hater : Guests will NEVER be removed, so get over it. And when guests delete, it's because they don't like you building on their territory, or it's because someone deleted THEIR creation. When someone deletes, other than a guest, they automatically blame the nearest guest in the server, if there is none, then they blame the most unlikely to delete. (usually me or someone who's in a group with me, lol...) Guests don't know that spawnkilling or teamkilling is frowned upon, they can't see our chat, either so that doesn't help the deleting/killing problem. A good guest might : Join Get BC Become a major contributor to the community. A bad guest might : Teamkill Delete Spawnkill A good player might : Get BC Become a major contributor to the community. A bad player might : Teamkill Spawnkill Swear Spam comments Spam forums Delete Have an inappropriate username. So, guests can't do as much bad things as a player, guests technically can't do anything wrong since teamkilling and spawnkilling and deleting aren't against the rules. (Except player-made rules, of course.) Bottom line : Guests are not bad, they're good, a guest once helped me in an obby by bringing me to the winners platform, and another used pieces of the supersafe chat to make a conversation with me, know what I mean?
#20809828Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5:11 AM GMT

Infact ive already left roblox once thanks to the people like you Its like your after the people who dont spell some words correctly or don't put a period or coma here and there.. That can be a form of flaming you know.. which is a worthy to be used when considering baning someone

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