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#20809728Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5:08 AM GMT

I would like ROBLOX to make "atmosphere"! So if your in a level, maybe you take a rocket or something and go up with it, and then the higher you come the more... eh.. space like it gets u know? like if you go up like maybe..VERY HIGH you get to space... and in space there is no gravity and you see stars and such. That would be cool. (I think) OR i would like ROBLOX to make REAL WATER, that you can swim and dive in, that woul be awesome! :D
#20809814Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5:11 AM GMT

You can create effects similar with complicated scripts.
#20810709Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5:45 AM GMT

The point is we want something good and unscripted by the user. Swimmable water that has ripple effects that are ajustable would be good. and atmosphere would be good, but I think it qould be determined by a parent factor. Gravity. Less gravity, higher jumps, less atmosphere. Less atmosphere would make you fall faster, as there is less air friction. They should also implement terminal velocity into the physics engine. Fall far enough, and you can't stop yourself. 3000+ speed is insane.
#20810849Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5:55 AM GMT

Block | Land has water, you just gotta make a 20$ payment to play online. It's not fake water, either, it's pretty realistic considering you get that blue haze effect under it, and there's a wave behind you when you swim (I think) and it interferes with plane controls, making it stall. Well, with the planes I downloaded, they do. Not sure about other ones.
#20811020Wednesday, February 10, 2010 6:09 AM GMT

you could script it but hmmm good idea
#20811639Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:21 AM GMT

Realistic water simulations are difficult on even modern 3D games on high end graphics cards. Cryostasis is the first game to ever effectively make a water simulation, and thats with high end Nvidia PhysX set ups. Fermi acrtechture on Nvdias new card supposedly can Doulbe paritcle count and triple Frame rate at the same time, but those are likely to cost more than most of your computers are worth now. Not a realistic goal at the moment.

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