#11551301Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:21 AM GMT

spotter: thanx
#11571418Wednesday, July 22, 2009 7:06 PM GMT

bob- aw. 8( cad- *speaking over intercom* bob! we've got other problems! report to the front deck immediatly! bring spotter! bob- *grabs spotter and puts her on his head* coming cad! *runs to front deck and sees they're about to crash in2 tiger's ship* AAAHH!!! cad- everyone! grab hold of something! *grabs command desk* chinami- *grabs computer* yuriko- *grabs chair* bob- *grabs yuriko* yuriko- hey! bob- he said grab something didn't he? *the Karma crashes straight through into the shuttle and lies inside the middle section* *the shuttle replaces the smashed wall*
#11611930Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:14 AM GMT

spotter: *flys into the wall* ah
#11690260Friday, July 24, 2009 6:21 PM GMT

bob- *finally gets up* ok... evry1 else- *gets up too* cad- alright. lets look for tiger. hes somewhere on this shuttle. evry1 else- rite! yuriko- whered spotter go? bob- *realizing* O NO! SHE CRASHED OUTSIDE! *starts headed to the wall* wait *walking back out to evry1 else* i left her in the ship....BUT SHE FLEW OUT! *walks tword wall* wait no she didnt! *walks back*....*starts freaking out completely* I DONT KNOW! cad- *slaps bob* BOB! CONTROL YOURSELF! bob- sorry. spotter- *knocking morse code on the wall* (l-e-t-m-e-i-n) bob-! SHES OUT THERE! *activates shadow form* *Since the end of season 1, shadow has now consumed and taken up bobs right arm, half head, and entire torso* shadow- *streatchin with what he can* Ahhhhh.....hello season 2. wats goin on? bob- *aims shadow hand at wall and makes a hole* spotter- *flies through the hole and into the shuttle with evry1 else* *the shuttles computer re-fills the hole* shadow- all that for her? bob- *deactivates shadow form* i need to stop listening to him.
#11690392Friday, July 24, 2009 6:24 PM GMT

spotter: *dizzy*
#11693754Friday, July 24, 2009 7:30 PM GMT

bob- ok spotter. lets put u back inside the Karma- *sees the karma has lightning and fire hazards from the crash* ....on second thought....*puts spotter on bobs head* i guess u can come too. cad- yuriko! scan the eastern section! chinami! western! bob and spotter! southern! ill take northern! yuriko- were ina shuttle! how the heck do we know wat direction is which!? cad- o.o *realizing* good point. yuriko! that way! chinami! that way! bob and spotter! that way! ill go that way! evry1 else- right! *go where assigned* bob- *running*....*realizing* o srry spotter. u ok?
#11721651Saturday, July 25, 2009 6:17 AM GMT

spotter: yer its u think tiger will be ok?
#11726269Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:06 PM GMT

**A scanner picked up intruders** **Info was sent to tigers command room** Tiger: Deploy Turrets in the middle section and lower section Computer: Deploying turrets *Deploys turrets* Turret one: *Drops down from middle section as a ball* *Unrolls and stands up* *Scans* *Starts firing at cad* Turret two: *Drops down by turret one and rolls off to the lower section* Turret three: *Drops down in lower section and unrolls and shoots at yuriko and spotter* **The door to the upper section is closed off by a pure wall of lasers**
#11726533Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:26 PM GMT

spotter: *dodges attacks* ah! *hears where comands are coming from* *runs over that way*
#11737194Saturday, July 25, 2009 5:18 PM GMT

*Loud airlock noise is heard* *The bottom half of the ship is breaking off* (The part that every one but me is in)
#11774538Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:33 AM GMT

ahhhhhhhh *runs as fast as can and jumps on other half*
#11813420Monday, July 27, 2009 1:40 AM GMT

cad- *blows up turret shooting at him* *sees control pannel* ah. this'll do the trick. *types codes* *The lower half of the shuttle that every1 else was in suddenly turned on it's engines and is now flying at tiger's half of the shuttle* every1- *re-groups* cad- alright. we have enough fuel to make it pretty close to tiger's half. Every1 find things we can use to make a grapple gun to use to get to tiger's half. we'll need a grapple hook or 2. a gun, some parts, some thingamajigs. some whozawatzits. some lolwut?no u-mabobs. and probably some- wheelie- *pops out of bob's backpack with the finished grapple gun* u mean like this? evry1 else- O.O !? wheelie- i plan ahead. cad- *takes grapple gun* every1 hang on! *evry1 grabs cad* cad- *fires gun* *the grapple hook hits tigers shuttle half and begins quickly pulling evry1 tword it* evry1- O0o WHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! OOF- *hit tigers shuttle* bob- dont make too many quick movements. we dont want to set off any alarms again. wheelie; see what you can do about the alarm controls. wheelie- *transforms to RC monster truck* k. i'll be back. i'll keep u posted with any new developements. *drives into small air vent leading to alarm control system*
#11830125Monday, July 27, 2009 12:07 PM GMT

spotter: *on other half* ive got to find tiger!
#11833256Monday, July 27, 2009 2:03 PM GMT

*AirLock sounds are heard* *The Middle Booster section is about to break away soon* Tiger: *thinking* After this last stupid earth booster breaks away...I can activate my boosters.....then I should be there soon.
#11833328Monday, July 27, 2009 2:05 PM GMT

spotter: *in middle* ah *ship shakes* its breaking off! *jumps on top bit*
#11873806Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:30 AM GMT

evry1- *hears the section is going to break in a minute* bob- *calls wheelie on comlink* WHEELIE! GET BACK HERE NOW! THE MIDDLE SECTIONS GUNNA BREAK OFF! WE NEED TO GET TO THE TOP SECTION NOW! wheelie- no worries! im already on a course to the alarm control, which is in the top section. theres no chance ill be let behind. go on ahead! bob- alright. *turns off comlink* alright guys! lets go! *every1 runs to the top section, 30 seconds later, the middle section breaks off* cad- well that wasnt too hard. lets go find tiger now. meanwhile *right b4 the section broke off* wheelie- almost there! *the middle section breaks off* NO! *transforms and jumps tword thetop section* cummon! cummon! *grabs top section and transforms back and drives through to the alarm control* YES!
#11874900Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:53 AM GMT

Tiger: Finally...I can activate MY boosters....we should be out of this solar system in no time...*Press Booster Button* **ship stops** **Boosters start to slowly glow bright blue full of energy**
#11883997Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:16 AM GMT

spotter:*looking for control room* hes got to be here somewhere
#11911697Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:28 PM GMT

wheelie- *driving through conducts* man. this stupid alarm cotol thingy was installed a LITTLE far back a ways...*accidently runs over and snaps a wire connecting power to the rocket boosters* whoops. wat was that? well. probably nothing important. *drives on* cad- alright. everyone split up. bob i want you to keep us informed on wheelie's status. every1 try to stay stealthy until bob tells us wheelie breaks the alarm. evry1- right. *go looking for tiger*
#11927920Wednesday, July 29, 2009 1:26 AM GMT

Tiger: *Boosters really bright blue* *Time SEEMS to slow down* *Few seconds go by* *Time catches back up with the speed of the ship* *all people and machines on the outside of the ship are left behind* *Passing by galaxies at high speeds* **Time gradualy slows down until it is at micro-seconds** **A Black Hole opens up** **Every one blacks out**
#11932502Wednesday, July 29, 2009 2:48 AM GMT

............ *eventually everyone wakes up* cad- *over comlink to everyone* did u guys feel that black hole? yuriko- *comlink* yea....i blacked out though... evry1 else- me 2. cad- *comlink* strange...alright. everyone look for tiger..he's got to be somewhere. bob. whats the status on wheelie? bob- *comlink* he's not responding cad! cad- *comlink* well keep trying! we need wheelie to deactivate that alarm control if the black hole didnt! if tiger sees us coming he's going to get us hurt! badly! bob- *comlink* alright ill keep trying. stay low every1. yuriko- *comlink* good luck guys. chinami- *comlink* stealthy hunting. cad- *comlink* eyes on the prize guys. bob- *comlink* .....shadows hide you... every1 else- ?
#11933940Wednesday, July 29, 2009 3:15 AM GMT

**Ship is about to land on earth** Tiger: Activate cloak! Computer: Cloak Activating ... *Shield is Cloaked* Ship is at 100% Invisability Tiger: set coarse to land on earth!
#11941424Wednesday, July 29, 2009 7:30 AM GMT

spotz: *got knocked out on door of control room*
#11991770Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:53 AM GMT

cad- *sees the ships headed for earth* WAT THE-!? WE ZOOMED PAST GALAXY AFTER GALAXY SO WE COULD LAND BACK ON EARTH!? WATS TIGER THINKING!? bob- *comlink* maybe tiger wants to make a big crater. maybe watevr he's looking for is inside the earth. cad- focus on getting wheelie! bob- wheelie's already dissabled the alarm... cad- THEN EVERYONE FIND TIGER!
#11996340Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:07 AM GMT

**ships lands in a forest just outside britian** Tiger: *Gets out of the ship* *5 High-Tech Robots are following* Tiger: *walks to the side of the ship* Deploy Land Craft! **A heavily Armed car rolles out of the carrier bay** **Tiger and the bots get in and take off to a British town**