#8303365Thursday, May 07, 2009 6:20 PM GMT

(They get the info) Tiger: "Thats all we need..." Z: *Kills him*
#8303398Thursday, May 07, 2009 6:23 PM GMT

shadow- *sees door was locked* *aims arm at door* *fires laser that explodes the door open* *the door is exploded, and the room fills with a thin smoke, still able to see through, and shadow walks in* shadow- well this took no time at all! tiger- bob? *smoke clears so tiger and Z see that there's no bob half and shadow covers bobs body* shadow- THINK AGAIN!
#8303427Thursday, May 07, 2009 6:25 PM GMT

Tiger: "Buy how?"
#8303497Thursday, May 07, 2009 6:31 PM GMT

shadow- buy- wait. what? UGH! enough of this confusion! get to an escape pod. im gonna fly this ship in2 another ship and watch the pretty explosions of death! AHAHAHAHAHAH! (before u even think twice about it, yes. shadow is a frekish demon who acts like he's a phsyco maniac on the loose)
#8303606Thursday, May 07, 2009 6:39 PM GMT

(Buy = confusion talk for but) Tiger: "WHAT!!!??!?! Z stop him!" Z: *ON it! runs after shadow!*
#8309128Thursday, May 07, 2009 9:24 PM GMT

shadow- no need to stop me tiger. *right as Z is about to hit him shadow picks him up by his head w/ 1 arm and throws him to the wall* im ur friend "bob". remember? were "best friends".....mehehehehehHAHAHAHAHAH! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! now if you would let me pile-drive this scrap in2 that EVAC ship, we can give them a sucker punch assult! and i like to watch all the little people scream in terror as they burn inside out. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! *pushing buttons on ships control system*
#8310698Thursday, May 07, 2009 10:05 PM GMT

**Shadow hears a jab sound and feels a sting as he is taking control of ship** Tiger: *Shot a neutralization needle into shadow* **Everythind starts to fade in shadow's view** **3 days later** (Dramatic sequence) (First person) Bob: *Faint beeping sound is heard* *Few seconds go by and more noises of chatter is heard* Bob: *Hears faint noise of a person*: "His heart rate is starting slowly" *Noises of chatter become clearer and louder* Bob: *Pupils dilate and slight light is seen* *Chatter* "He might make it!"; "wow..he is really burned"; *Light Crying sounds* "Bob....bob...." *More crying* "If only I told him..." Bob: *eyelids open for a slight moment then close* *Sounds are clear and loud* *Chatter*: "Docter! ... we need more adreline!"; "I Wish i was never mean to bob..now its too late" *Crying* Bob: *Eyes open for a longer period of time, then squints* "ugh..."
#8316209Friday, May 08, 2009 12:14 AM GMT

bob- *can see slightest vision of evry1 standing at the end of a hospital bed* g-guys? *a black aura fills the room and a huge arm shaped like shaow's comes from the wall. It waves hi to bob then cuts right through evry1 else; killing them* bob- *quickly sits up* NO! *the black hand dissapears and the black aura infects the walls and air. shadow's voice can be heard* shadow- its no use bob. ive taken your body, ive taken your friends,- bob- *looks up to the ceiling where the entire surface is shadows face looking down at bob* shadow- and now im taking your life! AHAHAHAHAHUAHAAHAHAH! *his face jumps on2 bob and bob's vision goes dark* bob- *can hear the voices again, saying different things, but just as clearly* (could it just have been a dream...or was that shadow telling me what was going to happen?) .....
#8316445Friday, May 08, 2009 12:19 AM GMT

Tiger: *Talking with Yuriko* "Its going to be fine yuriko...bob is a strong man...he won't go down this easy..." Z: *sitting in waitin room* Docter: "we need to check his vitals!" Nurse1: "We got more adrenaline! ready for the IV?"
#8317048Friday, May 08, 2009 12:32 AM GMT

doctor- this could get ugly. r u sure u wanna sit through this? chinami, tiger, yuriko, and cad- *walks out of the room* doctor- alright....lets see here... nurse- r u sure you should be touching that black thing? that was what was where that shadow thing dissapeared to! doctor- *points to framed piece of paper on the wall* do you see that PH? nurse- yes... doctor- they don't just give those to anyone you know! nurse- *looks at PH* *sees tag* any1 with 18 bucks they will... T_T doctor- hey, the point is, i know what im doing! thats y im a doctor! so, don't make me get the other doctor in here! he's got a PH in kicking oyur- *a shadow hand comes from bob and grabs the doctors neck, chocking him* nurse- DOCTOR! *in the waiting room* yuriko- but still....i dont think he'll make it! cad- dont worry yuriko! they have trained profesionals in there. what could happen? theyre not just gonna colapse on the job! *right as cad finishes his sentence, the doctor is thrown through the wall connecting bobs room to the waiting room* yuriko- AAAHHH!! doctor- he's got a PH...in kicking....your....*dies from loss of blood* nurse- PLEASE! PLEASE DONT HURT ME!
#8317772Friday, May 08, 2009 12:44 AM GMT

Tiger: *Runs in their and grabs the nurse* *pulls out light saber* "Stop now shadow!" Nurse: *still being held by tiger* "AHHAHAH MONSTER!"
#8317935Friday, May 08, 2009 12:47 AM GMT

shadow hand- *vibrates and then jumps at tiger* tiger- YAAA! *slices the shadow hand in two, and the shadow hand dissapears instantly into black smoke* tiger- *still a little nervous* *looks where the hand was coming from, and inside bob is a little black and purple organ that could easily be removed from bob* *Reminder: last time some1 touched that black thing, (the doctor) the black shadow hand came up from it and killed him. No pressure tiger!*
#8318675Friday, May 08, 2009 1:01 AM GMT

Tiger: "Its time to end this...he has gone to far..." *gets out nuetralization posien* Tiger: "Here goes nothing..." *Takes out dart gun* *Luanches the poisen into the organ* Tiger: "Lets hope I don't die today..." *walks up to ben*
#8319184Friday, May 08, 2009 1:11 AM GMT

i think u mean "bob" tiger. ben hasnt posted in quite a while now... *The dart flies through the organ. The organ makes a hissing noise and stops moving* tiger- *gets closer to inspect the organ* *The organ sits there lifeless* tiger- *picks up organ and puts it in a container* nurse- well...i hope that did it...thank you so much... tiger- question is, will he be the same old bob? bob- *opens eyes* *looks around* hey! check out the nurse! im ready for operation! ;D tiger- thats bob alright. nurse- alright, ill just fix his wounds and we'll send him with you.
#8319472Friday, May 08, 2009 1:17 AM GMT

**Later that day** Tiger: "Ok Z...we know he is planning on us to recapture his 2nd main planet, and we know he has back on the first main planet..." Z: "So we attack the third main planet of his" Tiger: "but it will still be hard...he has armies...we need an army...and we don't have on.."
#8320067Friday, May 08, 2009 1:31 AM GMT

yuriko- thank god bob's ok... bob- it was just shadow yuriko! i keep telling you im fine! yuriko- it was just...i didnt think id see you again. bob- whats important is that i AM here. so lets try to move on...E) yuriko- alright....E) bob- speaking of shadow, i havent heard from him since the operation....man, those doctors finally found my problem! shadow wouldnt shut up! he always butted in my conversations! i guess they cured that! ok, lets see if he's ok. shadow? u in there buddy? cad- *curled in the corner* i dont wanna die, i dont wanna die, i dont wanna die.... evry1- *waiting 4 shadow* .....? bob- huh? i cant go shadow! tiger- *remembers he grabbed organ and put it in that container* (better off he doesnt have him bugging his life...might as well not say anything...) bob- this stinks! i have nothing to protect evry1 with! now all we have is tiger's lightsaber, cads pistols, and slabwal's- hey...where IS slabwal? cad- i forgot to say. i left him on Algerra I. its where he wanted to b. srry i didnt tell u. bob- moving on, I CANT BE SHADOW NOW!
#8320310Friday, May 08, 2009 1:36 AM GMT

*enter Wesker* Wesker: Of course, I have no plans of messing with the civilians in this area, as they might be hostile. *puts away phone*
#8320465Friday, May 08, 2009 1:39 AM GMT

Wesker walks to tiger, z and bob and hides. He slightly aims his gun at a tree to distract them if they become hostile. " They seem slightly peaceful....but that is right now....have to wait until I show myself to see their true actions."
#8320584Friday, May 08, 2009 1:42 AM GMT

Tiger: *Sneaks the shadow Dna into his pack* (Thinks) "I can modify this later to give bob his powers back..." ..."minus the crazy take over...full control"
#8320642Friday, May 08, 2009 1:44 AM GMT

Wesker observes the DNA and wonders "A virus, possibly?"
#8320849Friday, May 08, 2009 1:49 AM GMT

As Wesker reveals himself, he keeps aiming at the tree, and looks at Tiger to make sure he does not attack.
#8321865Friday, May 08, 2009 2:15 AM GMT

Tiger: "And who are you? You from this planet?"
#8323206Friday, May 08, 2009 3:01 AM GMT

bob- alright...i just gotta calm down... cad- alright look. shadow was just gonna kill us all right? chinami- well...that war thing seems to be over...i dont see any ships... yuriko- true...i wonder if it WAS tigers dad behind that attack though? cad- tiger? what do u and Z think?
#8326283Friday, May 08, 2009 8:24 AM GMT

spotter: oh hello again! :D wat are you lot talking about?
#8326430Friday, May 08, 2009 8:52 AM GMT

Wesker is confused but says "I'm from Earth.....unless this is Earth.