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#208217825Wednesday, January 25, 2017 11:26 PM GMT

[L-2 Enforcers Division Application] Sent this to Officer or higher, if you do not get a reply within a week, you have likely been denied, good luck! [Standard Application](Required) 1. What year does this game take in present day? 2. When was Dark Space Discovered? 3. What are the four main factions of Dark Space? 4. When was the Space Federation Created? 5. Why was the Space Federation Created. 6. When was the Level Program Created? 7. Why was the Levels Program Created. 8. Who are we at war with? 9. Why would you be good for the Enforcers Division? 10. Give a short paragraph of your character. [Special Role Application](Not Required) 1. What Role do you want and why. 2. Do you have any past rp experience? 3. What are the three capitals of the S.F.?

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