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#20824814Wednesday, February 10, 2010 6:33 PM GMT

Dear _____, You have been invited to stay Three Weeks in the luxurious and exlcusive Metacross Manor, where Servants will bring you food every day to you. Our only 4 rules are: 1.: Dont go into Master Shrikes room 2.: Do NOT go into the basement 3.: Have fun 4.: Dont bring any family members We hope you shall come, we shall be waiting. -Mr. Shrike -------------------------------------------------------------- You close the letter and decide to go. You decide you'll have a blast. You were so wrong. Metacross Manor hides Dark secrets...and light will destroy them....Vampires -------------------------------------------------------------- RULES: This is NOT TWILIGHT. Vampires are people that are blood suckers. Not twinkly stars. NO weapons NO finding out the Dark Secret until I decide so. NO just turning people into Vampires. Ask like; (Can I turn you into a vamp?) --------------------------------------------------------------- (Two sheets allowed; three for people who ask nicely) Human: Name: Nickname: A.g.e: Why came: Country: Physical Appearance: Clothing: Hat/Helmet: Mask: Equipment:(Not weapons) Bio: Gender: Vampire: Name: A.g.e: Looks like: Why turned into Vampire: Country: Physical Appearance: Clothing: Hat/Helmet: Mask: Bite mark: Bio: Gender: ------------------ Mine: Human: Name: Nickname: A.g.e: Why came: Country: Physical Appearance: Clothing: Hat/Helmet: Mask: Equipment:(Not weapons) Bio: Gender: Vampire: Name: Mr. Shrike A.g.e: 249 Looks like: 32 Why turned into Vampire: Turned into a vampire and ambushed by rogue Vampires Country: UK Physical Appearance: pale skin, scar across eye Clothing: Black trench coat, black long sleeved shirt underneath, black trousers Hat/Helmet: Black cloths around most of head and neck Mask: The black cloth covers mouth Bite mark: On the neck, right side. Bio: A Mysterious man who owns a mansion, inviting people to it to perform a dark vampire ritual. He needs a certain amount of people to do so. Gender: Male
#20825626Wednesday, February 10, 2010 6:52 PM GMT

bump Anyone gunna join? Mesa worked hard :(
#20825748Wednesday, February 10, 2010 6:55 PM GMT

Name: Ray McKey Nickname: Morello A.g.e: 24 Why came: Why not? Country: SAmericad Physical Appearance: (See note) Clothing: Black T-shirt/purple minor highlights, worn-down jeans, combat boots, driving gloves Hat/Helmet: Bill-forward black and white trucker cap. Mask: Simple gas mask. Equipment: Two-way radio. Bio: Co-founder and co-leader of the Frontliners, an uprising mercenary group. Morello runs the Demonic half. They aren't actually demons, but they act like they are. Gender: Male (Why is this last lol) (Note: Morello, as I imagined him, is a foxlike anthropomorphic creature called a Citra. If anthros are not supported, I'll supply a backup 'human' appearance. I'd really rather have him be anthro, though. So would he. Morello hates going human.)
#20825807Wednesday, February 10, 2010 6:56 PM GMT

(Try and stick to humans :P)
#20825994Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:01 PM GMT

(-shrug-) (Morello: F[cnsr] me.) Physical Appearance: Somewhat muscular, if a little lanky. Average-light toned skin. mussy, short brownish hair. About 6' 2". Talks with a 'New Yorker' accent.
#20826402Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:10 PM GMT

(Morello: -confident cackle-) (Hellooouuu?)
#20826459Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:11 PM GMT

(WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY? Oh, just you. We need one more player)
#20826685Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:15 PM GMT

Name: Negro Black A.g.e: Looks like: 18 Why turned into Vampire: Was bitten by mister Shriek (oops! *covers mouth*) Country: English Physical Appearance: Long white hair, with a band of black, pale skin, and pinky red eyes. 4 inch fangs, and 7" tall. Very athletic, with elfin features. Clothing: Black overcoat, black and white check shirt, and black skinny jeans. A necklace with a jet encrusted cross on it, just to be ironic to Mr. Shrike. Hat/Helmet: A fedora, with a white band. Mask:No Bite mark: On my neck, 3 times. Bio: Completley devotes his life to Mr. Shrike. Gender: Male
#20826871Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:19 PM GMT

(Hai Darkwhite.)
#20827048Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:22 PM GMT

(I believe we can starteh. Anyone that joins now has just got off the plane/out of their car and come ot the mansion)
#20827080Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:23 PM GMT

#20827155Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:24 PM GMT

(I like the title and stuff :3) I awaited the guests to come through the front door, to be greeted by my vampi- I mean PALE servants. (You arent getting bitten instantly pl0x)
#20827175Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:24 PM GMT

Well, I'll start.) I walked nervously up to Mr. Shrike's door, and knocked.
#20827211Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:25 PM GMT

(Right.) A quad bike roared through the street with two figures on it - one Morello, riding on the back, and the other the driver, his identity unclear through his motocross helmet. As it reached the manor, without slowing down, Morello hopped off, and the driver sped off into the distance. Morello stood and stretched, starting for the main entrance.
#20827280Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:26 PM GMT

The doors swung open and multiple servants greeted the guests with words of 'The Master would like to see you in his office' and 'Greetings'
#20827364Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:28 PM GMT

I knocked on Mr.Shrikes door again. "Master Shrike?" I murmered, and opened the door, it creaking loudly.
#20827380Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:28 PM GMT

Morello raised an unseen brow behind his gas mask as he walked in.
#20827444Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:29 PM GMT

I sat on my chair (Spinny! Spinny! :3) "Why, hello"
#20827489Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:31 PM GMT

"Master Shrike, the guests are here." I said, coming into his office fully. He was spinning on his chair. "Would master like me to spin the chair, and rest his legs?"
#20827558Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:32 PM GMT

Morello wandered toward the office, tempted to check what was behind some of the doors.
#20827610Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:33 PM GMT

I heard Morello, and spun, until I was outside the door, and hissed at his mask. "No-one enters Master Shrike's room without permission!"
#20827651Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:34 PM GMT

(I wasnt spinning on my chair, its just capable of spinning) "No thank you, and find them or him or her to come here" "Please esc.ort our guest to me"
#20827718Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:35 PM GMT

Morello stopped back a little, more weirded out than startled. "Good day to you, too," he deadpanned.
#20827766Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:36 PM GMT

I stood up straight, and looked down at the man. "Pay repect to the master, or he can get.... peckish." I cackled, and pushed him in, and came in behind him, closing the door.
#20827858Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:38 PM GMT

Morello muttered something uninteligible, and switched focus to Shrike.

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