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#208383145Saturday, January 28, 2017 5:42 AM GMT

Of course you ALL know about the TAGS that you see in chat! So far it has gone WAY to far... on a server I play when I put the words Before Or Come in they go to #'s. Literally HOW! They aren't bad or anything. I know someone has made one of these forum posts. Like ill give an example what I mean about censored words ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original: "If you want to donate fell free to come in and donate to mac" Outcome: "If you want to ###### feel free to #### ## and ###### to ###" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With any of your work. May you please try to change what is Censored and not. Even my own NAME is censored! Also when I see the Tags I always say in chat "TAGS". And it gets annoying... Thanks For Reading This And Please Think About This Thanks! -Macor
#208384249Saturday, January 28, 2017 5:59 AM GMT

They should replace "#" with "*" so people can stop complaining about the "#".
#212019716Wednesday, March 15, 2017 9:35 PM GMT

I know it it is very annoying and doesn't really help

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