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#208490369Sunday, January 29, 2017 3:55 PM GMT

There was silence in the beginning, and therefore there shall be silence in the end. ~Sesler’ther Var-Indis Mankind has always felt the need to accomplish and discover. From fire to electricity, both inventions and exploration have gone hand in hand. Creation of first space shuttles led to the first space station, and in the later end of the twenty-first century, the first lunar colony. As adventurous and ambitious as the mortal race was, they could not solve one problem, entirely due to the fact that it meant solving themselves. Overpopulation. With the elimination of predators from prehistoric times and a true answer to global warming, - simply vacuum out an exceptional amount of air from the atmosphere and jettison it into space - the human race had no true challenge. Except themselves. The issue was not complicated in design but was complicated in solution. It cannot be as simple as mass killings. No, there must be another way. The lunar colony was a vital first step in this. Within half a century, almost all of the Moon’s surface was covered in biosphere habitats, large bubbles that provided for the occupants. Combating the lower gravity was fairly simple. After all, the International Space Stations had the same problem beforehand. Still, humankind was growing faster each minute. Mars was next to be colonised, albeit via a much longer process than the Moon. Venus and Mercury were unthinkable, too close to the Sun. One could mold the atmosphere to their will but they could not avoid the radiation. The answer came in a surprising way; an engine. One that could, theoretically, bend space around it as though folding a sheet of paper. High densities, like black holes, allowed this. The technology wasn’t cheap, and the Interspace Federation heavily regulated it, but the engine allowed for mankind to explore outside of their solar system, and later their galaxy. Lightyears were never a problem, given that the engine did not move fast. It simply made the route shorter. Well into the forty-first century, two millenniums after the Lunar Colonies, mankind had split into two races: The Earthlings, and the Canis Major Dwarfians. The galaxy, though not as close as the Andromeda galaxy, was cluttered with habitable solar systems. Of course, a great deal of planets needed to be modified to fit the human’s enjoyment. But nonetheless were suitable for the race. Earthlings were left behind, as anyone who could afford the technology used it. With new environments and offspring raised offplanet, centuries passed and people evolved in different ways. The blueskin Esquins of Tarla, or perhaps the Conivs of Mir-Ja, are prime examples of this. Canis Major revolves around a system of planets known as The Highway. These planets would become the center for trade, medicine, technology, arts, and education. It boasted the strongest economies of the galaxy, and rigorous militaries. Wars were now fought between planets and not simply countries or provinces. War spurs invention, however, so cheaper and better ways of making both weapons and space cruisers began to develop. A thriving market of personal ships fit for a handful of people made tourism and travel a virtue of the middle class and no longer only the elite. Humanity was in a Renaissance, as it came to be known.
#208490412Sunday, January 29, 2017 3:55 PM GMT

The period of greatness ended, however, into the fiftieth century, when other inhabitants were discovered. It was not by accident. In fact, these foreigners came to The Highway themselves. The Trini. While mankind has always adapted by pure experiences and natural selection, the Trini did not. Incredibly intelligent and seemingly without emotion, the Trini have observed the human race for a thousand years, nearly at the same time as the Dwarfian colonies were established. They planned and engineered themselves and their offspring in the case of conflict. The Trini were a low population of people, only reaching close to a billion on their home planet unartistically labelled Trini-Home. However, when the humans first sieged their planet for better tech and weaponry, they fought back with force. Plans created centuries before came into play as the Trini mathematically tore apart most of The Highway. The Trini-Human War was short, yet violent. It cannot be said that there were any true victors, as the Trini did not keep the land they stole. Instead, the entirety of their force retreated to Trini-Home, scheming and creating in secret. They did not leave empty handed, though appeared to have on the outside. Humans were kidnapped, perfect for experimentations to better understand their minds, which worked on an entirely different spectrum than the Trini. Eventually, genetic hybrids were birthed in structured breeding programs, splicing Trini genomes with the captured humans. Several dozen were created, and systematically tested in mental, physical, and the newly designed emotional tests. Those that could control and subdue the human genetics became deadly, capable of killing other Trini with ease. The Trini fought with knowledge and little else. Instinct and reflexes were nonexistent in their minds. Every action of the body was consciously controlled, from heartbeat, breathing, and eating. They studied the humans precisely so that they may fight them when needed without complications. One Trini could be directly attributed for the murder of several dozen mortals. However, the Trini-Mortal hybrids were unpredictable, even those who showed dominant human genes over the Trini genetics. Many were killed, while others were used as operatives. As the years reached the hundred thousands, the Trini earned a place on an intergalactic diplomacy board, earning their rights of privacy in exchange for the cancellation of human experimentation. The experiments continued, however. The Highway, now reaching its pre-war state, was a bustling dystopia of both crime and glory, of wealth and poverty. Corporations were suppliers of armies and armed their own soldiers for intercorporation warfare. Eventually, the Trini began to execute most of their operatives in an attempt to cement their place on a diplomatic board. Few escaped, and now act as vagabonds between the systems, Work can be found, if one was willing to dirty their hands, for a Trini-Mortal. The Trini were not alone in their own galaxy even before the arrival of the Earthling-to-Dwarfians. The Arachnidia, or Kelis in the four-legged, four-armed people's native language. Spider-like beings composed of a hard exoskeleton rather than skin, with a complex digestive system that could allow one meal to carry an individual for weeks. The Arachnidia have a social setup eerily similar to mortals. In contrast to their Trini neighbors, Arachnidians are loud, robust, and thrill-seeking creatures with an affliction for dangerous sports. They have a prominent spot on The Highway's Chairmen Board. Ruq-Telas is an example of such an event. A pit, usually in arid conditions or a desert, would be dug several meters in. The audience watched from above in sheltered stands. Inside the pit, the floor was painted in four distinct colors; red, yellow, blue, and green. These colors formed rings around a blank circle directly in the center of the indention, perhaps three feet wide. A total of ten participants would stand in the empty middle, the goal being to push other combatants into a color. Once one was in the first ring, green, they could not make it back into the center nor interact with anyone still there. It was allowed to cross colors of their own accord, as green would go to blue and push someone into red, then fall back to green. If the color-crosser was subdued, incapacitated, or killed, it could not be ruled foul. On the edge of the last color, yellow, was a gaping trench, a large drop for an individual shoved over. Spikes lie at the bottom, where they would be pushed onto. In the event of a stalemate, where two participants are left and are not in a preassigned team, and are in two colors non-adjacent to each other, (It is common for those not assigned to a team to work together, however.) they must duel. The participant with more eliminations is given the right of weapon choice, which both must use. The ruling for the altercation is faded and nearly nonexistent. Once a victor is decided, all bets on other individuals made by the audience must go to the winner.
#208490434Sunday, January 29, 2017 3:56 PM GMT

OOC: Now that the information is layed down, I can get into some unshown details. 1.) This is a DETAILED Roleplay. A paragraph is expected at the very least. 2.) ###r##ards to spam or trolling Character Sheets, do not reply in the thread. I can't control any strongly worded messages sent, though. 3.) This should go without saying, but no Gary/Mary Sues (I.E. The perfect characters you can find on every KL II server with the "Cute|Funny|Everyone Loves Her|" Personas.) In short, do not force an opinion of your character onto someone IC. 4.) PVP Combat is not a main focus of this Roleplay. Though I will have a main character (Our little wordsmith at the top, Sesler'ther), I will, as RP Maker, assume supporting all throughout to enhance someone's story. 5.) This roleplay does not have a heavy, strict plot that every character must adhere to at the time. I will most likely create one in time, but I want to get a feel for the RP community first. 6.) Questions should be PMed to me. Some blanks I may have left in the description are likely to be filled in by the first post of the roleplay. If you are choosing a particular race (The mortal races I earlier mentioned are simply physical differences. The social workings of each planet will be revealed in time, but it isn't too far from Earth. The Highway is a democratic republic, for starters. Corporations are VERY big things, though. Some are nearly criminal in their actions.), then you may ask me for more in-depth details. And now, the Character Sheet. These will be PMed to me rather than posted on the thread. I will then post the ones I approve. Name: Race: Age: (Arachnidia have a maximum lifespan of 60 Earth Years. The oldest one, Jahalis, was 67.) Gender: (Arachnidia are like earthworms; depending on the scenario, they could completely switch genders.) Personality: (Give us a sense of what the character acts like, how they think, how they walk, talk, things like that. Make us really picture them in action.) Appearance: Skills/Talents: Social Status At Start: Relationships: (You may PM other characters for this. It creates inter-OC [Original Character] dynamics. This can range from rivalries to best friends.) Origin: (Are you an Earthling who's wealthy parents made it to the Canis Major? Were you born on The Highway or on solar space station constructed around Nevan, the home sun? Get creative here, as some societies really stress the importance of where you were born.) Bio:
#208495356Sunday, January 29, 2017 5:31 PM GMT

#208503191Sunday, January 29, 2017 7:22 PM GMT

(OOC, neat RP, and if I didn't tend to RP at 11PM I might participate. Gl!)
#208506479Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:08 PM GMT

(It's probably going to be pretty slow moving. Perhaps a post or two a day.)
#208506872Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:13 PM GMT

(So, um, what happened to humans, that was never clear. Because I prefer to be my native race.)
#208507429Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:21 PM GMT

(Humans didn't change all too much physically. The blueskin Esiens were caused by the abnormal lighting of their dying sun, while the Conivs are nearly tribal in nature. I kind of wanted to veto that part out, since it is a bit misleading. It has more to do with the planet they grew up on and less on actual biology.)
#208507629Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:23 PM GMT

(Not what I meant. Did the Trini wipe out humans?
#208508060Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:28 PM GMT

(The Trini, after dealing some heavy damage, pulled back to their own planet. The Trini never desired to keep the land they stole, as the planet they already controlled was designed to match their exact standards. As such, there is still a great deal of humans left, in which the war was five thousand years before the roleplay starts. Trini researchers still occasionally kidnap humans, and are in a way avoiding another war so that they may peacefully conduct these experiments. If the forums let me have my way, I'd have all of this onto a google doc, but...hashes.)
#208508247Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:30 PM GMT

(K. Lel. Any scifi weapons i need to know about? Lasers, plasma, psionic, kinetic, hardlight, etc.?)
#208509225Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:41 PM GMT

(Depends on what planet you're on and what corporation you may be enlisted to. Laser technology is the pinnacle of weaponry, and is capable of cutting through most of the man-made materials on ships, making it both an infantry and space warfare weapon. Otherwise, battery-operated bolt casters can fling projectiles similar to Earth firearms, though with much greater speed and force to counteract the newest armor of the 100th century. For how far ahead the future is, I left some realms untouched simply to make it a bit stricter on how easy a war would be. The Trini may have some workings on new weapons of war, but they're kept under lock and key.)
#208509337Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:42 PM GMT

(Mk. Any special high-tech melee weaponry? Im a fan of those O.o)
#208510643Sunday, January 29, 2017 8:57 PM GMT

(The actual technology of the galaxy is where I start to get less coordinated and strict and more imaginative. You're helping me expand the universe even more. I wouldn't be surprised if some of The Highway boasts claw-like gauntlets, if nothing more than sport. The Trini are very fond of swords, though, so you may find blades in the market across the Highway, Trini-made or not.) (The Trini process of creating their swords is very, very precise. Most are made by the person themselves and not sold from one to another on Trini-Home. The children, who age rapidly from birth to twelve before slowing to a near halt, will be trained in this art, creating their blades on an atomic degree.)
#208511591Sunday, January 29, 2017 9:08 PM GMT

(So, more to the point: Solids or psionic/lasers/hardlight/plasma swords? And would there be BM Trini weapons?)
#208516426Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:03 PM GMT

(Sorry for my delay. A market on Trini weapons [Solid-material blades for the most part, though some do have a layer of lasers on the edge of the actual razor, if only for a better cut] would mostly deal with war relics. The Trini do not export their weapons nowadays, but any scavenged off of their bodies either during the war or afterwards would be in the market. Compared to some corporate weapons, Trini weaponry is both higher quality and easier to acquire if you have the money.)
#208516690Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:06 PM GMT

(Mk. How are intergalactic alliances between humans and the other races, and how are they between humans and Earthlings?)
#208517849Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:21 PM GMT

(The entirety of The Highway [Five planets, with Concourse as the capital] is controlled by a Chairmen's Board, who are elected as ambassadors from each's planet's international government. It is a diverse group, Arachnidia and Mortals freely conversing. Immigration is common for Dwarfians, though ambassadors must keep a home on their represented planet. The council was created to halt the wars between corporations, and as galactic peacekeepers. Corporations will always use criminal actions to gain a foothold in the market, but the council ensures that innocent lives are not lost during this. The Trini, out of the 124 ambassadors, have two. The Arachnidia have 57.) (While Earthlings don't have a spot on the council, they aren't considered enemies. Trade is a fickle thing between the two galaxies, however. Earthlings are technologically backwards and the people are perceived as either the poor or ignorant, which may be a misconception given the poverty-filled ghettos of corporate owned cities. The main export that the Earthlings provide, however, is art. Dwarfians have an attraction to artistic depictions of Old Earth ruins.)
#208518172Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:24 PM GMT

(I see, I see. Mortals are a combination of Trini and Dwarfians, yay/nay?)
#208519187Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:35 PM GMT

(The Trini have done very few experiments with certain mortals, if only for their own purposes. Trini seek all knowledge in the universe and every possible outcome of everything. Only a few dozen were hybrids who were then killed off. The few left are labelled as criminals by the Trini society and may be shunned by the Dwarfians. So, other than a few special cases, the mortals and Trini are unaffiliated.) (Now, a physical description of a Trini. While humanoid, almost all are exceedingly tall and gaunt, perhaps over seven feet on average. ############ live to a little over two centuries in Earth Years, and are cold, emotionless people. They speak in absolutes and abstain from similes or metaphors. No accent is prevalent on their planet, each speaking with a monotone and flat voice. The older beings begin to grow a lump at the base of the neck, where the brain stem meets the shoulders, made up of collective brain tissue. The mind never truly stops growing, expanding their memory as new things are learned. A Trini shall never forget a sensation detected by any of the senses nor a philosophy learned from experience. The names of the remaining Trini-Mortal hybrids are as follows; Sesler'ther Var-Indis, a corporate operator on Tarla. Parthis Var-Indis, a merchant between Dwarfians and Earthlings. Vascilles Sloan, high-stakes gambler. Maso Coutlet, weapon-smith. Brill Xil'ra, corporate director. Yanda Tilo, a criminal in multiple sectors of the galaxy. There are three more, though I have yet to name them. If someone TRULY wants one, alright, I won't stop you. Each of the above characters have a full history prepared in the event that someone wants to learn more.)
#208519260Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:36 PM GMT

(The hashes was Pure. ######### (MY GOD ROBLOX)
#208519336Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:37 PM GMT

(So, blood with past tense-esque ending is hashed.)
#208558367Monday, January 30, 2017 11:45 AM GMT

#208559195Monday, January 30, 2017 12:32 PM GMT

(I might join in.)
#208584148Monday, January 30, 2017 9:13 PM GMT

(Better PM me that CS if you're gonna give me the third degree :D)

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