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#208881995Friday, February 03, 2017 9:13 PM GMT

I've never liked ROBLOX less. Literally. They're putting games under review for having a 13+ filter in custom typing. On the games that have been updated to fit with the ROBLOX Terms of Service, I can't say city names. What if your city is the size of Tokyo (37+ million people)? No one could find you in there, it's a needle in a haystack. You can't say strings of gibberish (even though some might be words), because it may be used for cursing. No, it's just gibberish, like "aghiertgnjrkjn". I can't say the word "city" either, or acronyms, or the word "Filter" for that matter, or the word "horrible", and so on. This update makes me pray I get a ton of homework every day. wannabe British, proud American ☭Communist and Proud☭

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