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#209277026Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:47 AM GMT

The clan community is often overlooked because it's niche, and because ROBLOX knows we're a stable enough source of income. We support ROBLOX by buying BC for group space and stimulate its economy (We're no LMaDers but let's be honest the cash flow on C&G with developers and stuff is pretty high). Yet we're often ignored because of this. ROBLOX has promised use many features, and hasn't really given groups any positive features except maybe audit logs. No, they go on giving developers what they want, giving LMaDers what they want and sometimes even giving normal players what they want white they leave us in the dust. They regularly make updates which effect us but we're unable to really do... Anything to make them change their minds. We're all but forgotten, sometimes the admins come in and tell us "updates are coming" like they have been since 2012. Sure we're maintaining the clan community in some form, but ROBLOX doesn't just not make updates to help us - they also do updates which actively hurt us. Some which spring to mind are: not allowing us to remove hats with =, t## price floor so we can't sell our uniforms properly and of course - the killer, not converting group funds from Tix to R$. As SilentSwords once said, we're at a limit, we've innovated as much as we can, we no longer can without the help of the admins. And so, SS like many other developers moved away from clans and into game making. Literally every other portion of the site receives support from ROBLOX. ROBLOX has simply left us behind -- and not because we're not giving them money. Clans generate plenty of money, you need to spend money for your clan you do. You need to buy BC to make a clan you do. You need more group space to not let down you friends! We generate plenty! No, it's because we can't properly unite. When the clothing makers protested the price floor, as they were a unified demographic with a large audience, ROBLOX bowed their back. When LMaDers asked for a trading system, ROBLOX spared no time in making one. Yet we still wait for the features hinted at in 2012 https://blog.roblox.com/2012/07/the-future-of-groups-in-roblox/ We need organazation, we need a more unified voice as clanners to make ourselves heard. Why can't we do this? Simple, we can't work together. ___ and ___ are at war. Ended in a flame war. ___ and ___ hate each others guts so much that ___ will disagree when ___ wants roblox to help clans out a bit. And so we hear the same old arguments "Clans don't make ROBLOX enough money" or "ROBLOX has no reason to help clans." Like I just said, we do make ROBLOX plenty of cash, it's just that self defeaist attitude why we can't get anything done. It's absolutely true that our community is small, and we cannot let it be fractured. We need to stay unified and negotiate with ROBLOX. We need to make ourselves heard. We need to put our petty squabbles aside for 5 minutes, and stand arm in arm, demanding ROBLOX does more to help clans and less to hurt it. We need to have a clear voice on every issue and make sure the mods don't rip us off any more. And so, that's why we decided to create the Roblox Clanners Union. The union will be very democratic and have wide open meetings to try to make our voice heard and to eventually, negotiate directly with the ROBLOX mods. Through collective bargaining (bear with me here) we can finally get some features and support which the clan world has been dying for. So I'd like to make a plea to all of you, if you can find it in your heart to help the clan world as a whole, join the Roblox Clanners Union: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=3103656 Remember, if the pie gets bigger everyone wins. -TheAgent008
#209277059Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:48 AM GMT

Support I'll be holding it for Agent btw on ## holder account
#209277081Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:49 AM GMT

As SilentSwords once said, we're at a limit, we've innovated as much as we can, we no longer can without the help of the admins. And so, SS like many other developers moved away from clans and into game making. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#209277090Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:49 AM GMT

Support, Roblox ignores the clan world completely. The last update I even remember were audit logs.
#209277127Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:50 AM GMT

its ok roblox will add those new features SOON™
#209277139Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:50 AM GMT

I agree wholeheartedly but people C&Gers love stagnation and don't want to put forth the effort if there is no immediate (or personal) gain.
#209277205Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:52 AM GMT

But people like C&Gers*
#209277268Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:53 AM GMT

"As SilentSwords once said, we're at a limit, we've innovated as much as we can, we no longer can without the help of the admins. And so, SS like many other developers moved away from clans and into game making." I totally agree with this.
#209277282Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:53 AM GMT

That's just CNG the whole clan world is a diffrent stroy
#209277291Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:53 AM GMT

Supports this forum. ROBLOX must add on land expanison, this probably will creates Power Clan into largest empire ever (Probably Vaktovia)
#209277340Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:55 AM GMT

100% support
#209277377Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:55 AM GMT

support .
#209277760Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:05 AM GMT

@Hunter That's a fun little cliche people like to use which isn't true. I've been observing clans by - maybe not the best method, but by going to games and scrolling down until it reaches 5 people, then choosing a clan to train with. The SW community clans has grown. The Japanse community has grown due to the creation of a central group called FeudalJapan Sword clans are down Gun clans are down Scifi clans are down Modern clans are down Colonial clans are down Naval clans are down
#209278102Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:12 AM GMT

Ranked matches would be an amazing part of clans. It's a shame ROBLOX has not added that feature yet.
#209278187Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:14 AM GMT

Well written, 100% support.
#209278193Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:14 AM GMT

Star Wars and Game of Thrones are both the succeeding genres right now.
#209278401Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:19 AM GMT

SW is doing great but that can be drawn to the fact that it's being heavily marketed to kids and the fact that new star wars movies are coming out (hype factor)
#209278585Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:24 AM GMT

ROBLOX seriously doesn't know how much groups have helped them... We need some updates to keep ourselves thriving. Part of the reason why ROBLOX is so popular now is because of clans. Most clanners spend more time clanning rather than playing other games, so if clans completely die out, then they will probably quit.
#209278620Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:25 AM GMT

Uhhh is this another War Clans of Roblox? because that was AIDs 1 Day'd #Thanks Maple <3
#209278660Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:26 AM GMT

They even mentioned in that blog how they realize our numbers and they realize that we make up a big member base of ROBLOX, but about 5 years later and they've yet to do anything for our own sake.
#209278744Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:29 AM GMT

If you want to possibly make a difference and have ROBLOX make a change for clans, then join here - https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=3103656
#209278791Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:30 AM GMT

In the scheme of things, clans (and guilds) make hardly any money for roblox. when you say heaps of clanners buy BC, well in comparison to the active roblox community it's only a small fraction of the purchases.
#209278794Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:30 AM GMT

lol seeming maple owns it ima pass. i'll go make my own. I am good at copy clans. 1 Day'd #Thanks Maple <3
#209278825Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:31 AM GMT

There are a good percentage of clanners that are traders as well.
#209278850Wednesday, February 08, 2017 5:32 AM GMT

anyway, why would the mods want to help out such a toxic community?

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