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#209433578Friday, February 10, 2017 10:06 PM GMT

I - Purpose; II - Acceptance Process; III - Advancement Protocol; IV - Certification Process; V - Imperial Officers; VI - Imperial ############## VII - Imperial Commanders. I - Purpose: The purpose of the IED is to train troopers to become Officers; to teach them exactly how to become more than an average Imperial, how to become more than an average Trooper. To become the best of the best, to be able to teach others, to be able to command others properly. That is the goal of the IED. II - Acceptance Process: To join the IED, you must first earn the rank of "Master Sergeant" and earn notoriety in the Empire by earning the respect of an Imperial Hi#############Do whatever you will to earn your notice. Be extremely active, be extremely mature, be extremely good at your job. If you are able to do so, you will advance quickly and earn the respect of Imperial Hi##############nd possibly even Imperial Commanders. If you can earn this, you will be asked by an Imperial Commander to send a request to the IED, where you will be accepted and reviewed for future advancement. III - Advancement Protocol: To advance within the IED, you must attend training sessions that correlate with your stage. There will be three total stages, advancement will be based on evaluations of skills. After passing the final stage, you will be personally interviewed by the Grand Moff and accepted into the Officer Skype Chat, where you will communicate with other Officers. If you fail your interview with the Grand Moff, you will repeat the previous stage. Advancement speed is placed solely on the Officer-Candidate's shoulders, but exactly how fast you earn your advancement will be determined by the Examination Officers of the IED. When an Examination Officer shouts for an Advancement Test for a certain stage, they will be basing skills on this rubric: A.) Combat: 1 - Needs Improvement; Imperial demonstrates very lack-luster combat skills, needs to be taught how to use a weapon correctly or risk killing troopers under their own command with incompetence. 2 - Basic Control; Imperial demonstrates very basic skills with weaponry, but still have some mediocre abilities. 3 - Exemplary; Imperial demonstrates extreme marksmanship and movement with weapons. 0 - Complete Failure; Imperial shows no skill whatsoever, no competency, and no remarkable skills except being bad. B.) Leadership: 1 - Needs Improvement; Imperial demonstrates little-to-no abilities in the art of commanding others. Not inspirational when speaking. 2 - Basic Control; Imperial demonstrates a basic grasp of leadership, and shows room to improve. 3 - Exemplary; Imperial demonstrates complete control over leadership skills. Very inspirational to troopers when speaking. 0 - Complete Failure; Imperial shows no room for improvement as well as a lack of leadership skills. C.) Grammar: 1 - Needs Improvement; Imperial gives very little evidence they have a decent vocabulary, spelling is sub-par at best. 2 - Basic Control; Imperial demonstrates very basic grammatical skills, has a decent vocabulary, spelling is decent. 3 - Exemplary; Imperial demonstrates mastery of grammatical skills. Impeccable vocabulary and spelling. 0 - Complete Failure; Imperial demonstrates no grasp whatsoever with grammatical skills, sentence structure, spelling, capitalization, and has extremely small vocabulary. Stage one must earn at least six points of a possible nine, two in each category or better. Stage two must earn at least seven of a possible nine, two or more in each category. Stage three must earn a perfect score. IV - Certification Process: All Officer-Graduates will be given a T-Shirt specifically made for them. The T-Shirt is a badge, the T-Shirt must be worn at all times when on duty, as it is a symbol of your graduation. If an Officer is not wearing their badge, they will be punished by an immediate demotion down to the previous rank. If the punished Officer is a seco#d Lieutenant, he/she will be demoted to the Interview Process of the IED. V - Imperial Officers: Officers are Imperials who have worked their hardest, and through hours of their blood, sweat, and tears, managed to crawl their way to the rank of Imperial Officer. They are allowed to order all those below them, and they consist of those between the 2nd Lieutenant rank, and the Major rank. They take orders from Imperials whose ranks are above their own. VI - High Imperial Officers: Imperial High-Officers are some of the greatest in the Empire. They are allowed to order all below them, and only take orders from Imperial Commanders and above. To manage to become an Imperial High############no easy task, they must be recognized by an Imperial Commander and be approved by the Grand Moff. VII - Imperial Commanders: Imperial Commander are, without a doubt, the hardest working Imperials in the Empire. They are the greatest, and they have earned the respect of the Grand Moff, as well as the admiration of all those below them. To become an Imperial Commander, you must be recognized by the Grand Moff, and be appointed by him, with the approval of his aides.

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