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#209528173Saturday, February 11, 2017 11:08 PM GMT

We had been warned. The decision of ignorance, entirely human. The world now lays scorched, not by fire or war, purely pollution. The industrialization of man, as it always intended to do, sped up the process. The exploiting of resources led only to destruction, contrary to anyone's reasonable belief. What formally was the United States now lays a disarray of conflict between the government and it's people. The heating of the Earth has left the sky lined with an eternal layer of cloud, a vast ocean above mans head that rarely relieves it's fruit of life, water. The wars that followed were the only thing one could truly expect. Nations all across the globe battled it out for the precious resource, yet no longer valuable rock or oil, but the foundation of humanity. All were displaced in the advent, both rich and poor, maybe the last sign of equality on earth was the collective loss for everyone on the planet. With water no longer an option, man looked upon it's industrialized counterpart for hope. A cruel hope. Virgina, 2071. The world now lies completely shattered, those who rose from the ashes of the dry and barren landscape set out on their only goal, to find water, to survive. They no longer belonged to a society, a nation. They were outcasts. Many in light of past communities have sought to replicate a sense of hierarchy, a sense of unity. Only one thing now united humanity, the struggle for water. Many of these newfound nations made promise of the fabled substance, exploiting it for their own ulterior motive. Man was only a means as always. All are now left to walk the desert of Earth, the mirage of survival glows in their eyes.
#209585783Sunday, February 12, 2017 2:39 PM GMT

Clap, that was beautiful, also first post
#210021994Saturday, February 18, 2017 1:26 PM GMT

second haha

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