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#20979302Saturday, February 13, 2010 5:38 PM GMT

(Based off the 2001 Gamecube game) You were called out to your Grandfathers mansion because hes been murdered. It wasnt a normal murder, his head was missing and the police dont have any evidence of who did it. You stay in the mansion looking for the thing that murdered him -Rules- No leaving the mansion No charater controling I choose who gets the The Tome of Eternal Darkness. I control what monsters come and weapons you can find. No Ubering Put "End of the Darkness" In your sheet. -Charater sheet- Name: (first name) Kenka A.ge: (13-39) Gender: Sanity: (Choose from between 10 to 100 and I will explain what sanity is later) A.ppearance: Weapons: (Only two and they have to be modern) Items: (Only 3 and they cant be weapons) Bio: -Dictonary for words- Sanity- If you have a 100 sanity it means not much crazy things will happen to you. But if you have 10 for example you will see walls bleeding, hear voices and sounds and also see enemies that arnt there. The Tome of Eternal Darkness- The book with storys of your family's time line
#20979435Saturday, February 13, 2010 5:40 PM GMT

Name: Yuuki Kenka A.ge: 16 Gender: Female Sanity: 20 A.ppearance: Dark, chestnut, shoulder-length hair, light, chestnut, natural highlights, and slight bangs. Very dark, crimson eyes. A tiny, scarlet scar on her right wrist. A little taller than her average height for her age. Muscular. (I'm not talking about huge muscles, I'm mean like... strong. But not super strong.) Clothes=Avatar. Usually wears sneakers. Weapons: A robust, 'ancient'-like sword, strapped to her back. Items: A backpack full of notebooks, sketches, pencils, 2 water bottles, and a small medikit. Bio: People think that Yuuki is crazy. Yuuki loves the snow and winter. She has a horse named Russell. Russell has dark, chestnut fur, a light, chestnut mane, and dark, serious eyes. He is young and fit.
#20979471Saturday, February 13, 2010 5:41 PM GMT

(Hi billy. :D )
Top 25 Poster
#20979488Saturday, February 13, 2010 5:41 PM GMT

(Lets just use the other one! Sorry for the confusion!)
#20979916Saturday, February 13, 2010 5:50 PM GMT

(Oh, okay.)
Top 25 Poster
#20979960Saturday, February 13, 2010 5:51 PM GMT

(im going to let this one die)
#20980723Saturday, February 13, 2010 6:05 PM GMT

Name: Negro Kenka A.ge: 18 Gender: Male Sanity: 30 A.ppearance: My avatar, but with hair that is white, and down to my waist. Also has pale skin, pinky red eyes, and is 7" tall, due to a growth deformation. Weapons: A small gun, hidden in my sleeve, attached to my wrist. Also a more conspicuous Uzi. Items: An I-pod, a book on Ghosts and Demons, and a flashlight. Bio: After working in the Speical Forces for a year, Negro became a paranormalist.
Top 25 Poster
#20981002Saturday, February 13, 2010 6:10 PM GMT

(um can you join the other one)
#20981055Saturday, February 13, 2010 6:11 PM GMT


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