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#209846391Wednesday, February 15, 2017 9:37 PM GMT

*sorry for hashtags!* It all started with ####### Ben gave off a cheater vibe but I decided to ignore it. After he overslept for our lunch dae, we agreed to meetup at a bar. My friends all agreed he was attractive but he looked better in his photos tbh. Eventually, my friend got kicked out of the bar so we went to another. Ben brought up the fact that he was a drummer and everybody was impressed. He ended up leaving early and said mixing his meds with al#######ade him tired (he actually went to another girls house). After that night, I got into an accident. My upper lip was busted, broken elbow, and bruised knees, cheek, and hand. Ben was the only person that insisted he visit and I became less isolated and opened up to him more. He made the effort to even help out with rent and groceries. After a week, I stopped casually seeing other guys because he asked me not to, but we agreed to take it slow as I didn't wanna get hurt again and didn't know him very well. One Sunday, there were 8 missed calls by a girl named Katrina. He later confessed to me when he was ###### out of his mind that it was a girl he hadn't seen in 2 weeks and he was only seeing her because she was helping him find another job (gliding over the fact that it was his #### I stupidly took him back when the crocodile tears came and he deactivated his ###### in front of me. He gave me his passcode after the incident (6662) as long as I didn't look through his gallery or messenger (which he conveniently deleted). Not only that, he only pretended to deactivate his account in front of me and forgot (he only uninstalled it). I found out when I used Ti######gain and he swiped twice at me (Katrina reported him and his friend, Josh for abusing the app so they made 2 accounts). While he was asleep, I looked through his ##### and it had Josh guiding him on how to uninstall/hide apps and messages so I'd never be suspicious. There were more than 240+ pics of girls pics (including some in ######### and he gave some of us nicknames which were downright vulger/racial slurs. I confront him about it and he swore on his mother's grave that he was only talking to these girls. I told him I saw the gallery and he just casually said he lied, turned over, and went back to bed. I tried to sleep on the couch but eventually, I deleted every single picture on his phone (only keeping screenshots of nicknames he gave me and him saying to Jo#### #o#######U######ut an easy lay." and after meeting me said I was, "Fecking hot." I tried to message all the girls (including the one he was in love with), even ones he met a week of looking after me. In total, it was 14 girls, including his gf########efused to believe the screenshots staring at them and said they were doctored/delusional). To add insult to injury, I poured Sprite on his dad's spare laptop, threw the remaining things he left at my house out the front lawn (including his laptop charger that he needed to have it work). Shortly after, I began dating another guy. In those 2 days, Ben blackmailed, threatened, and harassed me. Saying he'd get me fired from ## job for harassment and invasion of privacy and getting Jordan to leave me. He left voicemail's where they'd be silent for ######## ## knew it was him cos his dad was in the background in one of them, shouting at something). And began spreading lies like I stole his laptop etc. to Jordan and everybody else (I later told his dad the truth and sent him all the threats Ben made when he was stupid enough to text his abusive dad on my phone after he ran out of credit). This creep ended up leaving 21 missed calls on the first day my relationship went public, to 29 the day after. Eventually, I found out by his exes and a girl, he allegedly ##### his last ## and physically/mentaly abused the ex before that. The girl he was supposedly friends with (who sent him suggestive pics) said he saw 4-5 girls (including me and her) in a day. I ended up posting his threats, messages, and blackmails publicly after I found out about all the girls he threatened his money back for (including me) after he used them. It still astounds me that he hurt his ex and told lies about her after he told me sensitive stuff regarding her father. That, and people he knew ganged up on her. One ex confessed she broke down at work and snorted ketomine (horse tranquilizer) because of him. I'm just glad that I found out before it got to that extent. If anybody has any reservations about this story, I'm more than happy to validate it via direct messages. Things I learnt from this experience are: If they move too fast, be suspicious. Pay for your own things. No matter how long somebody went to school with people you know, they could be putting up a facade. If it's more than 3 missed calls. Be cautious. Narcisstic/sociopath or not, never blame yourself for the wrong they put on you. That being said, go to hell, Ben. You're not as good at #### as you claim to be :)

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