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#209916617Thursday, February 16, 2017 10:35 PM GMT

Introduction: This is the training guide use to host training, please make sure you follow ALL the necessities for training. Host: Senior Administration Team+. (We no longer have co-host) Trainers: Maximum is FOUR. Supervisors: Assistant Manager+. (2 are only required.) Naming yourself: Since you already have a Box over your head that appears your name and rank. Simply follow these rules for the ranks you need to name. Host's name should be: Host Supervisors name should be: Supervisor Trainer's name should be: Trainer [Number] **REFRAIN FROM SAY GOOD LUCK OR ANYTHING. Please and thank you. ** ##out Format: TRAININGS|Hosted by:(Your username.)|Training begins at and also s-locks at: (Both GMT and EST please.) TRAININGS|Hosted by: (Your username.)| In session, sorry if you missed our trainings. Attend the next one please. TRAININGS|Concluded! Congratulations to those trainees who couldn't make it. Why don't you enjoy a nice bowl of frozen yogurt down at the cafe? Follow these simple rules before beginning training please. 1. Supervisors MUST ask all trainees to sit down on the chairs waiting patiently, please tell them nicely to not wonder around and stay seated. 2.Briefly tell the trainees that if you don't use proper grammar nor fix your mistakes, they will be receiving a warning. [Give them a chance before giving an actual warning.] 3.Don't FOOL around staffs. That means off topic chats, that will make you look unprofessional and you represent MYO. 4.All trainers and host wait until the training session or time begins. Do not slock before THE TIME BEGINS. We've received lots of comments on the wall about s-locking minutes before the actual time. The host may only s-lock. Please also enter "Sorry, if you missed our trainings, attend our next one at (Next training time.)" 5.Before introductions, ALL trainers are to be at their stations. 6. Trainees are required to walk to any counter they prefer and must be evenly dispersed in each group. 7.Tell them to address you must address Seniors, Presidents or Chairwoman/Chairman as their high ranking officials such as Sir or Ma'am. Miss is also fine. 8.Don't interrupt the host while they're talking. DON'T use ;m please. Use ;h in the chat. To avoid chat lag. Use /e. Training instructions: 1. Introduce yourself (only host). "Hello! Thanks for attending our (Ex. 6PM EST) trainings! My name is (Your name) and I'll be your host today. Here are our trainers (Names). 2. Go over some simple rules. -Grammar is needed during training. If you don't use grammar, you'll be given a warning. If this continues, the host will deal with the situation later. -Please be respectful to everyone INCLUDING your trainer and your co-workers. -Refrain from using all caps that are unnecessarily needed or slang terms such as "yall or wassup." 3.The trainees will go to their assigned counters during introduction and rules. Host will bring trainees to the assigned counters. The trainees have the option to pick which trainer to be trained with and must be evenly spread out. The trainers will go over 3 important rules. Try to avoid skipping this process which is really important. - Please listen to your trainer (myself) at all times as I will give you directions on what to do! - As well as learning how to serve, please also have fun in this training! - And remember to use grammar at all times! (: 4. Trainers are then expected to teach our trainees the PROPER way to do the thre3 part greeting. First part: Hello! Welcome to MYO! My name is (name) and how may I serve you today? (Menu is above you if you don't know what we serve.) Second part: Would that be all? Or Would you like anything else today? (These sentences are used when the customers orders around 1-3 things. When they order 4 items. [Which is the maximum, you don't say this phrase.] Third part: For best service, repeat their orders. So if a customer orders a strawberry froyo and a mango ice cream, you say: Here is your strawberry froyo and mango ice cream sir/miss! Thanks for choosing MYO! *During this greeting part. TRAINEES are required to create a greeting and IF it's perfect or good enough to pass, give them only 1 point.* 5.Ordering the menu items.The group is required to split in half (meaning create two lines) to avoid crowds and chaos, both groups are required to do the same order, when the first group comes back, the second one is off. WARN THE TRAINEES NOT TO GIVE THE ITEMS YET. You will be checking individual inventories. ** Each order is timed 40 seconds each. Those who leave the kitchen twice will not be accepted. ** Since we have SIX groups. Each trainer is required to time their group 40 seconds to grab whatever order that you asked for.(Greetings are not necessary needed.) Since there are four groups. Try to avoid get jumbled up. Since this process takes time. Try to teach your lessons a certain time so you don't have to wait for other groups to finish their timed order. You will be timing 3 orders. -Tip- Try to give them a mixture, avoid doing 2 items that are same. Try mango froyo with a lime popsicle. Or mint ice cream with a banana slurpy. 5. Afterwards trolling is next. Trainees are required to handle and deal with trollers. The trainer is required to think of ONE trolling scenario and the trainee is required to deal with the situation. If they pass, give them a point. If they didn't pass. Don't give or take away a point. Feel free to change the style of teaching trolling. But each are required to do a tr0ll test from the trainer itself. Feel free to add any NECESSARY detail or ask any questions to the trainees to enhance this training. 7. After all the trainers are done training. They are sent to the seats and then ranking is then in process. IN TOTAL POINTS REQUIRED TO PASS:4 (Rank is next rank but Baristas need 5 points to pass.) One point for- Introduction or greeting. One point for- Trolling test. Three points for- Correct orders. (If they only got 2 out of three orders, it's 2 points. One out of 3 points, only one point.) Total Points: 5 The host won't be training nor the supervisor. KEEP IN MIND: This doesn't mean you can talk off topic. OFFICIALLY MADE BY MARQARET

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