#212693543Friday, March 24, 2017 3:10 PM GMT

-Henry- "Oh... Show's over already?" Listening to Gord_n Ra_sey go on and on about how terrible the food is. -Katherine- "Looks like it," putting away the notepad and pen after writing what they'd like to eat, before saying, "I think he's just a spoiled person who just thinks that food will always be good and tasty. I hate those sort of people." I blush slightly at Lucario's remark, "Well, I mean I'm already in a committed relatio (filter) nship with another Pokémon... Anyways, since the restaurant is closing, how about we walk over to the place we rented out for our time here? I'll cook you guys your food there, though I'm not too good a chef. -Henry- "And, there goes Ms. Medina." "Anyways, we should probably go, despite being the last one's here, after I finish these checks and cards."
#212694137Friday, March 24, 2017 3:23 PM GMT

Meanwhile... Warhead Off a distance, I watch Medina destroy the ones who has destroyed her, the ones who ended her career in a very bad way. I should probably join in when the time is right.
#212695058Friday, March 24, 2017 3:46 PM GMT

-Henry- (part-human) I walk out of the now-closed-due-to-health-safety restaurant, before catching the feel of the air with a deep breath, "Ehh... You smell that?" Talking to Katherine, who was just walking out the door with her friends. -Katherine- (Ninetales) I take a deep breath in through my nose, "Danger, metal, gunpowder, and a Lab underground. Yea... Oh and the Execution Squad, of course. It's like they're everywhere, aren't they... "Well then, we gotta get over to where there's more help around." -Henry- (filter) "Medina? Yea, let's head over to... where ever she is..." I close, taking off in a dash towards the point on the map projected on the lens of the DA, with Katherine and company following closely behind.
#212695458Friday, March 24, 2017 3:55 PM GMT

Medina I think I overdo it, but that would be enough to make Fiore know my true pain. Just then, I hear clapping and someone is approaching me. .... Warhead "Bravo, bravo, 'Miracle Chef' Medina Morena." I say with a bit of praise from the robot chef.
#212704988Friday, March 24, 2017 6:32 PM GMT

Gaige "Why are you even messing with things like that?"
#212710720Friday, March 24, 2017 8:28 PM GMT

-Katherine- I take a deep breath in, before abruptly stopping and dragging Henry back by the shirt. "Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. I smell more metal, gunpowder, and... Is that... Nuclear material? Pull your bandana up." -Henry- I knew better than to question my sister, on anything smell-related, "It's Warhead isn't it?" -Katherine- I nod my head, "Medina's right around the corner, and Gaige for that matter." ... Well, we walked around the corner to see two robots, the shorter one probably being Medina and the taller one, Warhead. The scene was disturbing, at best. (Notice me.)
#212721953Friday, March 24, 2017 11:47 PM GMT

Mist Looking very panicked, I'd yell out the only thing that I knew would offend her enough. "HEY MEDINA! IT'S YOUR INGREDIENTS FAULT HONEY, NOT HERS! WHO FORGOT TO RESTOCK THE INGREDIENTS, YOU! THEREFORE, YOU PLAY THE BLAME GAME WAY ON A STUPID LEVEL, AND YOUR RESTAURANT DESERVED TO BE SHUT DOWN FOR YOUR OWN IGNORANCE!" I'd sticks my tongues out, and stand in a fighting stance.
#212722829Saturday, March 25, 2017 12:00 AM GMT

Fi.o.re Gazing weakly at Mist, i'd let out an annoyed sigh. "Kind of too late to do that... Seriously, we don't need any more anger than we already have."
#212727779Saturday, March 25, 2017 1:11 AM GMT

############## and pretty much everyone around Katherine: "Hey, me and Eric can help!" Exclaimed Lucario. "We learned a lot of cooking tricks from Swirlix!" ######## Cassandra: "Don't think I have a choice," Lycanroc joked as you advanced on the blob. An attack didn't look like it would hurt it given that it might go after your weapons if you were to use them.
#212729886Saturday, March 25, 2017 1:45 AM GMT

Warhead It looks like its my turn to fight. "Medina honey, let me do the rest for you." I say as I partially remove my trenchcoat to reveal my built-in weaponry. "Think fast!" I yell as I begin to fire my abdominal machine gun at the group.
#212729949Saturday, March 25, 2017 1:46 AM GMT

Jared "I have no idea, and so-" Just then, I would hear loud gunfire from a distance.
#212730849Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:01 AM GMT

Gaige She'd look over at the loud noise as well, "I think I know what's happening...."
#212731026Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:03 AM GMT

Jared "Yeah, me either." I say and then I quickly dash off towards the scene.
#212731348Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:08 AM GMT

Gaige I'd follow behind him as we got to the scene, "It's what I thought..."
#212731678Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:13 AM GMT

Fi.ore Grabbing Mist's arm, i'd burrow downwards as fast as I could with the ones arm I had free. Letting go of Mist, i'd burrow forwards, wanting to get a distance from the shop. Mist Being dragged down, it took me a few seconds to realize what she was doing. "Running away, seriously Fi.ore?" Chara (Frisk) I was struck with the bullets, losing a few HP. "You call that an attack? My adopt.ive brother as the god of hyper.death gave Frisk a harder time!"
#212731814Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:15 AM GMT

(I realized Frisk and whatever that is was from UnderTale. Needless to say I cringed. Rather hard.)
#212732107Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:20 AM GMT

Warhead After firing my abdominal machine gun, I then proceed to fire ## ##### missile launcher at the building of which the sisters are hiding. Jared We made it to the scene, only to be late.
#212732539Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:27 AM GMT

(What else is new Bol.ram? You always find a problem in what I do.)
#212733062Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:34 AM GMT

Gaige "Jared, maybe we should come later?"
#212733810Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:45 AM GMT

Jared "What are you talking about? Can't you see that our friends are in danger?"
#212733883Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:46 AM GMT

Gaige "The only people who look like they are in danger is those girls, Medina doesn't look like she needs help."
#212733956Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:47 AM GMT

Fi.ore Digging upwards, i'd look around. We were in a park, thankfully not the park near the flower shop. Mist "It seems a few people want our heads today, huh?" Fi.ore Calling Gai g.e, i'd eye the area around the park, hoping there was no nasty surprises waiting. Chara (Frisk) Still standing at a singular HP, i'd laugh. "Have you never seen what determination is like? Because it takes a lot more than THAT to get rid of me."
#212734533Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:54 AM GMT

Jared "Wait, Medina-" Medina I appear before the two and then I use my telekinesis to push them against a pole. I then grab their necks, lift them up, and start strangling them. Jared Struggling from the choking, I say "M-Medina...w-why?" Medina "You ruined me...now I'll ruin you." Warhead Well that was a complete waste of my arsenal. I turn to Medina, who seems to be busy with Jared and Gaige. "Splendid, I'll just watch you kill those youngsters." I say.
#212734960Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:01 AM GMT

A figure taps Medina on the shoulder.. --- Volt "So, freaky evil looking robot lady, would some extra electricity hurt or charge you?" "How many can you hold with that telekinesis of yours?" "Why do you look like you want to kill someone?" "Why so angry, honestly?"
#212735229Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:05 AM GMT

Gaige "T-told you" She'd say struggling