#211192060Saturday, March 04, 2017 3:47 AM GMT

Gaige "So are we trusting Thomas now?" Zer0 "When were we not?" Gaige "When he tried to kill me. And cane." Zer0 "Thomas?"
#211192360Saturday, March 04, 2017 3:53 AM GMT

Thomas "Hey, you two are immortal so you'll be fine. A good beating is something I need, its in my blood. But say, Zer0, are you a full metal assassin or do you have parts that are, well, human?"
#211193189Saturday, March 04, 2017 4:08 AM GMT

Zer0 "Classified, anyway lets go back to Jared and co,"
#211193438Saturday, March 04, 2017 4:13 AM GMT

(Alright, sorry if it annoys you to ask this again, but where is Jared and the group right now?)
#211193494Saturday, March 04, 2017 4:14 AM GMT

Thomas I suddenly pull a stop as I turn to Cane and Gaige and say "Cane, Gaige, I think its best that we should separate. If Jared sees you two, he'll kill you. You should find a place far from here. C'mon Zer0." Cane As I watch the two walk away, I say "Montana..."
#211193798Saturday, March 04, 2017 4:20 AM GMT

Zer0 "Would he really hurt her?" Gaige "Hey cane, who is Jared?"
#211194091Saturday, March 04, 2017 4:25 AM GMT

Cane "I think its best that you should not know. Besides, we don't know why they're fighting in the first place." Thomas "It depends on his reaction. Gaige is almost unrecognizable." .... Episode 33: Caboose On The Loose .... Tech I have finished some sort of serum that can increase the muscle mass of a person's body and increase his strength, and now for the test subject. Under the sheets of the test bed is the most stupidest out of the RvB men; Caboose! And he is strapped onto it for reasons. "So, how are you feeling?" I ask.
#211194578Saturday, March 04, 2017 4:34 AM GMT

(Okay, I think I'm done trying to get directly involved with the Jared roleplay. I'll standby for a bit.) Fiore Holding the bundle of flowers to my chest, i'd smell them, and tried to think of something else. But I couldn't. He threatened her life. He almost killed someone. And right now, thinking of what mess this went downhill from just that... Tears rolled. Tears of fear and worry. Then the door opened. Wisp She was crying again. If it had been anyone else, i'd mock them. But all of this on Fiore made sense. She barely knew Gaige, much less Jared. But Fiore had the right idea. Heart hurting, i'd rush in for a hug.
#211194617Saturday, March 04, 2017 4:35 AM GMT

Caboose "Hungry, and tired. Do you have any fries?" Zer0 "I recognise her, what are you getting at?" Gaige "You all seem to make him a big deal,"
#211194975Saturday, March 04, 2017 4:41 AM GMT

Tech "Whatever, you'll be the first one to try this new formula I made. I quite had enough of using these boosters, but this will be an innovation to the magnificent world of science! May God grant me a miracle!" I say and then I injected the serum into Caboose and after a few seconds, his muscles begins to grow rapidly. It worked! But then something went wrong. I look into my computer and I forgot the one thing that can make the serum work better; mental stabilizers. Without it, Caboose will become a mindless monster on a killing spree. Tho mas "Fangs, blood red eyes, pale skin, you know what I'm getting." Cane "Well, whatever the case, we should probably head for Montana. First, we need to go home and get stuff ready." I say as we walk home.
#211195458Saturday, March 04, 2017 4:50 AM GMT

Zer0 "Would he really kill a girl he just saw?" Gaige "Okie,"
#211195621Saturday, March 04, 2017 4:53 AM GMT

Overrider I activate my android form and I walk out of my base. I soon detect a enemy facility and start my way towards it.
#211196531Saturday, March 04, 2017 5:14 AM GMT

Caboose "SOooo, you got any fries?" Please insert coin to continue.
#211196762Saturday, March 04, 2017 5:20 AM GMT

Overrider I go to the door and kick it down I see enemies to the left and to the right I shoot at them all and go up the stairs I see a lot enemies and they all see me at once. "Holy..." I see a window near by and jump out of it. I then toss an explosive at them and detonate it. It makes a very large explosion.
#211197176Saturday, March 04, 2017 5:30 AM GMT

Tech Let's see if he'll go crazy when I say "No..." Cane After some time, we made it back to the abandoned church. "You get some rest, I'll have to speak with the Lord and Savior." I say and then I walk up to the altar and start praying. Thomas "I don't know, but it depends on his reaction. I wonder how Jared is feeling after a long journey, from New York to here. He must be bored as of now." .... Jared I look up at a picture of me and Gaige, laying on my bed along with Ceria in her true form. She's hugging me while asleep, but that won't help me in removing my feelings for Gaige. I wonder if she's okay.
#211197424Saturday, March 04, 2017 5:37 AM GMT

Gaige "Argh, can we do anything fun?" ... Zer0 "How do we crack the news? Just say she died?" ... Caboose "Awww, so, what do we do now?" Please insert coin to continue.
#211197610Saturday, March 04, 2017 5:42 AM GMT

Tech I turn back too my computer and begin to think. Strange, I did not put the mental stabilizers but yet Caboose seems normal. There has got to be some sort of problem into this, so I begin researching. "You can look around if you want, just don't touch anything." I say. Cane "AMEN!!!" I yell as I get up and say "Immediately we should leave, so if I were you, I would pack my stuff and head out immediately." Thomas "Don't tell him, it will only make things worse."
#211197733Saturday, March 04, 2017 5:45 AM GMT

Zer0 "Not knowing will make it worse, how about; She has started to love the guy who kidnapped her and wants to kill him?" ... Gaige "Not much to pack hun, let's go now. What are we gonna find anyway" ... Caboose He'd walk around and begin to examine a specimen of green goo, he'd touch it and it would drop to the floor breaking, "Uhh, Tucker did it!" He'd then remember the passing of both Tucker and Church, "I did it..." Please insert coin to continue.
#211200488Saturday, March 04, 2017 7:20 AM GMT

(@Faction Sure. Who do you want to help out Joan? @Kat Sorry if you're a bit confused at the moment. That happens a lot here. Please, do feel free to create your own mini-arc! Your Marionette/Mol(filter)lia character could be a really good villain! If you wish, I can help it along with a few characters of my own!) @He(filter)nry and Sage Katherine and the 12 Misfits "So, we're back to rescuing?" Eric asks Katherine, a bit nonchalant. @Faction Cassandra: "Well, here we are." Lycanroc sighs, relaxing on the 'couch.' The hotel room was very well kept. The walls looked freshly painted and everything appeared to be freshly touched up on. However, things outside were a different story. You could hear a massive crowd yelling in chaos just out the window. Gazing out from the glass, you'd see hundreds if not thousands of people running amok, apparently away from something. "And just when I was about to take a nap." Lycanroc complained, with his movements starkly contrasting his tone -- he almost looked excited as he sat up. "So, what kinda bad guy are we looking at?" He asks Cassandra.
#211200645Saturday, March 04, 2017 7:24 AM GMT

(@Kat To add on to what I said, "wait, what?" happens a LOT. Trust me, we've had arcs that have made zero sense.)
#211200922Saturday, March 04, 2017 7:32 AM GMT

Thomas I let out a sigh as I say "I guess we'll have to tell Jared that Gaige is dead then." Cane "Somewhre in Montana is a place that we can stay far away from Thomas and his friends. It means that you won't be able to see Zer0 ever again. I hope you'll understand." Tech "What did you do!?" I angrily yell as I went over to Caboose. .... From within the clouds lies an airship. The back of it opens, revealing 12 people ready to jump off. "Alright, we're doing this again. You guys know the drill, get down, find Titan, end. Now move out, peace^saints!" One by one, these people jump off the ship and fall down to a place known as Washington.
#211201231Saturday, March 04, 2017 7:42 AM GMT

Gaige "You mean for not now right? I am gonna see him right?" Zer0 (Assuming they are at Jared and all) "Jared, we have bad news, Gaige is dead." Caboose "Did you just yell at me?" He'd start to twitch "ONLY CHURCH YELLS AT ME" He'd start to fling the tables everywhere
#211201755Saturday, March 04, 2017 7:59 AM GMT

Cane I stay silent with my head bowed down. She knows what I mean. Jared "WHAT?!" I yell as I get up, shoving Ceria away from me. Ceria "UBANYAA~!" I yell as I fell onto the ground. Jared "You're kidding me, right?" Tech Oh no, it happened. "Caboose! Caboose! Calm down for a sec!"
#211201863Saturday, March 04, 2017 8:03 AM GMT

Zer0 "No, I'm not. She's dead. But don't worry, you still got Ahri." ... Gaige "So this place, where it at?" Caboose "I WANT FRIES" Please insert coin to continue.
#211202277Saturday, March 04, 2017 8:15 AM GMT

Jared Before he could finish mentioning her name, I quickly pull out my uzi and aim it at his face. "Don't mention her..." I say in a furious tone. Ceria "Unyuu~?" I ask, confused as to what is going on. Cane "You'll see, now come on." I say and then we went out of the church. Tech "But this place has no fries!"