#211283263Sunday, March 05, 2017 8:05 AM GMT

Cane "...What did he taught you?" Zer0 As you did, one of the halves suddenly comes in and tackles you.
#211283535Sunday, March 05, 2017 8:10 AM GMT

Gaige "Swordsman ship, hand to hand combat, control you know, the basics." Zer0 As it did, he'd latch onto its nose, hanging on he'd grab a second sword, stabbing one in each eye rapidly.
#211283977Sunday, March 05, 2017 8:17 AM GMT

Cane "Anything else besides that? What about life lessons?" Zer0 You successfully stab the eye, but this Negative ain't done with you. The second one comes in, going to crush you along with the first.
#211284815Sunday, March 05, 2017 8:30 AM GMT

Gaige "I loved on a desolate wasteland where it was kill or be killed, beside survival not much. Why you ask?" Zer0 As the second one was coming I placed a supernova charge in the nose of the first and propelled up.
#211286364Sunday, March 05, 2017 8:57 AM GMT

#211292678Sunday, March 05, 2017 11:14 AM GMT

Cane I let out a sigh as I say "I lived in a normal life in a very religious family. I had ambitions on becoming a missionary to spread the word of God throughout the world. But that went down when our house got caught on fire and my parents were slain by...demons. That is when a man of legend comes in and rescues me from these beasts. He taught me the ways of battle and how good life can be as long as evil does not exist. However, although I somewhat agreed, evil will always exist, even if we acted good towards each other. By the time was 17, I volunteered myself as a charity worker, and by the time I was 20, I begin to travel the world, spreading the gospel. That is when...'Kane' came in. I was in a Pagan country and stole some sort of sacred mask. The villagers were after me and when put on the mask and stain it in my own blood, Kane came in and slaughtered them all. It has been many years since that day...and it was 1000 years ago. So who's this person who taught me, you may ask. I don't want to spoil anything, but I won't mention his name or anything personal about him. Jared's father, who can travel through worlds and time. I don't want to mention about his mother." Zer0 As you get off, the two sharks crash onto each other, but then formed themselves into one as they go towards you.
#211293282Sunday, March 05, 2017 11:29 AM GMT

Gaige She'd stare speechless, "Uhhh, that must suck." Zer0 He'd switch on his radio, "Thomas you better have my yellow resurrecting cube on stand-by, imma do something real dumb." He'd activate his failsafe switch on his armour, which started to heat him up. As the negative came towards him he slipped inside its mouth, going towards its stomach, after he was there, he activated his second failsafe, explosion. He had a three second countdown before his whole body self destruct sending ripples across almost the whole earth.
#211293553Sunday, March 05, 2017 11:35 AM GMT

Cane "I know, but hey, that man raised me into who I am, so I could, well, probably consider myself as Jared's adoptive brother. His father is a man of legend, I tell you that. I barely know a lot about him; he is a treasure hunter and has stolen a lot of relics from every world he has visited, even parallel ones. Surely he is notorious, but he is a very dangerous one when fought." Thomas Seeing as Zer0 sacrificed himself to destroy the Negative, I went for the said cube and I inspect it. "So how does it work?" I ask.
#211293874Sunday, March 05, 2017 11:43 AM GMT

Gaige "So who is Jared?" Cube "Hello! I am the [New U station] Press my [Red button] to activate my function.
#211294122Sunday, March 05, 2017 11:49 AM GMT

Cane Why did I had to mention his name? "Um...don't mind that." I say, and it seems that I'm done eating. Thomas Curious, I press the button.
#211294399Sunday, March 05, 2017 11:54 AM GMT

Gaige She'd sigh, "I never will know will I?" Zer0 His body would start to reform, until he was whole, "How did I do? Can we get back to the mission?"
#211294842Sunday, March 05, 2017 12:04 PM GMT

Cane "...If I say who he is, will you be...well..." Marcel "No need, we're here." I say as we enter some sort of sunken kingdom. "Thomas, you're a peace^lord, right? You know what this is?" I ask. Thomas "Atlantica, an ancient kingdom of the sea ever since the creation of the world."
#211294963Sunday, March 05, 2017 12:06 PM GMT

Gaige "I'll what? Spit it out." Zer0 "Let's get the person and go."
#211295142Sunday, March 05, 2017 12:10 PM GMT

Cane "...Jared is your former man. He was your first love...and I took you from him." Thomas "I don't think that's necessary. She has that one ingredient to create something that can turn Gaige back to normal. Besides, I have some personal problems with her and I suggest you do the talking."
#211295253Sunday, March 05, 2017 12:12 PM GMT

Gaige "Huh? What do you mean by that? I would remember him would I not?" Zer0 "If we don't go soon I'll do a lot more then talking."
#211295781Sunday, March 05, 2017 12:23 PM GMT

Cane I guess I should give up on Gaige then, she's been asking many questions. "You wouldn't...because Kane made you forget about him." I say. Marcel I park the submarine in front of some castle, this is where she lives. "Alright, Zer0, get out." I say.
#211295991Sunday, March 05, 2017 12:28 PM GMT

Gaige "Huh... wow, okay." She'd slump speechless in her chair. Zer0 "Okay I'm going." He'd climb through the airlock, "Who am I looking for? And where can I find her?"
#211296750Sunday, March 05, 2017 12:42 PM GMT

Cane I went silent, don't know what else to say. Thomas "Head inside the castle, you'll find her."
#211297216Sunday, March 05, 2017 12:51 PM GMT

Gaige "So, how's your day been?" Zer0 He'd swim inside the castle, "looks empty."
#211297628Sunday, March 05, 2017 12:59 PM GMT

Cane "Oh its good, yow about you?" Zer0 As you look around, you suddenly got back stabbed by someone. .... Alona "No one walks into my castle without permission!" I say furiously.
#211297930Sunday, March 05, 2017 1:05 PM GMT

Gaige "Yea, smooth as usual..." Zer0 "That knife is rusty and worn out, have you considered changing or upgrading?"
#211298579Sunday, March 05, 2017 1:16 PM GMT

Cane "I should probably contact the renter." I say as I get off the table went to the telephone to call the renter. Alona "This isn't a knife..." I say as I lift up my trident and I slam the intruder down to the ground. "Speak! What is your business?" I say, pointing my weapon at him.
#211298705Sunday, March 05, 2017 1:18 PM GMT

Gaige "Yea, okay..." Zer0 "I'm here for some ingredient to reverse some vampire curse?"
#211298942Sunday, March 05, 2017 1:23 PM GMT

Cane After talking with the renter, I end the call, turn to Gaige and say "He said he'll find us a place." Alona "Vampire curse? Hmm...state the name of the victim."
#211299145Sunday, March 05, 2017 1:26 PM GMT

Gaige "Looking forward to it." Zer0 "Gaige...?"