#212059497Thursday, March 16, 2017 7:39 AM GMT

(Thank you Succes.)
#212059841Thursday, March 16, 2017 7:49 AM GMT

(To be honey inwctually want boss to join up with us just to see how he does.)
#212060087Thursday, March 16, 2017 7:56 AM GMT

Russel I turn around, only for my eye to get shot. As the beam fades, I smile as I say "Laura, Annie, Jimmy, Carl...I'm coming." I let out my last breath as I fall onto the ground, turning into dust and the wind takes me away. Jared "Those names...they must be his family." I say.
#212060332Thursday, March 16, 2017 8:02 AM GMT

Gaige She'd be heavily breathing, "He did say that was what he was going to say before he dies..."
#212061490Thursday, March 16, 2017 8:31 AM GMT

Jared "Three down, seven more to go." I say before looking at the two familiar looking girls. " two, thanks." I say "But, you all looked familiar." The Suicide Girls They did not say anything, other than a nod. Jena "Jared Wil liams, we both have the same objective." I say and then I walk over to Devonecia, pick her up, and carry in my arms. "We'll take care of your sister. She suffered a lot of damages, both physically and mentally. It will take a lot of time for her to recover." I say.
#212061571Thursday, March 16, 2017 8:33 AM GMT

Zer0 He'd barge through them, his sword out. "Didn't you try to kill me before?"
#212061897Thursday, March 16, 2017 8:41 AM GMT

Deborah I look at Zer0 for a moment before asking Jared "Is he a friend of yours?" Jared "Um...yeah." Deborah I turn to Zer0 and say "Your wanted status has been revoked. We apologize for not knowing."
#212062168Thursday, March 16, 2017 8:48 AM GMT

Zer0 He turned to Jared, "Are these some of your agents?"
#212063026Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:11 AM GMT

Jared "To be honest, no." I say before asking the two "Who are you girls?" Jena "We are the Suicide Girls, a duo of cybernetic vigilantes that are known for executing the most high-profile criminals. This includes the Execution Squad." Jared "What about your names?" Deborah "....Sorry, we don't speak out our identities."
#212063088Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:12 AM GMT

Zer0 "Cryptic, I hate that about people." Gaige She'd start to giggle a little after Zer0 finished his sentence. Please insert coin to continue.
#212063218Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:16 AM GMT

Jena "Well, we should be going to fix your sister up. By the way, someone is approaching you and we don't want to further escalate this hunt of ours. Good luck." I say and then we both run away. .... Episode 44 End
#212063454Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:22 AM GMT

Gaige "Who is approaching us?" She'd scan her surroundings. Please insert coin to continue.
#212063626Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:26 AM GMT

Jared As I was about to to answer, I heard someone calling me out. I turn around and saw... .... Episode 45: Jelly .... Jelly "Jared, I saw what you all did." I say in a nervous tone as I approach the group. Jared "Jelly, when were you-" Jelly "Do you plan on killing me next? If so, that's fine. At least we're still friends, right?"
#212063703Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:29 AM GMT

Zer0 "Jared. Emotion is weakness, he is still part of their squad. He must eliminate him. No questions." Please insert coin to continue.
#212063889Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:34 AM GMT

Jelly I bow my head and say "I...always never wanted to be evil. I don't want to be close with any of the members except you, but since it is my duty as an Execution Squad member, I would have to do the evil things to please the Noble One. You call me a Negative, but I'm actually an alien. I don't have Negative blood, but I can absorb negative emotions." Jared "Jelly...leave...." Jelly "What?" Jared "I SAID RUN!!!" I yell, knowing what Zer0 is going to do next.
#212063995Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:36 AM GMT

Zer0 "No pace of running will out run me." He'd dash forward. "As you are jelly I don't expect my sword to work. But water might." He'd uses his excess energy to manipulate the Sword into a concentrated Water sword, if hit it'll hurt like bricks. He dashed again, but this time making contact with it's body and his sword. Please insert coin to continue.
#212064119Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:40 AM GMT

Jelly I quickly split myself into two and Zer0 hits the clone. I get inside a tiny hole in the rubble, making my full escape, while the clone dies as it turns into a pile of salt. Jared "Zer0..." I say "You shouldn't have done that."
#212064202Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:42 AM GMT

Zer0 "And why would that be? Jared?" He'd start walking back towards the group. Please insert coin to continue.
#212064328Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:45 AM GMT

Jared I look down and say "I know Jelly very well. He is my friend. Despite our difference, he and I have a very close bond. He even said that the Noble One acknowledges our relationship and he will never mess it up as long as he serves him. If only there is some way to remove him from the group without getting killed."
#212064399Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:47 AM GMT

Zer0 "Jared, emotion clouds knowledge, stop thinking of friendship and start thinking about making an end to the Execution Squad and defeating the Noble One. Not one remain of them can remain, including that horrible excuse for a villian that you call friend." Please insert coin to continue.
#212064643Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:54 AM GMT

Jared "....Shut up." I say to him in a serious tone "I think this isn't the right time for drama. Well have to focus on something else. Originally, I was about to say to all of you to not kill Jelly, but I'm afraid that all of you would brand me as a traitor. Zer0, if you are that willing to kill Jelly, then so be it."
#212064722Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:56 AM GMT

Zer0 "Good, Gaige and I'll be off to train." Gaige "What?" Before she could speak any further Zer0 started to drag her out of the school by her collar. Please insert coin to continue.
#212064935Thursday, March 16, 2017 10:02 AM GMT

Jared I look down and saw a gauntlet. It seems that when the Suicide Girls carries Devonecia, this gauntlet slipped off. "Wait!" I yell as I pick up the gauntlet and went to Gaige to give it to her. "You're the new 'Yang' until my sister recovers, okay?" I say.
#212065081Thursday, March 16, 2017 10:07 AM GMT

Gaige She'd rip from Zer0's grip, "Why, I'm thankful..." She'd take it from him. Zer0 "Leaving, remember?" He gripped her arm and continued to drag her away, after they were from ear shot he spoke up, " Jelly isn't my target here, you see, Gaige I hope you can understand this but I'm gonna kill Jared." Gaige "No, you can't be serious." Zer0 "Watch me." Gaige "How will you get him to fight you anyway?" Zer0 "As long as I have you I have him around my finger like a ring," Gaige "Zer0... don't you dare." Zer0 He wrapped a rope around her mouth, "Forgive me, or don't, in the end it doesn't even matter."
#212065239Thursday, March 16, 2017 10:11 AM GMT

Jared I barely hear what they said, but they're gone now. The school is now destroyed and I have no where else to go. Maybe I'll hang out with the Meteor Sisters for a bit, get Medina to cook up something good for me.