#212380846Monday, March 20, 2017 2:45 AM GMT

Jared "Shh!" Jelly I look down and say "Yes, I do, but if it weren't for the Noble One, I wouldn't have to do this. I wanted to quit, but I'm afraid that he might kill me. His powers are...comparable to that of God."
#212381205Monday, March 20, 2017 2:51 AM GMT

Gaige "Yea, okay." She'd say doubtfully
#212382302Monday, March 20, 2017 3:11 AM GMT

Gaige "Jared, are you not gonna help them?"
#212382506Monday, March 20, 2017 3:15 AM GMT

Rune "My own mother was like that..." I'd gesture to the chains. "Her ideas for the world, for her own children, were insane.."
#212383297Monday, March 20, 2017 3:28 AM GMT

Jared "....Later." Jelly "....The Noble One's ideas are also insane...and he could do that at any time. I guess that's the reason for my resolve. I think I wanna kill him, not just for the world, but for my friends, especially Jared. He was the one who taught me how emotion works, how humans and other races alike are capable of. I should do that, I probably do tha-" Just as I was about to finish, my arms suddenly gets sliced off and someone is standing on my head. .... Markuz "Sayonara, traitor." I say, gripping on the Gambol Shroud that I've stolen as I stab it through his head, hitting his brain which is his weak point. As i pull out the katana, I say "Jared, emotion is a weakness. Never bring that to a fight." Jelly My true body falls out from the eye of my giant form. I think I'm dying, and there is no use in saving me. Jared "JELLY!!!" I cried as I run over to him. Jelly As I hit the ground, slowly, I begin to turn to dust. I look at Jared and say "Jared...thank least you're the only one who accepts a friend...a best friend..." As I let out my last breath, my brain shatters and I am now turned into dust, and the wind takes me away. Jared "Jelly! No!" I yell, but it was already too late. He's gone. Markuz I look down at Jared, weeping and mourning. I sigh ## I lay down the Gambol Shroud and walk away. "Meet me at the center of the city if you want to avenge your friend." I say. .... Episode 46 End
#212383682Monday, March 20, 2017 3:35 AM GMT

Gaige She'd run to Jared's side, "Jared.. I'm so sorry."
#212384151Monday, March 20, 2017 3:44 AM GMT

Jared I turn around and look at Markuz with a furious look. I take the katana and charge towards him, but ## I get near him, he quickly gets behind me with his intense speed. Markuz "Pathetic..." I say before unsheathing my own katana and slash him at the back. The pain is very deep enough to get him down to the ground. "Patch yourself up, you gonna need that." I say and then I walk away. Jared ## I watch walk away, my vision gets blurry until all I see is black. I've lost my consciousness.
#212384390Monday, March 20, 2017 3:49 AM GMT

Gaige Before he hit the floor she'd catch him, @s she did she'd let out a huff, "God your heavy." She'd mutter under her voice. She'd slowly lay him on the floor. "Get some rest. You are gonna need all you can get."
#212384555Monday, March 20, 2017 3:51 AM GMT

-Katherine- A strange golden glow comes out of my gun before it automatically ejects a transparent green Holo-bolt. This has the life of Jelly in it doesn't it...? I put it In my bag for Henry to put in the box.
#212384596Monday, March 20, 2017 3:52 AM GMT

A few hours later... Jared I wake up and notice that I'm in my bedroom. I look down and noticed that my back has been patched up. ### brought me here? .... Episode 47: Markuz
#212384684Monday, March 20, 2017 3:54 AM GMT

Gaige "Jared your awake. Finally. Got me scared me for a second" She'd let out a laugh
#212384892Monday, March 20, 2017 3:58 AM GMT

Jared "Hehe...yeah." I say, a bit smiling. "Say, what happened when I was knocked out?" I ask.
#212385167Monday, March 20, 2017 4:04 AM GMT

-Cassandra- She only let her jaw drop as she realized her error had just cost Lycanroc his mobility. It might absorb him, too, if they weren't careful. "Hold on!" The swordswoman cried out before dropping everything she had in her hands altogether- the bucket and whatever rocks she had left. Instead, she changed focus to freeing her comrade, and decided to try to make her own move. She sprinted forwards- not enough to surpass the speed of the other things around the blob, thankfully, but enough to catch up surprisingly quickly for a woman of her appearance. Drawing her Digamma Sword, the fair-skinned female hacked downwards at the mush that was covering the Pokemon's leg, trying to set him free.
#212385494Monday, March 20, 2017 4:10 AM GMT

Gaige "Not much I don't think. Hey you fellin alright?"
#212385871Monday, March 20, 2017 4:17 AM GMT

Jared "Yeah..." I say, looking down.
#212386511Monday, March 20, 2017 4:29 AM GMT

Gaige "Look, I'm sorry for your lost and all. But you need to get all your energy to fight this swordsman. And there is one person ### acts more like him more than anyone else I know." Please insert coin to continue.
#212388127Monday, March 20, 2017 5:03 AM GMT

Jared "Yeah...Gaige, how's Zer0? How's you and him?"
#212388210Monday, March 20, 2017 5:05 AM GMT

Gaige "Yea, we're good. I told him about Jelly. And if he hates something more than anything it's having a 'target' stolen from him. So he won't take much convincing." Please insert coin to continue.
#212388263Monday, March 20, 2017 5:06 AM GMT

Jared "Say, about what happened yesterday...."
#212388308Monday, March 20, 2017 5:08 AM GMT

Gaige "Yea? What about it?" Please insert coin to continue.
#212388366Monday, March 20, 2017 5:09 AM GMT

Jared "Do you still remember who stabbed you?"
#212388423Monday, March 20, 2017 5:11 AM GMT

Gaige She'd looked confused, "I know I was stabbed but, I guess I forgot..." She'd shrug Please insert coin to continue.
#212388528Monday, March 20, 2017 5:13 AM GMT

Jared I sigh and then I say "Gaige, believe me or not, but the one who stabbed You see, you were tied up by your 'dad' and I was about to attack him, but he hallucinated meiinto thinking you are Zer0, and in the end, I stabbed you."
#212388664Monday, March 20, 2017 5:17 AM GMT

Gaige "Really? Huh... well, please don't say Zer0 is my dad. I hate it when people do..." Please insert coin to continue.
#212388712Monday, March 20, 2017 5:18 AM GMT

Jared "Yeah, and I will. I promise that."