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#21047816Sunday, February 14, 2010 6:32 PM GMT

New Contest Idea! Idea: Ninja Contest Prizes: Ninja Headbandes & Masks What to Do: Build the Best Ninja Map!
#21048212Sunday, February 14, 2010 6:37 PM GMT

#21048352Sunday, February 14, 2010 6:39 PM GMT

It won't kill roblox or us(I hope). This idea gets an OK. "Nothing on S&I is good, just things that I do and don't flame."-obft
#21049188Sunday, February 14, 2010 6:53 PM GMT

Maby but how about this Name:Space City Winnings:Moon rock launcher(gear), Mars(Hat), The golden hat of solar-civilisation(hat), Space Medipack(Gear/Shoots a heal ray and charges Uberray and when that fills you can use a metior strike for healing that you launch by pressing space then selecting a name of people near you within 1000 studs), lu-star(hat witch is a star-head with ^^ eyes and a D mouth) Building:A spacestation with planets, 1+ suns a launchpad and enything elce you can think of as long as u make it 1st place unsayed prize(a new thing roblox should add secretly) -Votes-:Golden Sungate(a sun and a moon that orbit around your head if roblox can do that...that will do a good DHG with mars or....) 1st place unsayed prize -visits-:Eart of awsome(orbits like pluto would but if u DHG with golden sungate it wont hit so its like: / --------Sun and moon / Earth ) 1st place unsayed prize -Both if it ever happens-:Pwnsum Planets(jupiter, saturn orbiting opposit to earth so a THG would rock with all that XD) Thats all i can think of Jupiter and Saturn \ / -------Sun and moon / \ Earth Complete Diogram^ ----------------------|
#21049333Sunday, February 14, 2010 6:56 PM GMT

Um... Ok?

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