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#210678481Sunday, February 26, 2017 2:56 AM GMT

This is going to get a lot of non-supporters, but it's worth a shot just to see those supporters come in. ROBLOX is a game that is all about expressing yourself. You can make awesome games to show to the world. The entire site is based off of this, so there is basically no way it can get more expressive. Unless, that is, we add on ROBLOX Videos. In ROBLOX Videos, you would make them just like you would make a game. You hit "Create New Game" and an option would come up asking you if it's ROBLOX Videos or a game. When you make them, you would get an array of default characters and backgrounds. You can also import your own characters or backgrounds to make the whole thing cooler looking. You can give them gear, make them say things, etc. I do not dare to compare this new idea to Vine, but I need to because it kind of will be like that. You will need to animate the characters to make them move. If you at going to not support this idea, at least tell me why so I can perfect this. Also, I am not using the singular of Videos because that gets tagged.
#210678625Sunday, February 26, 2017 2:58 AM GMT

Support, but like every other suggestion, there needs to be moderation. Just like decals, moderators/bots will review the video, searching for anything inappropriate/graphic. Really good suggestion. #code print"Hello Forums!" end
#210964232Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:06 PM GMT

Thanks for the support! You're right I didn't think of that.
#210965762Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:30 PM GMT

support. i bet it's gonna be a better version of goanimate. we better hope that grounded videos and that stuff get moderated with inappropriate content your bestie nihiri
#210966750Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:46 PM GMT

As long it's not lagging or inappropriate, Support!
#211107272Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:43 PM GMT

Thread update - ROBLOX Videos will have just as much people moderating as there are people moderating the games. This will keep everything safe.
#211107299Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:44 PM GMT

#213477960Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:20 AM GMT

I forgot to mention this idea will basically be like Valve Source Film Maker but with ROBLOX. Bump ##

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