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#210935963Tuesday, February 28, 2017 7:50 AM GMT

What's up Roblox? Why is everything hash tagged now? I doubt you'll even be able to read half of this post, I would be shocked if it wasn't censored. (Or deleted by some mod.) I find it very frustrating when I go into servers just trying to play a game and have a decent conversation that doesn't consist 80% of hashtags. I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry, should I laugh because Roblox is so easily offended that they need almost every word in the damn dictionary hash tagged? Do they really care so little about our country's first amendment, to belittle us and make us converse through hashtags? Do they think kids are so innocent that they've never heard the word 'the' or a name like 'Tensa.' Seriously, my NAME gets hashtagged half the time. Actually, go into a server right now, and just type 'c' that's all, IT WILL BE HASHTAGGED. I was unaware that Roblox runs it's company as a dictatorship, only words they deem suitable are allowed. And before you say, "They only want to censor bad stuff!" Yeah RIGHT LOL. They had a hashtag system before, and whenever ANYONE swore you would get banned very soon. (Yes I slipped up a few times.) This new system is something is, it's LIMITATION OF SPEECH, well then what's next? Are they going to decide which games are acceptable for Roblox? If they don't like a game they can just get rid of it, not on the grounds of it committing an offense. But simply because they don't like it, or agree with a message it's portraying? Oh, wait.... YOU MEAN THE ROBLOX GAME REVIEWS? WHAT THEY'RE LITERALLY DOING RIGHT NOW AND HAVE BEEN FOR WEEKS? Seriously just turn off in-game chat now (Almost useless anyways), make servers 1 person only so no one gets offended by 'mean words WAHHH', and hide under your parents bed! 'Cause that's the only place you thin skinned (Hashtagged probably so won't bother)'s will be heading in life if you can't engage with anyone verbally! CHEERS
#210936022Tuesday, February 28, 2017 7:51 AM GMT

Just the messenger. Agree or Agree.
#210939044Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:46 AM GMT

shocked nothing was censored
#219536780Friday, June 23, 2017 4:57 PM GMT

True, I play lots of games. Okay, so let's take a roleplay game as example! Whenever I even try to play, these hashtags are just appearing. "Oh, we're just making sure it's 'safe!" They all say. I honestly think they've gone too far. Accounts under ### ##### that's explainable, but accounts 13+? No, just, please, ROBLOX. You have gone WAY too far this time. You're going to get sued one of these days. Probably by me. Today. =w=
#219536813Friday, June 23, 2017 4:58 PM GMT

I bet half of my post is tags. Good luck.

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