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#21093947Monday, February 15, 2010 9:29 AM GMT

By pokeneb In the Land of Magic, everyone is born with a power, such as fire control or wind control or maybe even psychic powers! This story is set in Kanter, the town with the most wizards! But there are also Dark Mages, who seek to destroy all Light mages. Character Sheet: Name: A.ge: Mage Power: Dark of Light: Personality: Weapon(s): Appearence: Hair color: Clothes: Bio: My Character: Name: Gerald Canter (He is in the founding family of Kanter) A.ge: 19 Mage Power: Psychic Levitation and Mind Control Dark or Light: Light Personality: Happy, likes to get on with things. Weapon(s): Staff of Kanter, Smoke Capsules, Power Seeds. Appearence: Scar on right eye, tall and thin. Hair color: Black Clothes: Wears long, golden robe and a golden wizard hat. Bio: Was in the founding family of Kanter, and became one of the best wizards.
#21093971Monday, February 15, 2010 9:31 AM GMT

(I'll start it off) *Walks over to the local shop and buys some food* "Mmmm chicken..." Gerald murmured to himself.
#21094646Monday, February 15, 2010 10:32 AM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Adventure max A.ge: 24 Mage Power: Shadow magic Dark of Light: Neutral Personality: Cunning Weapon(s): Shadow staff, Short sword Appearence: Uhhh can't think of it too hard to think of apearence Hair color: yellow Clothes: Tunic like adult links kokari tunic from legend of zelda ocorina of time Bio: Can't think of one
#21094724Monday, February 15, 2010 10:40 AM GMT

*Sees Max* "Hmmph...Max is here...but why, he should still be in the other town..." Gerald murmured to himself.
#21095208Monday, February 15, 2010 11:29 AM GMT

"Hmm He must of went that way" Walks off
#21095421Monday, February 15, 2010 11:49 AM GMT

"Hey he's walking away..." Gerald murmured. *Runs after Max and catches up with him* "Why are you here in Kanter? You're supposed to be training in another town!" Gerald said to Max.
#21095931Monday, February 15, 2010 12:23 PM GMT

He booted me off the town into here and he landed near here and i have to catch him. He is a dark wizard who was terroizing the people in the town i was in
#21102821Monday, February 15, 2010 3:47 PM GMT

"We'd better find that wizard..." I said.
#21103659Monday, February 15, 2010 4:02 PM GMT

Name:James Winchester A.ge:14 Mage Power:can shoot lightning bolts out of his hand Dark of Light: Just Light Personality:Nice, Smart, Intellagent Weapon(s):Just A small colt in his pocket Appearence:a black trench coat with a black hood Hair color: Silver Clothes: black trench coat with a black hood Bio:They think that he is pulling tricks he isnt. he ran into this town after 6 miles of walking. he took a lightning bolt Shortcut. he fires out all his energy to the lightning bolts and they actually move him.
#21103797Monday, February 15, 2010 4:05 PM GMT

*james walked into the town and sat down tired* 'Sooo.....Tired....." james said.
#21104859Monday, February 15, 2010 4:23 PM GMT

Name: Tiger A.ge: 15 Mage Power: Weather Controller of the Underground Kingdom Dark or Light: 2/3 light, 1/3 dark. (cross-breed) Personality: Reclusive, wise, and likes living underground Weapon(s): Staff of control, weather orbs. Appearence: purple hat, gold-and-purple robes. (one of my fav costumes) Hair color: brown or blond- it depends on his mood Clothes: described earlier Bio: Tiger isn't actualy an inhabitant of the wizard village. He was borne underground in the Underground Kingdom, and his job is to create weather for the surface world. He does this by making magic recepies with the Weather Orbs. Recently, he discovered the wizard village and has been taking trips to the surface to talk with other wizards. How's that one? :D
#21114485Monday, February 15, 2010 7:02 PM GMT

(Nice, now lets get on with the roleplay...)
#21114626Monday, February 15, 2010 7:04 PM GMT

(Change it to first person please!) I walked down the street and I saw James. "He'll make a good companion..." I said to myself. I stopped walking and started to go over to James.
#21131702Monday, February 15, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

"hi....james said tired"

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