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#210944844Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:24 PM GMT

Let me know what you think. Also, on a side note, should the 'O' in ROBLOX be replaced with a hash tags? I find it very frustrating when I go into servers just trying to play a game and have a decent conversation that doesn't consist 80% of hashtags. I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry, should I laugh because Roblox is so easily offended that they need almost every word in the damn dictionary hash tagged? Do they really care so little about our country's first amendment, to belittle us and make us converse through hashtags? Do they think kids are so innocent that they've never heard the word 'the' or a name like 'Tensa.' Seriously, my NAME gets hashtagged half the time. Actually, go into a server right now, and just type 'c' that's all, IT WILL BE HASHTAGGED. I was unaware that Roblox runs it's company as a dictatorship, only words they deem suitable are allowed. And before you say, "They only want to censor bad stuff!" Yeah RIGHT LOL. They had a hashtag system before, and whenever ANYONE swore you would get banned very soon. (Yes I slipped up a few times.) This new system is something else, it's LIMITATION OF SPEECH, well then what's next? Are they going to decide which games are acceptable for Roblox? If they don't like a game they can just get rid of it, not on the grounds of it committing an offense. But simply because they don't like it, or agree with a message it's portraying? Oh, wait.... YOU MEAN THE ROBLOX GAME REVIEWS? WHAT THEY'RE LITERALLY DOING RIGHT NOW AND HAVE BEEN FOR WEEKS? Seriously just turn off in-game chat now (Almost useless anyways), make servers 1 person only so no one gets offended by 'mean words WAHHH', and hide under your parents bed! 'Cause that's the only place you thin skinned ninnies's will be heading in life if you can't engage with anyone verbally!
#210945045Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:33 PM GMT

"Do they really care so little about our country's first amendment, to belittle us and make us converse through hashtags?" This has literally nothing to do with the first amendment. Roblox has been getting severe backlash from news articles becomes of some recent events, and the filter is their attempt at damage control. They purchase Community Sift, which the optimized very poorly for a while before getting the settings fix. You can say "then" now in case you haven't said it for the past week. "YOU MEAN THE ROBLOX GAME REVIEWS? WHAT THEY'RE LITERALLY DOING RIGHT NOW AND HAVE BEEN FOR WEEKS?" They were mostly reviewing games that had custom chat or text-input systems. They informed the game makers that they would have to insert the filter into their chat systems. The games went back online once the creator's complied. So sit yourself down and chill out. This has nothing to do with trying to limit your speech. It's plain and simple damage control. Stop getting so mad. It's frustrating but not unbearable.
#210946799Tuesday, February 28, 2017 4:36 PM GMT

@Mr This is copied and pasted lmao
#210947355Tuesday, February 28, 2017 4:52 PM GMT

#210955869Tuesday, February 28, 2017 7:15 PM GMT

Oh...uh... My point stands? I'm not sure what to do here
#210956195Tuesday, February 28, 2017 7:19 PM GMT

Support, but a few things I want to hit up. When you say "our country's first amendment," ROBLOX isn't a country, it's a company. Lots of people all over the world play this game, so it doesn't just have to do with one country. Secondly, this is just an opinion, but hashtags seem to be random for me. I say one thing one day, it gets hash tagged. I say the same thing the next week, it's okay now. It really needs to be fixed. But, I do agree with you on most of the topic, the filtering system is out of hand and it needs to be fixed. The Hippie of S&I. r+://536746421
#210957728Tuesday, February 28, 2017 7:39 PM GMT

@Mr you wasted ur time writing that but ok
#210958008Tuesday, February 28, 2017 7:43 PM GMT

@powder I think he meant the english language, england, as a country. Selling https://www.roblox.com/games/619570710/Deathrun-of-Spook
#210961309Tuesday, February 28, 2017 8:26 PM GMT

"you wasted ur time writing that but ok" I mean, plus 1 post count yo
#210964047Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:02 PM GMT

@Mr congrats on 25k man it's your boy leeham it's your boy leeham
#210965209Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:22 PM GMT

Thanks fam
#210965664Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:28 PM GMT

The only reason the filter is so extreme now is because a 6 year old got messages from a 50 year old. It's not ROBLOX's fault, parents need to pay more attention to their kids and monitor what they do.

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