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#211223609Saturday, March 04, 2017 5:25 PM GMT

I, Theodore Ritter, promise to the American people that I will do everything in my power that will make America as great as it can ever be, such as, Populate the United States of America, Hire active and competent government officials that will benefit the American people for the better, Make it easier for the American people to run for office, and I will make sure America is competent and the most active it will ever be. If we have competent government officials, we will have a great America. I will open Agencies one at a time to make sure all agencies are filled with active and competent people. So help me god, I will make America great again. I will make America active again. I will develop a military or even have a military be under us, considering I am tied to the biggest modern USM there is. We will develop this Nation into the most intelligent, the most active, the Best USM there is. Theodore Ritter Aegalyx

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