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#211416365Monday, March 06, 2017 11:02 PM GMT

Season 9 W3 Rankings: --This week was pretty complicated probably going to have a lot of people rage but like I have said before don't talk show that you should be ranked higher if you do not agree.-- **Also credit to DwarfElfGuyAlt for writing about #5-#10 teams** 1- (+2)OSU Big game OSU vs Clemson. This was definitely going to be the decider of who got #1 or #2 since Alabam lost this week it was #1 for OSU. Clemson had a tough loss vs OSU. Tay at QB was lagging and the refs weren't doing a good job. Personally, I think OSU deserves the #1 spot for the time being but it's still early in the season. Overall OSU is a good team with a solid Defense and Offense. They can score and they can stop Offenses. OSU is definitely a potential TB team. 2- (-1)Bama Alabama lost to Miami this week in a clutch performance. Alabama deserves to have gone down a spot for losing giving an opening for OSU to fill but Alabama was missing it's WR core and it's Deeps along with their starting QB for most of the game. They were winning however in the last 11 seconds in the redzone Miami decided to pass it then throwing a bad pass in the end zone. It was an easy INT but Alabama short TrucuIentus who had a bad screen dove under it letting Miami win by two points. So yeah last second TD pass was a success for Miami. 3- (+2)Michigan Michigan like Miami beat ASU by two points. Apparently the game was poorly reffed and there was some bias but like I say a win is a win. Michigan is now 2-0 allowing them to rise up the ranks and get ranked #3 over ASU. Michigan still has some stuff to prove but definitely has potential of making playoffs. 4- (-2)ASU ASU lost to Michigan this week getting them ranked under them. ASU started off strong destroying KSU but hit a bit of a slump it seems like W2. It is also controversial wether their QB mar will be staying so that's an issue for ASU. The team isn't bad overall its WR core is okay and it's defense is also okay. I don't know about TB but definetely a playoff team unless other teams step up to the plate. 5- (-1)Clemson Started out at #2 in the league, but things are not looking good for them. But then again, you can’t really count them out. They didn’t have an impressive performance against LSU but still won. Then when they played OSU, they had things going for them well. Sometime throughout the game, they looked lost. The score was deceptively close with the troll onside kick by OSU late in the 4th and the constant ejecting and un-ejecting of OSU’s quarterback. No doubt they're a good team, but the 4 teams above them just seem better. 6- (+2)Miami Miami this week bama taking them up two ranks. They did lose to OSU pretty badly without their QB. This week they had their QB and managed to beat bama in a last second performance. The team is starting to show it's true colors but still falls behind when talking about making playoffs. The team may have potential but has yet to show it. Alright team overall in my opinion. 7- (+3)KSU If I ever saw a flukey win, it was this team. The game was riddled with questionable reffing and other things that I don’t want to get into, but let’s just look at the team. The first week was utter destruction caused by ASU, it was so bad you think it would cause them to fly into disarray. But nope, they were able to squeak out a win against the other bottom-of-the-barrel team known as FSU. Whether they are better than LSU we don’t know yet, but we will find out this upcoming set of games. 8- (-2)UCLA UCLA almost beat a somewhat decent UA team, but then was able to allow a comeback against an LSU team with 6 people and win in overtime. On a list of weak wins, this team must have one of the top weak wins against an LSU team with a legit defense. I don’t know, this UCLA team is a mystery, with a close, weird loss to UCLA then a squeaker by LSU. It’s a weird team and I can’t really talk about a team I don’t understand. there is the first 3 9) (-2)LSU So close yet so far. This LSU was able to keep CU from scoring much but didn’t score much this time. Then they almost came back against UCLA, but lost in overtime, but only had SIX people! I’m sure if that LSU had 8 people, they would have one, but a loss is a loss. And when I say a loss is a loss, it doesn’t change the fact that they’re 0-2 either. But the record is deceptive of LSU’s true capability, and it wouldn’t be a force to toy with. At least not currently. 10) (-1)FSU Oh how the mighty fall. After strong pre-season performances, they are now looking like a dumpster fire with 0-2, under LSU, and it’s not really close. They lost to the presumed “terrible” KSU and got blown out by Michigan (who might actually not be that bad). The hope in this FSU team is seeming to fade. Their upcoming game against OSU will probably set the tone for their season on whether they are contenders or pretenders. Either way, you know that tire mountain burning in “The Simpsons”? Yeah, that’s FSU.
#211421476Tuesday, March 07, 2017 12:12 AM GMT

#1 lose to #8 drops 1.... I agree
#211422004Tuesday, March 07, 2017 12:20 AM GMT

Miami didn't deserve to be #8 though.
#211422198Tuesday, March 07, 2017 12:23 AM GMT

I agree with the predictions hopefully we can bring the team up!
#211426989Tuesday, March 07, 2017 1:29 AM GMT

Miami didn't deserve #8 but there were circumstances which put them at 8 same with bama they had a QB for 2 drives a second team WR core and a second team defense. Miami should have blown bama out in my opinion. The rankings committee had more mercy on bama then miami last week ig idk
#211428028Tuesday, March 07, 2017 1:44 AM GMT

by mercy do you mean complete don't care. You were gonna make your way back to #2 anyways, but only dropping one in BS and Miami definitely should have risen more than two spots for beating the #1 team. This is college not NFL, the score does not matter a win is a win. 7,117 7,117
#211429336Tuesday, March 07, 2017 2:00 AM GMT

It doesnt matter ruperto gave what the board said. Ill respect it
#211443939Tuesday, March 07, 2017 7:12 AM GMT

#211450245Tuesday, March 07, 2017 1:10 PM GMT

#211462901Tuesday, March 07, 2017 7:34 PM GMT

i like the comment "biased reffing" for michigan game but isports was a ref and he hates his making sly comments throughout entire game and bama is still #2 after 2 horrible performances back to back yeaaa ok
#211463854Tuesday, March 07, 2017 8:00 PM GMT

Go OSU! - These nkka$ $leep doeeeee
#211467953Tuesday, March 07, 2017 9:19 PM GMT

I'm back on UCLA and we got some new good people. Trust me UCLA is dubbing out.
#211471102Tuesday, March 07, 2017 10:10 PM GMT

Nias bruh what lol. No one rose more than 2 spots and you have to pay attention to the fact that you can't rise over teams who have the same record as you when you were ranked lower. The rankings committee tries their best bro and Bama didn't have anyone everyone knows that. Bama has a roster that when it's completely there hasn't been proved to be bad... so I think that's what the members saw but I didn't even comment during the meeting because I was inactive over the weekend so like I said prove u go up more then 2 spots don't insult.
#211471120Tuesday, March 07, 2017 10:11 PM GMT

Thanks braz lol
#211471226Tuesday, March 07, 2017 10:12 PM GMT

And okami im guessing you didn't read that bama didn't have its QB, WRs, or Deeps? Read bruh and also I was informed about biased reffing by board members I didn't witness it myself so I can't comment on that...
#211481777Wednesday, March 08, 2017 12:36 AM GMT

because someone isnt there isnt an excuse for losing get ur people together if ur qb plays lumber tycoon 24/7 better get a new one
#211492651Wednesday, March 08, 2017 2:40 AM GMT


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