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#211666616Friday, March 10, 2017 10:09 PM GMT

As most of you know, tensions have been rising with John Doe and Jane Doe on March 18th. Here's what I know, and what I think. In case you don't know what all of this is, the first and second accounts of ROBLOX, John and Jane Doe, were supposedly owned by ROBLOX Staff. These accounts were used to greet new players back in the Beta days of ROBLOX. However, two staff members tried to log on to these accounts one day, and the accounts were hacked. Then, the staff members attempted to log on their personal accounts, but as you may have guessed, they were also hacked. The accounts were then controlled by the unknown hacker. They were never seen again online, until the 18th of March, 2016. If you take a look at John Doe's first friend, IhaxLV, and read her description, you will notice something is up... https://www.roblox.com/users/93276583/profile If this is not enough, take a look at IhaxLV's 2nd and third friend. Jane Doe, and the one and only, 1x1x1 x1. Now, you may think something is a bit suspicious with John and Jane Doe, but if you are not convinced yet, hold on to your seats. Let's take a look at John Doe's third friend, CPUVitrualization. Pretty average account right, nothing is up, until you look at his friends. Sorcus, a ROBLOX Staff member and Developer. And then, you have 1x1x1 x1. If that's not already enough, he is friends with the actual Games account. Now, something is obviously up. Adding up all of these things, it is said that if you log out of your account on March 18th, you will be hacked. Which personally, I do not believe. I think that your account will be fine. Who knows what ROBLOX knows about this, but from my research and evidence, I can conclude that something is up. Many new questions rise. Why doesn't ROBLOX do something about this? Is ROBLOX hiding something from us? Will March 18th be the doomsday of ROBLOX? Well, I guess we will have to ride along and see. I will be doing an experiment on an alternative account. Until further research, and more evidence is found, I say it is fine to play ROBLOX on March 18th. Comment what you think. Will March 18th be just an average day? Also comment below if you have any evidence about John and Jane Doe, or March 18th.
#211667559Friday, March 10, 2017 10:26 PM GMT

stop this isn't okay
#211667747Friday, March 10, 2017 10:29 PM GMT

you could of just said "dont be an ##### ### #####
#211667878Friday, March 10, 2017 10:32 PM GMT

It's just a moronic controversy caused by Minceraft YouTubers that were going to ROBLOX that was made for the money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcWLMkFmxck
#211668066Friday, March 10, 2017 10:35 PM GMT

do 2 step case closed
#211668134Friday, March 10, 2017 10:36 PM GMT

Stop hating, It's just a possibility Signed - Dogeinasuit1 - FBI Director

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