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#211807395Sunday, March 12, 2017 7:26 PM GMT

1. What rank are you applying for? 2. Are you in B-b Studio? If so, what rank? 3. How will you make this village a better place in the future? 4. Why should you obey your superiors commands and respect lower ranks? 5. If you see someone from your village being attacked, what would you do? 6. If you and another person are applying for the same rank and are equal, in leadership skills but they were superior in combat, how do you think we'd manage this? 7. If any, what were your past leadership experiences in the groups (owned by B-B)? 8. On a scale of 1-10 how active are you? 9. What would you bring to field if you are chosen? 10. On a scale of 1-10, how good of a fighter are you in OACB? (Be Honest)
#211808625Sunday, March 12, 2017 7:43 PM GMT

rEpLy HeRe
#212425122Monday, March 20, 2017 9:09 PM GMT

1. Branch Elder 2. Bronze 3. When we have any problems, be them be family, child, or friend. If they create a problem for the village to the point of any type of crime, I will make sure they are ended before they cause any long lasting damage, to either the moral, population, or village in general. 4. You should obey your superiors because not only do they have a larger amount of political power, but they also have more experience and most likely more power. 5. If I see a member of Yumegakure I will not only defend them but would personally attack the attacker and chase them down until they are taken out. 6. I would think that you would manage this with both of us taking the role, because not only are there enough spots but there is also time for everyone to grow stronger if both people would be promoted then the one who is superior in combat would think that they are being under estimated and try to gain more strength to prove this not only adding more power to our clan but to our village. 7. I have not been a leader in B-B groups 8. 6/10 I have been to as many exams that apply to me as much as I can due to school and family reasons. 9. I would bring at least 3 other people of the same skill level, ## well ## some shuriken, a yin and dust affinity, Madara eyes, and gates for me with this loadout it would be good for midrange-close range. For teammate one I would have them have fire, and lightning for, with some more shuriken, gates, and Senju wood this would make them good for midrange-close range. For teammate two I would have then have water and earth, with shisui eyes, with gates, with this loadout it would be good for long range-midrange as well as a support. For the last teammate, I would have them use wind and yang, with a flying rajin for close-mid range, as well as gates while using Obito eyes so they can get behind the enemy when they don't notice and they can attack allowing a pincer attack. 10. in OACB I am a 0/10 because I have yet to fight anyone.
#212928901Monday, March 27, 2017 6:39 PM GMT

1. Main Council 2. Bronze 3. I would make this village a better place by making sure that guards are not slacking off, defending the village with my life, and by ending the lives of traitors, spies, and those who wish to harm anyone in this village. 4. You should respect the higher ranks because of the fact they went through what you did, and respect the lower ranks because they are going to replace you in the future as they are the future for not only the Clans but the Village as well. 5. If someone is being attacked in our village then if they say it's only a spar, or if they want to fight them one on one, I would respect that and do what they ask me. If it is a full out assault on the member I would defend them and defeat the attacker. 6. I would think that you would manage this with both of us taking the role, because not only are there enough spots but there is also time for everyone to grow stronger if both people would be promoted then the one who is superior in combat would think that they are being underestimated and try to gain more strength to prove this not only adding more power to our clan but to our village. (no change) 7. I have not been a leader in B-B groups 8. 6/10 I have been to as many exams that apply to me as much as I can due to school and family reasons. 9. I would bring one with Sasuke eyes, gates, fire, lightning, and shuriken. This loadout would be good for long-mid range combat as well as defend teammates with Amateratsu if they need to heal. Next, I would bring a tenseigan user, with fire and yin, gates, and throwing kunai. This loadout would be good for mid-close range fighting. This would also be good for spying seeing as they can fly away quickly and the tenseigan activation speed is very quick. For the last one I would have a Senju wood user, with wind and yang, with gates, and flying rajin this would be good for long-mid-close range. Long range because the wind has good range and accuracy, and the 2nd and 3rd Senju wood is good for chasing and larger distances needed. Mid because of the 2nd and 3rd Senju wood attack because the 2nd one is good for all ranges and 3rd because you can get a lot of hits. 10. 0/10 still have yet to play OACB
#213755254Saturday, April 08, 2017 12:56 AM GMT

1. What rank are you applying for? Main House Leader 2. Are you in B-b Studio? If so, what rank? Yeah, Bronze 3. How will you make this village a better place in the future? By making it visible to others that everyone has an equal chance at getting what others have even though it will take more time or more effort. 4. Why should you obey your superiors commands and respect lower ranks? If you don't obey your superiors commands then how will they know if you are to be trusted or to be loyal? You always obey someone with a great status that is asking something earnestly, and If you don't respect lower ranks, they will most likely feel discriminated against and might leave the clan or even village. 5. If you see someone from your village being attacked, what would you do? Immediately help him, no man left behind. 6. If you and another person are applying for the same rank and are equal, in leadership skills but they were superior in combat, how do you think we'd manage this? I think you would give the person with leadership skills the rank because you may be good at combat but if you are bad at being a leader it wont matter when your team will lose to someone with greater teamwork. 7. If any, what were your past leadership experiences in the groups (owned by B-B)? I had no experience as I was not interested in these groups, just the game, at the time 8. On a scale of 1-10 how active are you? 10 9. What would you bring to field if you are chosen? I would bring a few things: Some members would be nice to bring, but I would rather bring a positive emotion to my teammates so we aren't depressed 10. On a scale of 1-10, how good of a fighter are you in OACB? (Be Honest) I lost to iCertainty but Did well against orange so I would rate myself a 7!
#213823564Saturday, April 08, 2017 7:04 PM GMT

I meant branch house not main house btw

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