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#212084892Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:52 PM GMT

---------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERS OF O5 COUNCIL ONLY. SCROLL DOWN AT YOUR OWN RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------- MEMETIC KILL AGENT ACTIVATED... SUBJECT STILL ALIVE... DEACTIVATING... Item #: SCP-001 Object Class: Keter ###############ouncil and/or permission from Administrator Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-001, called SCP-001-X, will be contained in a heavy-duty containment chamber consisting of the following: 3-foot wide steel outer-layer, 9-foot wide titanium medium layer, and a diamond-plated interior layer. Stored inside these 3 layers is a large titanium crate, with instances of SCP-001-X inside. Instances of SCP-001-X are stored in multiple sites. These sites are: -Site 61 (SCP-001-A] -Site 108 (SCP-001-B) -Site 0 (SCP-001-C) -Site [REDACTED] (SCP-001-D) -Site [REDACTED] (SCP-001-F) SCP-001-C is to be stored in a containment similar to a missile silo. It is to be shielded by a 20-feet wide diamond-plated titanium sheet. Instances of SCP-001 may not be tested at any time; no exceptions. This includes orders from the Administrator themselves. Description: SCP-001-A, SCP-001-B, SCP-001-D, and SCP-001-F are black figures that attack anyone they see. They all have small nuclear warheads inside their abdomens. They show no sign higher brain function; much like SCP-096, and unlike SCP-001-C. Their nuclear warheads can detonate at any time, however it commonly occurs during termination attempts or when being threatened. The blast radius of these instances' nuclear warheads are around 5 miles, with fallout reaching 20 miles away. The following SCP-001-Xs have detonated and have been terminated: -SCP-001-E -SCP-001-G -SCP-001-H SCP-001-C is a large nuclear warhead. It is capable of speaking, and shows signs of sentience and higher brain function; much like SCP-049 and SCP-079. It is incapable of moving, however during initial containment it was being carried by its "minions", formally known as the other SCP-001-Xs. It is able to command it's "minions" at any time. This happened with SCP-001-H when it was ordered to detonate. SCP-001-C's blast radius is unknown, however it is best to not find out, as it may destroy the entire planet of Earth, and fallout may cover the solar system.

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