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#212268938Saturday, March 18, 2017 6:58 PM GMT

One solution to hacking accounts is having an authentication system when logging in from a new IP address. Roblox currently has very poor safeguards for account hacking, by poor I mean none. There are multiple uses for authentication. This would of course work only for verified accounts, but unverified accounts do not receive help from Roblox regardless so it is the fault of the user. If the user does not have an e-mail because they are underage, then they should be using their parent's e-mail. Think of it as you will, but this is expected. Option 1: E-mail If someone tries to log in to your account (with username and pass correct), it would automatically send an e-mail with a randomly generated code with a 5 minute expiration that the user would have to enter to verify. This would happen when a user signs in from another IP address. If you reset your cookies on your current IP address, you would have to go through the same process again. Option 2: Mobile App Same thing as above, but using Roblox's mobile app. Roblox's mobile app could be used to generate a random code and show a notification on the user's smartphone. You could say that not everyone has a smartphone, that is understandable. So this is why it should be an option to choose which authentication system you want. If I am missing anything please tell me ASAP. This has proven to tackle account hacking with other sites like ####### Steam, and Twitter. I think it would be an excellent safeguard for Roblox.

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