#22046405Saturday, March 06, 2010 2:50 AM GMT

"Well, plants grow from the ground and I have the power to control plants."
#22046448Saturday, March 06, 2010 2:50 AM GMT

"Ohh..." (Duh Bamf. Maybe I'm having a blonde moment)
#22046797Saturday, March 06, 2010 2:55 AM GMT

#22051952Saturday, March 06, 2010 4:19 AM GMT

After hours of wrong turns and pain, I stumble upon another huge room. I have bruises everywhere, several long cuts, and there is a huge gash across my chest. To top that off, the left side of my shirt had been singed off. I look around and groan. If there was another huge robot, I would freaking scream. But instead of a huge empty spot on the floor, most of the room is water. Only the edges had land. I stay still for a while, not knowing what to do when there is a loud sucking sound in the water. The whole room starts shaking, and the water starts to bubble. I back up in fear as a HUGE sea serpent emerges from the water. It is 100 feet long, at least, and 20 feet wide. It looks at me and hisses, fire coming out of it's mouth. I look up at the ceiling, hopeful, but just like the other room I was in, the roof is sealed tight.
#22052276Saturday, March 06, 2010 4:26 AM GMT

I try to stand as bravely as I can, but my knees are wobbling like they're made of jelly, and my left leg was deeply cut. The serpent lunges at me and gets me on it's first try. It sinks it's fangs into my calf and drags me into the water. It brings me deeper and deeper, and I'm running out of air. The last thing I'm thinking about is defending myself as I'm getting flung all over the place. Then the serpent shoots up and bursts out of the water. I take a deep breath, but can't even enjoy it because it throws me into a wall. I hit it and fall down.
#22052583Saturday, March 06, 2010 4:32 AM GMT

I land on my arm with a huge CRACK. The serpent rises over me again. I make a shield with my psychic. The serpent bangs at my shield repeatedly, and I know I can't hold on for much longer. Then I think of all of my friends. Shane, Gerald, Rosalie, their faces float around my mind. Thinking of them gives me strength. I stand up and blast a HUGE psychic beam at the serpent's head. It's head explodes, and green crap flies everywhere. The beam is so powerful, it goes through the wall behind the serpent. The serpent, now headless falls into the water, and sinks into the darkness. The hole I made reveals a secret hallway. I push aside a few bricks and walk into the hallway. A light at the end of the hallway hurts my eyes. I'm barely conscious as I drag myself towards the light. I emerge on a sidewalk, not knowing where I am, and pass out.
#22068194Saturday, March 06, 2010 3:21 PM GMT

I forget about the stadium thinking he is okay in there and I walk away. As I walk I see a man on the ground. I come closer and realize it's Jake. I run towards him. I take out my iphone and text Rosalie and Gerald to come to Main Str.ee.t.
#22074166Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:17 PM GMT

I wake up, barely conscious and see Shane running towards me. I look at my leg where the serpent bit me. It's badly bleeding and the skin around it is black. "Poison..." I mutter, then pass out again.
#22075747Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:45 PM GMT

There was no way out of the hospital as the doors were locked. "They really want security..." I muttered as I ran towards the window and jumped out. I then realised I was on the top floor, so I was falling. Fast. I quickly transformed into an eagle and flew over to Jake and the others. I transformed back, landing next to Jake and the others. "What happened?" I said, examining the wound. I looked closer and realised it was poison. I picked Jake up and made my way to the hospital. I wasn't wearing any shoes so the glass (From earlier on.) cut through my feet. But I didn't care.
#22075978Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:50 PM GMT

I didn't follow them. Instead I looked around mysteriously and ran off to the meadow.
#22076114Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:52 PM GMT

I looked back and saw Shane. I confirmed where he was going and dropped Jake off inside the hospital. I transformed into a motorbike and drove over to Shane, transforming back. "I think I've got the hang of this..." I said, running beside him.
#22076666Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:03 PM GMT

"Oh, hi. I was just heading off to the meadow."
#22076874Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:06 PM GMT

"'K." I said, putting my hands in my pockets. "What to do..." I said, looking into the sky. "Jake's in hospital. I'm battered..." I chuffed.
#22089067Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

The nurse looks at me horrified. I have long cuts everywhere, a HUGE gash across my chest ( when I swinging blade hit me by suprise), my head is bloody, my legs bruised and cut deeply, and now the snake bite. The nurse calls the doctor and he brings me into a room. "It's some sort of poison..." He mutters to another doctor. It touches my wound with a scalpel, and to his suprise, the scalpel shrivels up. He drops it on his foot. On accident, and screams. The poison sears into his toe, and starts traveling up his body. In thirty seconds, he's dead in a grueseom position on the floor. I realize that I'm doing nothing but harm here, so I get up while all of the attention on the doctor. I stumble out the doors of the hospital, not knowing if I will survive of not. I can feel the poison slowly climbing up to my chest. *Great* I think. *There's no known cure for this freaking poison. The doctors can't treat my other wounds without dying, and basicly I have NO idea where I am...* I walk for about 2 more miles, then run out of energy and pass out near a Wal-mart.
#22089131Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:35 PM GMT

(Auggghh, major typo of the last post >.>)
#22095163Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

I think about Jake. "Gerald. Do you think he'll be alright."
#22099211Sunday, March 07, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

I wake up, not knowing how long it's been. I'm hungry and thirsty, and in a really bad condition. My chest had started bleeding again, and where I was passed out was a big pool of blood. I try to get up, but I can barely move because of the poison in my body. It seems to paralyze me. Even if I wasn't poisoned, I would still probably have been not able to move because of lack of energy. I think hard, about what it looks like in the walmart. With my mind powers, I can see the inside of the walmart. I steer my "camera" around, looking for water. I find the water bottles, and make the bottles float. I make it float to my, where I pour it into my mouth.
#22100760Sunday, March 07, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

(You guys take violence to a whole new level. LOL)
#22103386Sunday, March 07, 2010 1:48 AM GMT

im a new super hero flying around (i dont know any of you guys yet) Name: mark stone Gender: male Appearance: blond hair Personality: passionate,kind,strong emotiens (strong emotiens to any thing love hate doesnt matter) Power (Only One): the best way to say it is RED MATTER learn more in bio Bio: my parents where scienticed's they invented a lquid that would give a person well give a person the magical power of REDness this was very big becase red was diffrent from other colors not to many people know that though but the people they worked for wanted it for evil so the fled finally found peace and had me but they where found and there was no way to hide the lquid exept, in me. i can make a RED wall either make it where you can walk right pass it or as soled as a wall i can also move things with this power making a huge round or sqaure( and others) around the object and moveing it i can make my feet glow red and fly i can either paint with my power or make my body completely red (thats my costume) and i can also use the special objects in the color red to make me unseeable from the human eye i also have powers over anthing painted red or painted red in the past becase it leaves resido so if theres a red tank painted red i can control it even if it was painted in the past.....my parents where killed that day so im still discoverying new things my powers can do but thats the just of what i can do
#22103566Sunday, March 07, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

(Welcome to the thread. Make sure you have good grammar and we don't wear costumes. Lol.)
#22103726Sunday, March 07, 2010 1:54 AM GMT

lol its more of well sorta a clocking feild becase i can make anything red make it seem to the human eye like its not there so people wouldent see me if i was useing it (i forgot somthing i can also make any thing red blow up so i can shoot out disks of transparnt red that blows up on cotact)
#22104302Sunday, March 07, 2010 2:04 AM GMT

I ran to main street. "What did I miss?"
#22104802Sunday, March 07, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

"me not knowing about the other super heros flying around trying to find someplace to sleep continues on flying and wait OMG that bus isnt stoping! that kid just no!!! forms a ovaled shape around the bus trying to make it stop!!!!finally (i managed to stop the bus and make it float about 2 feet off the ground) the child scared out the world couldent move (i put down the bus and formed a circle around the boy and moved him to the side walk) (the child looks up at me) um... your welcome uhh....well uhh i gotta.. go
#22104888Sunday, March 07, 2010 2:13 AM GMT

"I prefer walking to flying..."
#22104921Sunday, March 07, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

(Xantar123. You really need to use better grammar like us."