#22233098Tuesday, March 09, 2010 8:52 PM GMT

(Dbble post!) I summoned some corpse out of the ground. "Hehe ni-" I was cut off my shock horror. "MY CARPET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted, hitting the corpse on the head. The corpse rotted away with the thoughts of it being destroyed.
#22233198Tuesday, March 09, 2010 8:54 PM GMT

I shiver again. "That is so disturbing..."
#22233331Tuesday, March 09, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

I smirked, I put my hands in my jacket pockets and suddenly hands (When I say hands, I refer to corpse, skeleton, etc. hands.) came out of the ground and picked Shane up high, lowering him down again. "Cool eh?" I said, smiling. "Well, we have an objective?" I asked Shane.
#22234233Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

"Yeah. We do, mister hand guy." I chuckle.
#22234380Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

I mumbled something then carried on... "Well...what is the objective?" I asked. (gtg)
#22234504Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:17 PM GMT

"There's a guy named Terror and he took over parts of Europe and China. Now he's going for North America. Me and my friends are trying to stop him."
#22234534Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

"My archenemy is Seargant James. He works with Terror."
#22234668Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:20 PM GMT

"Well I'll send them to he.ll and we'll be off." I smirked.
#22234728Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

I take one step back. "Yeah. That's nice...." I say softly.
#22235038Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:27 PM GMT

(When Daniel entered I turned invsible.) (Oh yeah, I won't be invinsible.) I turn visible next to Shane. "Who are you?" I ask.
#22235117Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:28 PM GMT

I scream. "Oh hello Mr.Ghost." I said, calmy. "I'm Daniel, expert shooter...and apparently in control of the dead." I said, thumbs up.
#22235169Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

"I don't know who he is, but me and him have fought each other one time. Plus, his powers are kinda creepy."
#22235205Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:30 PM GMT

"He really creeps me out with his powers." I whisper into Jake's ear.
#22235244Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

"Control over me eh? Why don't you give it a try?" I asked, mildly amused. I float next to Daniel.
#22235269Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

I put a >.< face on and cross my arms.
#22235346Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

"I don't really think he's a good guy, Jake. I'm kind of suspicious."
#22235351Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:33 PM GMT

I thought hard. Suddenly Jake's dead body on the floor sat up. "Cool!" I said, playing around with it. I slowly said. (GTG!) "Well I'm going to bed, I'm tired." I said, going upstairs to my bedroom. "I don't care whether it's the day or night." I confirmed before entering my room and snoring like he.ll.
#22235457Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

"Jake. Let's get out of here." I say.
#22235524Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:36 PM GMT

"Ehh I mutter." I pick up my body out of Daniels grasp. I float into it. Suddenly I fall to the floor with a THUMP. "Woah..." I say, feeling weird. Then I float back out of my body. "It looks like I can go in and out of my body!" I exclaim.
#22235712Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:39 PM GMT

I walk out of the house to practice a cool move. A huge sunflower emerges from the ground and I notice the sun rays are shooting straight at the sunflower. Then, I command the sunflower to fire a beam of solar energy, but instead it shoots it up in the sky. "Well, I did always have bad aim." I say to myself.
#22236199Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:48 PM GMT

"I'll just stick with my body for now" I decide. Technically, it's not dead anymore. I walk outside to Shane. "Hey, pretty cool move." I say.
#22238187Tuesday, March 09, 2010 10:26 PM GMT

"Thanks, but I can't get it right."
#22249782Wednesday, March 10, 2010 1:30 AM GMT

"Hmm, try it now, maybe I can help." I say.
#22251326Wednesday, March 10, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

"Well, okay." I summon a large sunflower out of the ground. I look at the sky. "Perfect. The sun is shining towards the plant." "SOLAR BEAM!!!" Once I say Solar Beam the sunflower uses it's beam of solar energy.
#22265063Wednesday, March 10, 2010 1:37 PM GMT

The beam starts to go back to the sky, but I re-direct it towards a tree. There is a HUGE explosion. When the smoke clears, the tree is demolished.