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#212593309Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:02 AM GMT

Gotham. 2040... (Terry) nothing better than flying around gotham! but it gets kind of boring without criminals to arrest. i want something interesting! (Bruce) *through intercom* you want interesting? head to the town hall, a tradgedy has occurred. (Terry) what do you mean by that? (Bruce) i'm not sure, but that's what oracle told me. (Terry) im on it. 5 min later, terry comes upon a gruesome sight, bodies everywhere, mutilated limbs, with red and black goo alongside them... (Terry) what? what happened here? (Bruce) *intercom* looking at your feed, i would assume inque would do this, but massacre isn't her style, and i've never seen her red before, so... (Terry) Are you saying that another criminal did this? (Bruce) It would seem so. Maybe one with the same abilities, same origin. (Terry) Well, anybody who would do something like *this* should be locked up. (Bruce) i would agree- wait, im detecting an interference, look out for something. (Terry) Like what? *a Portal suddenly appears.* Queens. 2017. (Miles) nothing better than swinging around the city! the only problem is the lack of people to beat up. (Norman) *skips across space and time* aah! (Miles) woah! its the goblin! *falls onto nearby building* where did you come from- (Norman) doesnt matter, i'm pretty bored, so i came to you, but i wasnt looking for a fight, not me and you, that is... (Miles) then what's going on? and who is this person im supposedly "fighting?" (Norman) somebody from a different time... somebody from a different dimension... (Miles) oh great. another spidervurse event? (Norman) Nope! it's even more interesting...*opens portal to the DC universe* (Miles) holy sh- (Norman) i have contacted Cletus Kasaday and a mysterious woman named inque from the universe in the portal. (Miles) Cletus Kassiday? oh no, you mean carnage!?! he will kill anyone he sees! (Norman) too bad for those people. anyway, me and inque made a deal with each other, i get a piece of her, and she gets an entire symbiote. if you really want to go save those people, i would suggest you hurry through that portal! hehehe... (Miles) okay, here goes nothing! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gotham town hall. 2040. Miles Morales Spiderman falls through a portal to the future of an alternate dimension. He is about to meet the hero of that dimension... (Miles) *falls through portal and lands on the street* *portal closes* (Terry) Woah, who are you? (Miles) who, me? i'm spiderman! what are you supposed to be? a robot bat? (Bruce) *Intercom* his outfit color matches perfectly with the goop next to bodies. dont let your guard down for a second. (Terry) *to miles* well, that's in my name, batman, but either way, you are under arrest for mass homicide. (Miles) wait, what? i didnt do any- *Miles notices dead bodies and color matching goo* (Miles) wait, no, this isnt right... (Terry) yeah, it isnt right, its wrong. you are coming with me. *Terry reaches for Miles, but Miles jumps backward and dodges his hand* (Miles) i am not Going down without a fight! To be continued... ---------- ---------- how do you want the story to continue? A.) Miles Morales spiderman wins the fight B.) Terry Mc. guiness. batman (a.k.a. Batman Beyond) wins the fight C.) Miles almost wins, but fight is interrupted. D.) Terry almost wins, but fight is interrupted. let me know what you think about this story, and how to improve it! this is only part one of this story.
#212593708Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:09 AM GMT

i hope you guys like it, i worked on it all day
#212593828Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:11 AM GMT

does anybody have any critics on my story? let me know by replying!
#212594469Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:24 AM GMT

"Gotham. 2040..." what a way to set up the plot "(Terry) nothing better than flying around gotham! but it gets kind of boring without criminals to arrest. i want something interesting!" yeah if you do this style I just can't do this kbye
#212616885Thursday, March 23, 2017 2:22 PM GMT

yeah, its the time batman beyond happened
#212652351Friday, March 24, 2017 12:07 AM GMT

No, I think he's saying "kbye" to this story in general. 'cus it's really cringey. just so you know.
#212691361Friday, March 24, 2017 2:20 PM GMT

sorry, geez. you'd think that the game called "powering imagination," would have players who do that. i was wrong. i quit.
#212700199Friday, March 24, 2017 5:10 PM GMT

that whole response essentially declared my victory

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