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#212715035Friday, March 24, 2017 9:49 PM GMT

Current factions: Central: Politics: The politics of the Central kingdom should be based off the Germanic-Anglic model of classic honour and feudalism. This system of Feudalism, self-explanatory, can be already done with the basic chart. Peasant: can't afford to read and write unless father tutored - Lower Class ; Trader, Shop worker, Craftsman - Middle class lower branch: could be able to read and write if they can afford education ; Wealthy Merchant, Shop Owner, Official - Middle class upper branch: should be usually able to read and write ; Most of army - Army class ; ####### Generals, Politicians - Upper class: will certainly be able to read and write and could even be able to read and write in Eastern script... Culture: Literacy: Uneducation is fairly common but some would strive to be able to read and write. The only major reason to read and write is for religious texts and political / governmental actions. Religion: Centralian religion would be similar to Christianity in the case that all the saints could be possible god and Jehovah would be the name of the King of the gods. There would be a number of gods for major medieval saints. Each saint's personality would probably represent the role of each god, or godess. Language: The language of the Centralians, just for ease, can be formal English as the Centralian faction best represents Medieval England. Alternate languages could be German or French. Out of this, the 2nd best alternative can be a mix of all 3 languages with mostly German or English. Music: Long story short, would be based of Western European medieval music. Traditions and rest: Centralian culture would be based around Western culture. Some traditional sports would be archery, Knight Tournaments and hunting. Also, eating manners may resemble ones from Western culture. Eastern: Politics: Eastern politics would be mostly based of the Shogun system of Japan, which would be similar to the noble system of Western Europe. The feudal system ranks would work in this fashion: A peasant works for a shogun who then recruits Samurai for protection from other Shogun families, or clans, and give taxes he takes from the peasant to the Emperor's treasury to be allowed to court. It works kind of similar to Western Feudalism. Culture: Literacy: Literacy is highly valued as it is a mostly needed trait for the culture mostly emphasises education and moral values. This means all people would usually strive to take any opportunity at writing. Also, the writing script would be ancient, therefore making it possible to discover a lot of history. Written History: The history in written records dates back about 2000 years, when there were no spirits and the Eastern kingdom was yet to develop a complex writing system. Written poems date back another 1000 years with the first features of the writing system emerging. Religion: Religion in the Eastern kingdom would be likely largely philosophical and not fully god-based, emphasizing the real-life differentiation between European and Asian religion. Eastern religion would be mostly composed of philosophy taught be one ancient teacher. It woudl also have elements of the belief of natural forces as spirits. Some animals, such as racoon dogs ,red pandas(yes, they could be included ingame) and passive Eastern dragons would be worshipped and praised as spirit-based animals. Language: Language could be roughly based off Chinese or Japanese, as they are the most famous languages that contain significant parts of the population speaking it. Music: Long story short, based off Han chinese, Korean or Japanese. Traditions and rest: Eastern culture would conclusively be based around the moral values of famous philosiphers such as Confucius and would be surprisingly also be the most technologically advanced in fields of science and refining materials. The inspiration came from ancient chinese wide-mindedness. This also means free-thinking is supported except in fields of manners, but they still respect other cultures and manners. Their sports may include some such as wrestling, katana fighting and martial arts. In conclusion, their cultural speciality is their emphasis on moral vaues and most importantly, honour and respect. This made them grown to having human rights and the right for most peasants to report corruption. Corruption is largely discouraged. Western: Politics: Western politics revolve around a system of feudalism but invite anyone to the military, allowing for mercenaries that would usually become soldiers and stay loyal to their faction. It still is based around a system of partial freedom with some cases of discrimination against women as it was most hard hit, if not including suggested factions. Culture: Literacy: Summing it up, there would be a cyrillic-based writing system that would be based around chur######k. Only the very upper class would have fully learnt writing with the exception of the clerics. Religion: It would be mostly based around Rodnoverie, or the slavic pagan religion. It would be just adapted with fantasical creativity. Perun would be the main god. Cultural myths would usually be of slavic culture. They may have the horse or the bear as a holy animal. Myths may include those of Grandma Yaga, who is a witch living in a walking treehouse. Other myths would be a 3-headed dragon and the 3 knights - similar to the 3 musketeers except going in an adventure with their horses. Language: Could be probably Russian, Polish, Serbian, or a mix of these. Names included of course. Example: Vladimir or Jetvic may mean Heavenly Glory, the main name root of the main slavic name. Music: Could be based of traditional slavic music - note: Link towards a possible candidate - http################################################################################################ Rest: Basically, they are a culture going to be mostly famed for having horses as part of their main culture, as with the cossacks ## #### ##### and would emphasize protection the most, making the biggest effect in armour and formation practices. The Western culturual traditions would mostly be similar to Western ones except for actually being more religious and intertwining their own language with religion. Also, it would have manners similar to the Western culture and have their own sayings. Their sports of choice would be horse racing, hunting( for the poor and rich) and a sport similar to bowling, except with throwing bats to knock off skittles or thick wooden poles.
#212715048Friday, March 24, 2017 9:50 PM GMT

Stupid roblox filter. I hate it!
#212719704Friday, March 24, 2017 11:09 PM GMT


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