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#212724383Saturday, March 25, 2017 12:23 AM GMT

This is subject to change. Points = Promotion. Maximum points per event -Trainings = One(1) to Five(5) Chips -Other group events. One(1) to Three(3) Chips Low ranks = Two Chips for a promotion High low ranks = Three Chips for a promotion Middle ranks = Four Chips for a promotion High middle rank = Six Chips for a promotion *Points are given based on maturity and skill during a group event* *High ranks, after distributing the "Chips", take a snapshot and DM me on discord* *You could possibly lose a maximum of one Chip if you "troll", distract, etc during an event* *You will not be given {Chips} if you do not stay until the end of an event* *Points reset once you have enough for a promotion* *Points are invalid for the rank [MR] Crimson, members in this rank must be tested in order to be promoted*

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